Mark as Recorded

Is there an endpoint to use for this?
Since deleting works to 'mark as not recorded' using curl -XDELETE "http://x:8089/dvr/programs/EP############"
I thought maybe sending a json payload to curl "http://x:8089/dvr/programs/new" would work.
When that failed I tried http://x:8089/dvr/programs/add|insert|replace|etc.
Also tried using -XPATCH to no avail.

My current work-around is to create a short manual recording with the desired ProgramID, then delete that recording.

I'll add PUT /dvr/programs/EPxxx/recorded

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Thank You.
Will the PUT automatically assign the FileID or do I need to send a json payload like

I imagine the fileID is unnecessary, as it is tracking it by the guide serial (EP###...).

Thanks, works great!

I added PUT /dvr/programs/EPxxx/recorded/YYY for setting the file ID.

I think I'm going to add a new state called "imported" which will have a similar API, and contain the file ID of imported content.

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Thanks, I saw the Imported here TV Episode availability record vs local library?

Is the endpoint "/dvr/programs/EPxxx/recorded" still available ? When I try I get a 404?

Yes. It only supports PUT. What did you try to do when you got the 404?

I was testing on a future program from guide (looking at EP# from /devices/ANY/guide/xmltv).

Then tested via :slight_smile: CURL -PUT

I have several other API calls for other operations and they work, but this one responds with 404

The EP# is correct as seen in the xml

It is not a show I have nor recorded ever, as this was just a test to see if it would mark it as recorded.

Try curl -XPUT

Maybe it broke when I added this version?

-XPUT same result. For the other version, since I do not have the show, I guess I would not have a file ID, so maybe no way to do this?

Related, could this be done for MVxxxx (movies) as well?

Wait, I was wrong, the XPUT did work! thanks !

Yes it works for movies, and you can use /dvr/programs/xxx/imported as well (or /imported/YYY for import file id)

Thank you @tmm1 and @chDVRuser

My use case is that I only use channels to record, then post process and move to Plex. Having many, many shows and movies, it is nice to be able to flag these so I can see in the guide that I already have them.

I appreciate the help, have a great weekend!


I thought that they would already be marked as recorded even if you move them. You would just have to prune deleted.... unless I am totally mistaken.

I had a large collection in Plex before using channels , so am working on process to flag those I have that channels never dealt with, all just to have indicator in guide to indicate it does exist.

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