My TVE channel listing comparison of YTTV vs Hulu Live vs Fubo

All the online channel guides are trash. For example, says you don't get SEC-TV on the base plan. But I'm getting it! So, I got the free trial for all three base plans (no options). And pulled them into Channels DVR as sources. Then, I compared all the TVE channels to see which are showing up in the guide.

Here's a link to a spreadsheet comparing the TVE-only channels:

Hope this helps someone when they are trying to figure out which plan to go with.

Keep in mind this doesn't show the Disney+ or ESPN+ channels that come with Hulu.
ESPN+ can be pulled into Channels if you're good with Linux. Not sure about Disney+ though.
Nor does it show any of the non-TVE channels that you'll get with any of the three providers.

If you just want to know which channels are different between the three streaming services, then here you go:


Your sheet is missing Discovery channel. Nice work though.


I just checked all three and Discovery isn't coming through for me as a TVE channel.
I'm doing a re-scan of all three sources now.

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Just do a rescan of the single channel. No need to rescan the entire TVE lineup. Discovery is channel 6101.

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I did a re-scan of all three channels. YTTV and Hulu both found Discovery on the second try (thanks, Rice!). YTTV also found a few more of the FX channels that were already on the spreadsheet for the other providers. Spreadsheet has been updated!


Although not TVE, the FuboProject gives you access to additional channels that YTTV and Hulu TVE don't have access to (NBC, most local Fox affiliates, Comedy Central, etc). Since it's not TVE, does require additional steps to implement, but once in place, rock solid like TVE (unlike IMO Chrome or HDMI Capture).

There are other pros/cons to Fubo vs. the other 2 main services, but don't want to take this thread too far off topic. :wink:

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9 posts were split to a new topic: Request: script that reports when TVE channels status change

Your list shows all the channels in alphabetical order making it easy to find a network. What a novel idea.

You missed the fact that the list shows which of the three streaming services mentioned in the OP actually offer some of the channels as TVE. That was the idea.

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I didn't miss anything.

If you want to rely on TVE, YTTV and Fubo offer the most advantages.

I have not used FUBO (yet), but I find DirecTv Stream has fantastic TVE support. Well, except when we get the weird "login failed channels can't fix this" error. But that really doesnt seem to happen often, and when it does I just open the DTv stream app :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure, but that doesn’t help with missed recordings.

Can this excellent spreadsheet get one last row, that adds up the total # of TVE channels offered on each of the three services? For a basic comparison in sheer numbers. I just manually counted the X's in the Fubo column to learn that it should be offering 122 channels... but maybe I missed one or two... lol

EDIT TO ADD: this request stems from this conversation and this spreadsheet helped clear up some confusion, so thank you!

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Do they all have the same ESPN, BTN, FSN TVE channels?

This is awesome! Only other source i would request adding is Philo. It does not offer as many stations but is popular because of cost.

If you like that, you'll really appreciate this bookmarklet, add it to your browser toolbar, and get all sorts of helpful ways to edit and sort your channel lists:

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Nice! I'll have to work on that.