Some technical details...
My guess is that it's probably possible to create a new channel collection that contains channels to start if the JSON payload has an items
list that is not empty (see the JSON response). To be verified later.
Once created, a channel collection is identified in a request by its slug number.
full JSON response
"slug": "11",
"name": "Virtual Channels",
"items": [
"created_at": 1674597842134,
"updated_at": 1725944017151
"slug": "22",
"name": "DirecTV",
"items": [
"created_at": 1706212597963,
"updated_at": 1706402707340
"slug": "23",
"name": "Frndly TV",
"items": [
"created_at": 1706222791853,
"updated_at": 1725944347087
"slug": "24",
"name": "Pluto TV",
"items": [
"created_at": 1706285187075,
"updated_at": 1706285361147
"slug": "25",
"name": "tubi Live TV",
"items": [
"created_at": 1706817697156,
"updated_at": 1706918964281
"slug": "27",
"name": "Untitled Collection",
"items": [],
"created_at": 1726103434802
To modify a channel collection (change the channel order, remove channels, add channels) simply overwrite the items
list for the collection.
This was the payload created by the web UI. Later, I will try with a manual command to see if it's sufficient to provide only the items
list since the slug number of the collection is provided in the request itself.