Missing EPG

Hi There
Totally new to Channels, so I ran into some problems with setting up EPG. I use a M3U file for Boxer TV in Denmark. I have DVBViewer sat-ip media server running. No matter which provider I choose in the line-up for my area some channels are missing. I had a look at the tvc-guide-stationid tag but I don't know where to find the GraceNote Station ID. Could someone point me in the right direction here.

Channels uses gracenote for epg date (i think). You may need a external EPG server. I use epg.best (im in usa) for my custom m3u stations.

You may also need to manually link channels in settings

Go to your sources and click setting icon (gear) --> Manage line up --> Click the pen icon to the right of a channel --> search for station.

Many stations that are online only stations, junk TV stations, local stations don't always have EPG data available.

You can also try a free public epg. I have not used or tried free epg.

Then scroll down and and its sorted by country. It may or may not be the data u need. But its free.


Also for local stations I can't find EPG data on. Sometimes pick a similar station. Usually an affiliate (different city local station).

The guide data tends to be identical during prime time hours when new TV shows are on.

They are sometimes different during off peak hours, usually local programming time slots.

I really don't have many EPG channels to choose from when I select the providers i my area. We are not used to that many channels - I think I am missing 4 or 5 channels. Also the Channel logo is wrong on some channels. Tried some of the tags for channel number, channel logo etc. but for some reason Channels doesn't interpret them correctly... Or I am doing it he wrong way

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They probably are not in gracenote.

So question. The stations missing EPG, are they important. If not just block the stations so u do see them.

If they are important try other epg service till u find one that has them.

I have one source where gracenote only has about 2/3 of my station
So I made a custom m3u (m3u4u is free. I dont use them) that contained those stations. Then made a different m3u that contained the non working stations and used my paid epg service. Which got me most of the missing stations. The ones I couldn't find I just blocked.

When dealing with custom stations (m3u, iptv etc) epg data is hit or miss. There's not much I think the devs can do about that sadly

Yes - Some of the channels are important and some of the most viewed, so hopefully I can find a solution. I have tried all the different EPG sources i my area but for some reason they all missing these channels.
Could you tell me a little bit about this custom M3U. Are there any information in the M3U file related to the EPG. Normally I just use the EIT EPG information from the DVB stream.
I have an DVB Viewer satip media server running. It uses the same tuner source as my M3U file but all EPG on all channels show up nicely in DVB Viewer

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If all the epg sources you use don't come up with data.

Did you try the

I do not personally use them. However the curater of that source is a active member of the m3u4u discord.

You could make request for him to include your missing stations in his list

I'm no longer a member of that discord. But when I used to use that discord I remember him being very active.

Also what channels are u not getting.

What's the station id's.

Sorry I'm not of more help. I'm just a novice tinkered/script kiddy.

Edit: link is broken

I believe for some regions they were working on supporting EIT data for DVB streams which Gracenote does not support.

Perhaps @maddox or @tmm1 can chime in regarding DVB EIT?

Where can I see the station ID ?

If you're not getting data from Channels based upon your postal code, a station ID won't help you; Gracenote uses those IDs for guide data, but in your case it'dost likely be pointless.

I suggest waiting for the developers to chime in, as they were testing EIT data some time ago.

Do you know The file path to the EPG data. I guess there must be a xmltv file stored somewhere

Is there a thread about testing EIT as guide data source for Channels ?

That's from last March.

The DVR does not support EIT.

Even if it did, there would be no images which makes the app hard to use.

Your best bet would be to find an xmltv file and use that.

See DENMARK: Lots of missing channels - #99 by kibuan - Live TV & DVR - Plex Forum

Thanks :slight_smile:
I am not sure I agree :slight_smile:
Been using EIT EPG for years for viewing what's on, and recording. Works perfectly for me... :slight_smile:
But I would like to have me TV experience kept in one place instead of switching from WMC to a streaming box and back.
So if I get an XML file for my channels and put in the reference path in the source setup.
Will the XML source be available in the line up along with the ones I can search out for my Country and area ?

I believe (I could be wrong) if you input a xml/epg link it will not use the default one built into channels. So that could get u the epg u want while loosing it for other channels.

I got around this issue

The solution is 2 sources.
Source 1 is how you be have it now. Block the stations who doesn't work

Source 2. Re add the samem3u/source location. Then block all the stations that did work in source 1. Leaving only that stations who epg didn't work. Add your new xml/epg link.

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I think I will give this one a try https://epg.best/

This EPG actually works very well.
It is not free but all my channels are available with channel logos.
Have some issues with constant buffering on my ATV when stress testing the recording server. Tried recording 4 streams and viewing a recorded shows simultaneously. This led to buffering every 10 second or so.

I've been using them (epg.best) as a backup epg for missing channels for a while. If you find one that doesn't match. Try the forums.

2 reasons for over taxings Channels. 4 recordings and 1 playback is a lot.
*Your internet speed may/may not be able to handle 4 TVE streams at once. Depends on your internet. Mybisp can only handle 2 TVE streams at a time.
*Could be resource bottleneck. If your using a hdd. The hdd might not be able to keep up with that much read/wright. If you have a cache drive or sad. Then read/Wright won't be issue. Could also be a bottleneck on Ram.
*Over task your system again and look at the servers system resources.