New Apple TV 4K hardware!

A very fair point, given that Channels has moved those to the Metal framework, if memory serves. The new A12 CPU actually scored lower on Metal benchmarks than the old A10X, when it was in an iPhone.

Something i never thought i would say, though - the newest FireTV OS makes the 4K Fire Stick perform better on channels than on tvOS for scrolling/etc - it's really impressive how much better the stick got.

Yep. I would be interested to hear about this also.

After watching a video about the A10X vs A12 and that maybe a new much more powerful gaming ATV I may just get the new remotes for my primary ATV 4K's.

Once I heard that the previous version of the 4K ATV will get the color sync features, there was no need to order the new ATV. That said, I will be ordering two replacement remotes ASAP. Such a small upgrade for a massive UX improvement.

Tried the new calibration feature via the TVOS beta late last week. Worked great!

I tried it on the official release and couldn't get it to work. I get the notification on my phone but the TV screen never changes to allow me to begin testing. I'm stuck at "hold your phone near the TV". I'm wondering if my Samsung Frame doesn't support this.

The TVs isn’t involved in the process.

I tried it today with the release versions of the various OS’s. You have to hold the phone REALLY close to the screen for quite a long time for it to a) trigger the process and then b) complete the test. As I have my TV wall mounted, this was not entirely straightforward.

Simple question - Is Channels going to directly support the mute button on the new remote, or does the button function at the ‘OS’ level’ i.e. it just kills the sound output from the AppleTV entirely regardless of what app is running?

I’m guessing it just mutes whatever the volume buttons are assigned to (TV, sound system etc)

Thanks . . . I held my phone basically right up to the glass but it just fails and asks to try again. My arm got tired holding it up after 6 tries so I just gave up. I wish I understood what the trigger was and why this is failing. I wonder if it's due to the Samsung One Box where the screen and the "brains" of the TV are feet away from each other.

This was happening to me also. Try changing the setting on the TV. If it’s in Dynamic mode it may not read the colors properly. Try changing it to neutral or movie mode. I had success an all 3 of my Televisions.

Good Luck.

Success as in the process completed, and/or success as in the picture was better after doing it?

the shield makes for a wonderful small dvr, especially if it has the hdd built in. from a playback standpoint, especially where channels is concerned, the apple tv runs circles around it.

i liked my shield for a lot of things but watching channels live and dvr recordings wasn't one of them.

Still hoping cdvr developers eventually make an app for roku. The new apple tv seems like a beast, but I'm not an apple fan, the shield from listening to everyone's comments seems to be the best streaming device, but that's google.... the roku is maybe almost just as good with a clean u.i like ATV, but a little bit cheaper.

It didn’t come up on one TV for me but restarting the Apple TV solved it. Maybe try restarting phone and Apple TV

Yep, I've restarted everything a few times. I know the ATV and my phone are communicating because when I start the calibration process, I get the notification on the phone. But it never gets past "preparing" and I don't get the change to the screen. Major first world problem. Maybe 14.5.1 will fix it.

One out of my three ATVs wouldn't do the calibration. What's different about the one that doesn't work is it's an ATV HD, the HDMI goes through a receiver as opposed to directly to the TV, and the TV is about 7 years old. I may try connecting the ATV directly to the TV to see if that makes any difference.

Success as in the process was completed. The picture was better on 2 of the 3 TVs. And almost identical to the 3rd.

As expected, changing the connection didn't make any difference. Either did updating to the latest tvOS beta. No big deal. That TV is already pretty accurately calibrated. I was just curious to see the difference, if any.

Well my opinion owning four of them is that the Rokus are junk... I eventually retired them all fir Apple and Android for being buggy, slow, and full of ads. While everyone is welcome to their opinion, please don’t put the Apple TV in the “like” category as they are worlds different... even the old one. And I’m certainly not an Apple fanboy. I use what I get value in.