hello, i'm getting the same error when trying to use the m3u link (access forbidden, and a cloudfare error. i can't even enter the nocords website). i don't use any vpn. is it based on location ? because i don't live in western country could you help me out ? thanks in advance !
It could be based on Country. Next time you get the Cloudflare error page, please post the "RAY ID" at the bottom and I can investigate.
here it is : 8f48a8282a9ab79e
Yes, your country is being blocked due to increased hacking attacks. Sorry.
coming from my country ? i hate people so bad lol. thanks for the help tho !
My apologies -- I meant from your continent.
Personally I'm using this docker for Pluto now (easy enough to install via OliveTin's "Project One-Click" section) - but, as an alternative, here's another non-Docker source for Pluto:
While they recommend rolling your own for long-term use, there is a publicly accessible URL you'd use in your country:
Available Region Parameter Values
all (for all regions)
ar (Argentina)
br (Brazil)
ca (Canada)
cl (Chile)
de (Germany)
dk (Denmark)
es (Spain)
fr (France)
gb (United Kingdom)
mx (Mexico)
no (Norway)
se (Sweden)
us (United States)
as well as instructions for how to run it as your own Google Web app, or via docker:
I've been playing around with it and it works fine. Only Roku's down right now: Issues · dtankdempse/free-iptv-channels · GitHub
it worked, thank you so much !!
Can you add UK and Canada channels?
This repo is forked from the maddox repo. If he can update his source repo for that, than I can follow.
@HankLloydRight ... Cloudflare blocking of nocords.xyz from VPNs (Windscribe, Torguard) seems to have been activated recently. Can this be undone or do I need to go back to using a docker?
It's not recent -- it's been this way since the site launched. It's to prevent common hacking attacks from countries and questionable datacenters that are used for nefarious VPNs. I'm sorry to say that it won't change.
Change DNS providers. Open DNS provides security without the denial of service.
I'm not sure how changing DNS providers would change the originating IP address of the client or VPN node.
I did not notice the VPN. Is there a reason he needs to tunnel to nocords.zyz? He could make an exception if he understands VPN routing.
[SOLVED] Thanks to @Morris_Altman for correctly identifying that changing the DNS provider used by my VPN would get around this new Cloudflare caused problem. Nocords, which had previously, reliably worked with both of my VPN providers for more than a year, is now accessible again.
Thanks to @HankLloydRight for providing the nocords.xyz site to make ChannelsDVR easier to utilize.
I'm using my VPN to get around CGNAT in order to allow ChannelsDVR remote streaming. Therefore, my DVR server is connected via VPN. Maybe you are suggesting that I could have used split-tunneling in my VPN to direct traffic to nocords.xyz outside of my VPN. I didn't try this, but I'm betting that would have worked as well. Thanks again.
Correct, I was suggesting split tunneling as the alternate. Glad you are up and running.
Yes. If you were previously using the Cloudflare DNS, I could see how you were being blocked at that step and changing it to an alternate would solve the issue.