Need help setting up EPlusTV docker container

I think the main issue is this

Not sure why this thread keeps continuing.... weve told you dozens of times.... deploy this and follow the directions exactly. It has worked for all the rest of us

Someone really needs to close this thread....

What's the point of a forum if help is not provided? I will make a video following the guide to a tee and hopefully someone can figure out what goes wrong. Also, the directions are vague and not precise.

Finally got it working. DNS server was funky because spectrum has a weird DNS

docker run --dns= -p 8000:8000 -v config_dir:/app/config -e ESPN3=TRUE -e SECPLUS=TRUE -e ACCX=TRUE -e FOXSPORTS=TRUE -e ESPNPLUS=FALSE m0ngr31/eplustv:latest

now it works! How do I prefer 4k/UHD content where available, I know this is a new topic.

The default is UHD/SDR so you should already get 4k when available. You can try -e MAX_RESOLUTION=UHD/HDR for HDR, but for most (all?) of us, this causes 4k streams to not record at all (404 errors).

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Also, make sure to check the 4K box in the experimental section of your channels dvr

My server rebooted and broke the docker. What can I do to fix it? I am not able to pull up any events

The tokens seem to be okay but not showing events

Deleted docker got this

This again, maybe? Was same issue on earlier screenshots. I used Spectrum DNS for years, though, and the last bunch with this docker, so not sure what you were on about, to start.

Have you tried updating the guide?

I just kept removing docker until it works thanks.

Hello, I think I have succesfully configured teh Docker container on a Synology NAS. The problem I am having is getting the Custom Channel to work it is always returning this error

"invalid source url: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused"

These are the settings I am configuring that seem to match others.

I have set this up for Pluto before and not had the same issues. I am hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

Ar eyou using container manager in Synology?
The container can be setup with little effort. You just need to make sure the port number for local andcontainer port are set correctly.
The reason for the invalid source would be becuase the port 8000 isn't working.
If you are trying to watch MLB, it won't work becuase MLB changed the API.

Thank you. This is not specific to MLB. I cannot get the custom channel to map to PORT 9000 for the XMLT or M3U files for the guide. PORT 9000 is what is created in the container and the same free port I am using for the custom channel URL's. I am using container manager. I have also SSH'd and recreated the container. Thank you and I appreciate the reply.

I currently use espn+ on Synology and utilize port 8000. Try changing your port, both in your container and in your source. What do the Eplus logs say?

The default port is 8000 from the GitHub description of variables.

That is a fantastic guide and I went through it again. I have the container working and have completed my logins.
What I did not notice until I went through this again setting up the container on Port 9000 does no good when the serve defaults to 8000 See the last logs attached. I totally missed it!! Thank you all for your help.

** invalid source url: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused**

Here is how I setup the container in docker. Not sure why it asks you to specify ports then chooses one for you anyway. (8000)

Here are the logs from restarting the container.

I totally missed it!! Thank you all for your help.

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In Docker, you have the option to map a port the container uses to a different port on your host computer. In other words, if you want to use 9000 you'd specify that as the local port, but you still need to specify the port the container is using which is 8000. Some projects give you the option to change the port the container uses, but many don't.

You may want to consider installing Portainer on your Synology, and then you can use a more cross-platform method of installing Docker projects via Docker Compose. You'd also be able to use cool projects like this, to deploy CDVR extensions with "one-click" :slight_smile::

Thank you. I will try that out if sounds interesting and fun.