NBC, NBC Sports, NBCU Networks No Longer Available via TV Everywhere Providers

Syfy working,
Since USA and bravo missing may I respectfully request those be added back to check as well? CNBC too.

Thank you

Hugely disappointing. I was a loyal viewer.

This is only an FYI. I am in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and Spectrum is my cable provider. I am using Channel Release 2023.04.20.0310. As of last night, I am still getting NBC and SYFY. I was able to record a program from SYFY also. MSNBC, CNBC, Oxygen, USA and Bravo are all gone.

I hate this. I can still watch those channels thru the Spectrum app, however, this will completely change how I watch TV. It has been nice having everything under one platform (Channels) and not having to play remote roulette to watch the channels I want to watch. Plus, no easy back and forth channel surfing of these channels during commercial breaks.

I know I shouldn't complain as I grew up in West Texas with only two TV channels. Even then, we were likely to lose one or both at the slightest hint of a storm or heavy wind. We've all been spoiled!

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Iā€™m really hoping that the talented Channels devs are working hard in the background and will come up with some sort of solution. Letā€™s see what plays outā€¦


Just curious but why can't you use the same remote for the Spectrum app that you use for the Channels DVR app?

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I understand that Channels cannot record or play the DRM protected content - but would it be possible to put those channels back in the guide and at least add a capability to launch another app (such as the YouTube TV app) to watch them live?

The guide could have a marking for such channels - in my opinion, this would be 1 step better than just having the DRM channels disappear


Spectrum App has a cloud DVR for $5. No pause of live tv. Canā€™t watch recording until finished. Does have a 30 second skip. I just upgraded to check it out.

You can do this via an M3U file and normal guide source.


The Spectrum DVR is an excellent product if you donā€™t mind highly limited storage capabilities, a shitty DVR that doesnā€™t have thumbnails as youā€™re fast forwarding, the inability to pause live programming, and climbing into bed even further with Spectrum.

Also interesting, I notice that channel WSMV isn't on the Owned & Operated list:

So now I'm wondering what the rhyme and reason is, for who can still get their local NBC, and who can't.

After updating to the latest prerelease, I see KNBC (6000) and SyFy east (6054) are back in the guide and work fine here today.

I also noticed NBC News Now is still working for me too: NBC News NOW | NBC News

No MSNBC, Bravo, E!, or any of the others mentioned though. Ah well. Big bummer, but such is life. Looks like the beta badge on the TV Everywhere feature's earned its keep this week.

I had a wishful dream that there was loud backlash, NBC's networks lost millions of viewers and even more in ad revenue, that this change caused a cascading of failures in other areas that they didn't anticipate, along with a big jump in piracy, with commercials removed, so they quietly switched it back.

I still believe in the audacity of hope.

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Are all MPEG-DASH streams DRM protected?

I was not endorsing the spectrum app cloud DVR. I was responding to someone who said they currently had spectrum and had lost TVE for nbc networks. The thread also contained many users, commenting about other replacement solutions for the lack of NBC and its other networks. The HDHR and DRM is also becoming an issue for locals. Channels is a fantastic product and I plan on continuing to use it. What is your recommended solutions for those who have Channels DVR and are losing NBC networks. I would pay an extra $5 a month for channels if that is what it would take for channels to have a license for the new technology.

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Agreed re the $5 extra for DRM capabilities. As far as getting the NBC channels now, thereā€™s always the native app for your credentials (YTTV in my case). Iā€™ll remain a Channels customer regardless if only for the OTA DVR and the ability to record from Pluto.


How much does Spectrum cost for TV to do that?

Perhaps quick post step by step? Of the process?

Agree with other post
Perhaps leave channels in,
Let us choose to hide from grid ourselves?
Then some that still have enjoy little longer, plus can monitor should something change back if future ā€¦..

Well, you can get a list of the current channels in M3U format via:
You can remove the ones that aren't working and place them in their own M3U and add them as a new source. This would keep them in the guide even if they were removed. They won't work since TVE will be gone but the tvc-guide-stationid's should still point to valid guide data.


Yes 99% of them.

In the past, only Safari and Chrome supported DRM. So networks avoided using it because many people would complain since they couldn't watch in their browsers.

Since then, Firefox, Brave, Opera etc have all integrated the DRM code from Chrome to be able to support Netflix etc.

It's worth maybe trying some smaller name browsers to see if they fail to play nbc.com/live. If you find one that errors, people could email nbc support saying their player doesn't work and maybe they will reconsider.


Are you sure you arenā€™t getting NBC Now from pluto (if you have that installed)?

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Out of all of this, I am just a little upset over the loss of USA. I record a lot of shows from there, sure I can get them on Peacock but some I cannot like RAW and NXT. I can still record them in HULU but can't keep them. Oh well. Progress, 2 steps forward, 1 step back...