Pluto for Channels

Put the m3u url in your browser, it will download. Then open it with a text editor and edit it as you see fit. Paste it in the custom channel text pane.

Of course the easiest is to create a channel collection. 99.99999% easier than this.


DUH! Sorry, I didn't even see there was a text field option where the URL goes. Sorry. I think I get what you are saying and will try that out. Thanks!


@maddox Do you think you can add EXCLUDE_CATEGORIES environment variable.

"EXCLUDE_CATEGORIES=Kids,En Español,Music,Gaming + Anime, Etc"
This would be great!


Those aren't Categories, they're Genres.

And Pluto has a lot of them
Action & Adventure
Action Classics
Action Comedies
Action Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Action Thrillers
African-American Action
African-American Comedies
African-American Documentaries
African-American Romance
Ages 0-2
Ages 11-12
Ages 2-4
Ages 5-7
Alien Sci-Fi
Animal Tales
Anime Action & Adventure
Anime Comedy
Anime Drama
Anime Fantasy
Anime Horror
Anime Sci-Fi
Anime Series
Art & Design
B-Movie Horror
Best of British Humor
Biographical Documentaries
Biographical Drama
Car Culture
Career & Finance
Celebrity & Gossip
Celebrity Reality
Children & Family
Christian & Gospel
Classic Comedies
Classic Dramas
Classic Movie Musicals
Classic Rock
Classic Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Classic Stage Musicals
Classic Thrillers
Classic War Stories
Classic Westerns
Comic Books and Superheroes
Coming of Age
Competition Reality
Consumer Products & Software
Contemporary Movie Musicals
Cooking Instruction
Courtroom Drama
Courtroom Reality
Creature Features
Crime Action
Crime Documentaries
Crime Drama
Crime drama
Crime Thrillers
Cult Comedies
Cult Horror
Dance & Party
Dark Humor & Black Comedies
Dating Show
Deadly Disasters
DIY & How To
Education & Guidance
Erotic Thrillers
Espionage Action
Espionage Thrillers
Fails & Pranks
Faith & Spirituality Documentaries
Faith & Spirituality Feature Films
Faith and Spirituality
Family Adventures
Family Animation
Family Classics
Family Comedies
Family Drama
Family Dramas
Family Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Family Viewing
Film Noir
Food & Wine
Food Stories
Foreign Action & Adventure
Foreign Art House
Foreign Classic Dramas
Foreign Classics
Foreign Comedies
Foreign Documentaries
Foreign Drama
Foreign Horror
Foreign Romance
Foreign Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Foreign Thrillers
Game Show
Game show
Gay & Lesbian
Gay & Lesbian Comedies
Gay & Lesbian Dramas
General News
Heist Films
Historical Documentaries
Historical Drama
History & Social Studies
Hobbies & Games
Home & Garden
Home Improvement
Horror Classics
Human Interest
Independent Drama
Indie Comedies
Indie Documentaries
Indie Dramas
Indie Gay & Lesbian
Indie Romance
Indie Suspense & Thriller
Inspirational Biographies
Inspirational Drama
Inspirational Stories
Instructional & Educational
Investigative Journalism
Kids' Anime
Kids' Music
Kids' TV
Late Night Comedies
Late Night TV
Martial Arts
Medical Reality
Men's Interest
Military & War Action
Military Documentaries
Mindfulness & Prayer
Miscellaneous Documentaries
Music Documentaries
Must-See Concerts
Must-See Musicals
News & Information
News and Information
no info available
No information available
Occupational Reality
Poker & Gambling
Political Comedies
Political Documentaries
Political Thrillers
Prayer & Spiritual Growth
Psychological Thrillers
Punk Rock
Reality Drama
Reality Drama 
Religion & Mythology Documentaries
Religious & Mythic Epics
Rock & Roll Oldies
Romance Classics
Romantic Comedies
Romantic comedy
Romantic Drama
Romantic Dramas
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Sci-Fi Adventure
Sci-Fi Cult Classics
Sci-Fi Dramas
Sci-Fi Horror
Sci-Fi Thrillers
Science and Nature Documentaries
Science fiction
Showbiz Comedies
Sketch Comedies
Slashers and Serial Killers
Social & Cultural Documentaries
Spiritual Mysteries
Spoofs and Satire
Sports & Sports Highlights
Sports Comedies
Sports Documentaries
Super Swashbucklers
Supernatural Horror
Supernatural Sci-Fi
Supernatural Thrillers
Talk & Variety
Talk Show
Teen Comedies
Teen Dramas
Teen Screams
Travel & Adventure Documentaries
True Crime
Video Gameplay & Walkthroughs
Video Games
War Drama
Women's Interest

These are the Pluto Categories

I was mistaken. These are for the guide data, not the channels.


Do you think that is possible to implement into your docker file to give a little control over the Genres. Thanks.

1 Like

You were correct. The Pluto channel data contains a field labeled Categories.
Here is the current listing sorted by Categories, then by Guide Name.

Pluto Channels
[Category] GuideName (slug)
[Big Brother Live] Big Brother Camera 1 (big-brother-camera-1)
[Big Brother Live] Big Brother Camera 2 (big-brother-camera-2)
[Big Brother Live] Big Brother Camera 3 (big-brother-camera-3)
[Big Brother Live] Big Brother Camera 4 (big-brother-camera-4)
[Big Brother Live] Big Brother Quad View (big-brother-quad-view)
[Classic TV] 90210 (90210)
[Classic TV] Baywatch (baywatch)
[Classic TV] Beverly Hillbillies (beverly-hillbillies-ptv1)
[Classic TV] Black Classics (black-classics)
[Classic TV] Classic TV Comedy (classic-tv-comedy)
[Classic TV] Classic TV Crime Drama (classic-tv-crime-drama)
[Classic TV] Classic TV Drama (classic-tv-drama-ptv1)
[Classic TV] Classic TV Variety (classic-tv-variety)
[Classic TV] Classic TV: Families (classic-tv-families)
[Classic TV] Dynasty (dynasty)
[Classic TV] Family Ties (family-ties)
[Classic TV] Gunsmoke (gunsmoke)
[Classic TV] Happy Days (happy-days-ptv1)
[Classic TV] I Love Lucy (i-love-lucy-ptv1)
[Classic TV] Matlock (matlock)
[Classic TV] Mission Impossible (mission-impossible)
[Classic TV] Perry Mason (perry-mason)
[Classic TV] Rawhide (rawhide)
[Classic TV] Shout! TV (shout-tv)
[Classic TV] The Addams Family (the-addams-family)
[Classic TV] The Andy Griffith Show (the-andy-griffith-show)
[Classic TV] The Bob Ross Channel (the-bob-ross-channel)
[Classic TV] The Dick Van Dyke Show (the-dick-van-dyke-show)
[Classic TV] The Love Boat (the-love-boat)
[Classic TV] The Rifleman (the-rifleman)
[Classic TV] Three's Company (threes-company)
[Classic TV] Wanted: Dead or Alive (wanted-dead-or-alive)
[Classic TV] Western TV (western-tv)
[Comedy] Always Funny Videos (always-funny-videos)
[Comedy] Black Throwbacks (black-throwbacks)
[Comedy] British Comedy (british-comedy)
[Comedy] Comedy Central Animation (comedy-central-animation)
[Comedy] Comedy Central Pluto TV (comedy-central-pluto-tv)
[Comedy] FailArmy (failarmy)
[Comedy] Funny AF (funny-af)
[Comedy] Kevin Hart’s LOL! Network (laughoutloud)
[Comedy] More TV Sitcoms (more-tv-sitcoms)
[Comedy] MST3K (mst3k)
[Comedy] Pluto TV Pranks (pluto-tv-pranks)
[Comedy] RiffTrax (rifftrax)
[Comedy] Sitcom Legends (sitcom-legends)
[Comedy] Slightly Off IFC (slightly-off-ifc)
[Comedy] Stand-Up TV (stand-up-tv)
[Comedy] Tosh.0 (tosh-1)
[Comedy] TV Land Sitcoms (tv-land-sitcoms)
[Comedy] Wild 'N Out (wild-n-out)
[Daytime TV] Best of Dr. Phil (best-of-dr-phil)
[Daytime TV] Best of The Drew Barrymore Show (best-of-the-drew-barrymore-show)
[Daytime TV] Casos de la Dra. Polo (casos-de-la-dra-polo-ptv1)
[Daytime TV] Confess by Nosey (confess-by-nosey)
[Daytime TV] Hot Bench (hot-bench)
[Daytime TV] HSN (hsn)
[Daytime TV] Judge Nosey (judge-nosey)
[Daytime TV] Nosey (nosey)
[Daytime TV] Pluto TV Soaps (pluto-tv-soaps)
[Daytime TV] QVC (qvc-1)
[Daytime TV] The Judge Judy Channel (the-judge-judy-channel)
[Drama] Action Drama (action-drama)
[Drama] Blue Bloods (blue-bloods-ptv1)
[Drama] BritBox Mysteries (britbox-mysteries)
[Drama] British Drama (british-drama)
[Drama] CSI (csi)
[Drama] CSI: Miami (csi-miami-ptv2)
[Drama] CSI: NY (csi-ny)
[Drama] Degrassi (degrassi)
[Drama] Heartland (heartland)
[Drama] Midsomer Murders (midsomer-murders)
[Drama] More TV Drama (more-tv-drama)
[Drama] Pluto TV Crime Drama (pluto-tv-crime-drama)
[Drama] Pluto TV Drama Life (pluto-tv-drama-life)
[Drama] Pluto TV Suspense (pluto-tv-suspense)
[Drama] Stories by AMC (stories-by-amc)
[Drama] The Walking Dead Universe (the-walking-dead-universe)
[Drama] TV Land Drama (tv-land-drama)
[Drama] TV Land Drama (tv-land-drama-ptv1)
[En Español] Acapulco Shore (acapulco-shore)
[En Español] Amantes del romance (amantes-del-romance)
[En Español] AMC en español (amc-en-espanol)
[En Español] Badass novelas (badass-novelas)
[En Español] beIN SPORTS XTRA en español (bein-sports-xtra-en-espanol)
[En Español] Casos de la Dra. Polo (casos-de-la-dra-polo)
[En Español] Cine adrenalina (cine-adrenalina)
[En Español] Cine Clásico (cine-clasico)
[En Español] Cine Premiere (cine-premiere)
[En Español] Cine terror (cine-terror)
[En Español] Cine XOXO (cine-xoxo)
[En Español] Cine ¡¡jaja!! (cine-jaja)
[En Español] Comedy Central en español (comedy-central-en-espanol)
[En Español] Corazón turco (corazon-turco)
[En Español] Crímenes imperfectos (crimenes-imperfectos)
[En Español] CSI en Español (csi-en-espanol)
[En Español] CSI: Miami en español (csi-miami-en-espanol)
[En Español] CSI: NY en español (csi-ny-en-espanol)
[En Español] Emergencia 911 (emergencia-911)
[En Español] Entre nosotras (entre-nosotras)
[En Español] Estrella News (estrella-news)
[En Español] EstrellaTV (estrella-tv)
[En Español] Euronews (euronews-ptv1)
[En Español] Foodies (foodies)
[En Español] Hell's Kitchen en español (hells-kitchen-en-espanol)
[En Español] Investiga (investiga-ptv1)
[En Español] Lucha Libre AAA (lucha-libre-aaa)
[En Español] Mi obsesión favorita (mi-obsesion-favorita)
[En Español] Misterios sin resolver (misterios-sin-resolver-1)
[En Español] MTV en español (mtv-en-espanol)
[En Español] MTV Flow Latino (mtv-flow-latino)
[En Español] Mundo geek (mundo-geek)
[En Español] Mundo paranormal (mundo-paranormal)
[En Español] Mundo viajero (mundo-viajero)
[En Español] Nosey escándalos (nosey-escandalos-ptv3)
[En Español] Novelas con la abuela (novelas-con-la-abuela)
[En Español] Pelis y Popcorn (pelis-y-popcorn)
[En Español] Series con Ñ (series-con-n)
[En Español] Sony Canal Comedias (sony-canal-comedias)
[En Español] Sony Canal Escape Perfecto (sony-canal-escape-perfecto)
[En Español] Spike ¡extremo! (spike-extremo)
[En Español] Séptimo arte (septimo-arte)
[En Español] Telefe noticias (telefe-noticias-ptv1)
[En Español] Telemundo telenovelas clásicas (telemundo-telenovelas-clasicas-ptv1)
[En Español] The Walking Dead en español (the-walking-dead-en-espanol)
[En Español] Vevo Latino (vevo-latino-ptv1)
[En Español] Vevo Reggaeton & Trap (vevo-reggaeton-and-trap-ptv1)
[En Español] Vevo Regional Mexicano (vevo-regional-mexicano-ptv1)
[En Español] Vevo Íconos Latinos (vevo-iconos-latinos)
[Entertainment] AspireTV Life (aspiretv-life)
[Entertainment] BET Her (bet-her)
[Entertainment] BET Pluto TV (bet-pluto-tv)
[Entertainment] Bounce XL (bounce-xl)
[Entertainment] CMT Pluto TV (cmt-pluto-tv)
[Entertainment] Hallmark Movies & More (hallmark-movies-and-more)
[Entertainment] K-Content by CJ ENM (k-content-by-cj-enm)
[Entertainment] Live Music Replay (live-music-replay)
[Entertainment] Logo Pluto TV (logo-pluto-tv)
[Entertainment] Mixible (mixible)
[Entertainment] More Star Trek (more-star-trek-ptv1)
[Entertainment] Movie Favorites by Lifetime (movie-favorites-by-lifetime)
[Entertainment] MTV Pluto TV (mtv-pluto-tv)
[Entertainment] OUTtv Proud (outtv-proud)
[Entertainment] Paramount+ Picks (paramount-ptv1)
[Entertainment] Pluto TV Love Stories (pluto-tv-love-stories)
[Entertainment] Pluto TV Sci-Fi (pluto-tv-sci-fi-ptv2)
[Entertainment] Shades of Black (shades-of-black)
[Entertainment] Showtime Selects (showtime-selects)
[Entertainment] Star Trek (star-trek-ptv1)
[Entertainment] Stargate (stargate-ptv1)
[Entertainment] theGrio (thegrio)
[Food] America's Test Kitchen (americas-test-kitchen)
[Food] BBC Food (bbc-food)
[Food] Food TV (food-tv)
[Food] Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen (gordon-ramsays-hells-kitchen)
[Food] Iron Chef (iron-chef-ptv2)
[Food] Julia Child (julia-child)
[Game Shows] Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader (are-you-smarter-than-a-5th-grader)
[Game Shows] BUZZR (buzzr)
[Game Shows] Deal or No Deal (deal-or-no-deal)
[Game Shows] Family Feud Classic (family-feud-classics)
[Game Shows] Game Show Central (game-show-central)
[Game Shows] Hollywood Squares (hollywood-squares)
[Game Shows] Let's Make A Deal (lets-make-a-deal)
[Game Shows] More TV Game Shows (more-tv-game-shows)
[Game Shows] Pluto TV Game Shows (pluto-tv-game-shows)
[Game Shows] The Price Is Right (the-price-is-right)
[Game Shows] The Price Is Right: The Barker Era (the-price-is-right-the-barker-era)
[Gaming + Anime] Anime All Day (anime-all-day)
[Gaming + Anime] Gaming on Verizon (gaming-on-verizon)
[Gaming + Anime] IGN (ign)
[Gaming + Anime] Lupin the 3rd (lupin-the-3rd)
[Gaming + Anime] Movies for Gamers (movies-for-gamers)
[Gaming + Anime] Naruto (naruto)
[Gaming + Anime] One Piece (one-piece)
[Gaming + Anime] Pluto TV Gamer (pluto-tv-gamer)
[Gaming + Anime] Pluto TV Pixel World (pluto-tv-pixel-world)
[Gaming + Anime] Sailor Moon (sailor-moon)
[Gaming + Anime] TokuSHOUTsu (tokushoutsu-ptv1)
[Gaming + Anime] Yu-Gi-Oh! (yu-gi-oh-ptv1)
[Home] Antiques Road Trip (antiques-road-trip)
[Home] Antiques Roadshow UK (antiques-roadshow-uk)
[Home] BBC Home & Garden (bbc-home-and-garden)
[Home] Dabl (dabl)
[Home] Home.Made.Nation (lively-place)
[Home] PBS Antiques Roadshow (pbs-antiques-roadshow)
[Home] Pluto TV Home (pluto-tv-home-ptv2)
[Home] The Design Network (the-design-network)
[Home] This Old House (this-old-house)
[Home] Tiny House Nation (tiny-house-nation)
[Kids] Baby Shark TV (baby-shark-tv)
[Kids] Bebecito Bum y sus amigos (bebecito-bum-y-sus-amigos)
[Kids] Dora TV (dora-tv)
[Kids] Find Out Why (find-out-why)
[Kids] Forever Kids (forever-kids)
[Kids] Garfield and Friends (garfield-and-friends)
[Kids] Grande-ish (grande-ish)
[Kids] Kartoon Channel! (kartoon-channel)
[Kids] Kids Movie Club (kids-movie-club)
[Kids] LEGO Kids TV (lego-kids-tv)
[Kids] Little Baby Bum (little-baby-bum)
[Kids] Little Stars Universe (little-stars-universe)
[Kids] Nick Jr. Pluto TV (nick-jr-pluto-tv-ptv1)
[Kids] Nick Pluto TV (nick-pluto-tv)
[Kids] Nickelodeon en español (nick-en-espanol)
[Kids] No Parents Allowed (no-parents-allowed)
[Kids] (pocketwatch)
[Kids] Rainbow Squad (rainbow-squad)
[Kids] Ryan and Friends (ryan-and-friends)
[Kids] Team Spirit (team-spirit)
[Kids] Totally Teen (totally-teen)
[Kids] TOTALLY TURTLES (totally-turtles)
[Kids] Transformers TV (transformerstv)
[Kids] Zoom! Zoom! (zoom-zoom)
[Lifestyle + Culture] Cats 24/7 (cats-247)
[Lifestyle + Culture] Dogs 24/7 (dogs-247)
[Lifestyle + Culture] Faith TV (faith-tv)
[Lifestyle + Culture] Naturescape (naturescape)
[Lifestyle + Culture] PBS Nature (pbs-nature)
[Lifestyle + Culture] Pluto TV Animals (pluto-tv-animals)
[Lifestyle + Culture] Pluto TV History (pluto-tv-history)
[Lifestyle + Culture] Pluto TV Military (pluto-tv-military)
[Lifestyle + Culture] Pluto TV Science (pluto-tv-science)
[Lifestyle + Culture] Pluto TV Travel (pluto-tv-travel)
[Lifestyle + Culture] POWERNATION (powernation-ptv1)
[Lifestyle + Culture] Smithsonian Channel Selects (smithsonian-channel-selects)
[Lifestyle + Culture] TBN (tbn)
[Lifestyle + Culture] The Pet Collective (the-pet-collective)
[Lifestyle + Culture] Voyager Documentaries (xive-tv)
[Local News] CBS News Baltimore (cbs-news-baltimore)
[Local News] CBS News Bay Area (cbs-news-bay-area)
[Local News] CBS News Boston (cbs-news-boston)
[Local News] CBS News Chicago (cbs-news-chicago)
[Local News] CBS News Colorado (cbs-news-colorado)
[Local News] CBS News Detroit (cbs-news-detroit-ptv1)
[Local News] CBS News Los Angeles (cbs-news-los-angeles)
[Local News] CBS News Miami (cbs-news-miami)
[Local News] CBS News Minnesota (cbs-news-minnesota)
[Local News] CBS News New York (cbs-news-new-york)
[Local News] CBS News Philadelphia (cbs-news-philadelphia-ptv1)
[Local News] CBS News Pittsburgh (cbs-news-pittsburgh)
[Local News] CBS News Sacramento (cbs-news-sacramento)
[Local News] CBS News Texas (cbs-news-texas-ptv1)
[Local News] KIRO Seattle (kiro-seattle)
[Local News] News 12 New York (news-12-new-york)
[Movies] 00s Replay (00s-replay)
[Movies] 70s Cinema (70s-cinema)
[Movies] 80s Rewind (80s-rewind)
[Movies] 90s Throwback (90s-throwback)
[Movies] Black Cinema (black-cinema)
[Movies] Classic Movies Channel (classic-movies-channel)
[Movies] Flicks of Fury (flicks-of-fury)
[Movies] Godzilla (godzilla)
[Movies] Movies on Verizon (movies-on-verizon)
[Movies] MovieSphere by Lionsgate (moviesphere-ptv1)
[Movies] Paramount Movie Channel (paramount-movie-channel)
[Movies] Pluto TV Action (pluto-tv-action)
[Movies] Pluto TV Comedy (pluto-tv-comedy)
[Movies] Pluto TV Crime Movies (pluto-tv-crime-movies)
[Movies] Pluto TV Cult Films (pluto-tv-cult-films)
[Movies] Pluto TV Documentaries (pluto-tv-documentaries)
[Movies] Pluto TV Drama (pluto-tv-drama)
[Movies] Pluto TV Fantastic (pluto-tv-fantastic)
[Movies] Pluto TV Horror (pluto-tv-horror)
[Movies] Pluto TV Icons (pluto-tv-icons)
[Movies] Pluto TV Reaction (pluto-tv-reaction)
[Movies] Pluto TV Romance (pluto-tv-romance)
[Movies] Pluto TV Spotlight (pluto-tv-spotlight)
[Movies] Pluto TV Staff Picks (pluto-tv-staff-picks)
[Movies] Pluto TV Terror (pluto-tv-terror)
[Movies] Pluto TV Thrillers (pluto-tv-thrillers)
[Movies] Pluto TV Westerns (pluto-tv-westerns-ptv1)
[Movies] The Asylum (the-asylum-ptv1)
[Music] Classica (classica)
[Music] CMT Equal Play (cmt-equal-play)
[Music] MTV Biggest Pop (mtv-biggest-pop)
[Music] MTV Flow Latino (mtv-flow-latino-ptv1)
[Music] MTV Spankin' New (mtv-spankin-new)
[Music] Vevo '70s (vevo-70s)
[Music] Vevo '80s (vevo-80s)
[Music] Vevo '90s (vevo-90s)
[Music] Vevo 2K (vevo-2k)
[Music] Vevo Country (vevo-country)
[Music] Vevo Latino (vevo-latino)
[Music] Vevo Pop (vevo-pop)
[Music] Vevo R&B (vevo-randb)
[Music] Vevo Reggaeton & Trap (vevo-reggaeton-and-trap)
[Music] Vevo Regional Mexicano (vevo-regional-mexicano)
[Music] Vevo Retro Rock (vevo-retro-rock)
[Music] Vevo True School Hip-Hop (vevo-true-school-hip-hop)
[Music] Vevo Íconos Latinos (vevo-iconos-latinos-ptv1)
[Music] XITE Classic Country (xite-classic-country)
[Music] XITE Gospel (xite-gospel)
[Music] XITE Rock (xite-rock)
[Music] Yo! MTV (yo-mtv)
[News + Opinion] America's Voice News (americas-voice)
[News + Opinion] Blaze Live (blaze-live)
[News + Opinion] Bloomberg TV (bloomberg-tv)
[News + Opinion] CBS News (cbs-news)
[News + Opinion] CBS News Chicago (cbs-news-chicago-ptv1)
[News + Opinion] CBS News Los Angeles (cbs-news-los-angeles-2)
[News + Opinion] CBS News New York (cbs-news-new-york-2)
[News + Opinion] CBS News Sacramento (cbs-news-sacramento-ptv1)
[News + Opinion] CBS News Spotlight (cbs-news-spotlight)
[News + Opinion] Cheddar News (cheddar-1)
[News + Opinion] CNN HEADLINES (cnn-headlines)
[News + Opinion] Estrella News (estrella-news-ptv1)
[News + Opinion] NBC News NOW (nbc-news-now)
[News + Opinion] Newsmax (newsmax-tv)
[News + Opinion] OAN Plus (oan-plus)
[News + Opinion] Pluto TV News (pluto-tv-news)
[News + Opinion] Scripps News (scripps-news)
[News + Opinion] Sky News (sky-news)
[News + Opinion] The First (the-first)
[News + Opinion] TODAY All Day (today-1)
[News + Opinion] TYT Network (tyt-network)
[News + Opinion] WeatherNation (weathernation-2)
[News + Opinion] WeatherNation Sacramento (weathernation-sacramento)
[Pluto TV] Announcement (announcement)
[Pluto TV] Announcement (announcement-1)
[Pluto TV] Announcement (announcement-2)
[Pluto TV] Announcement (announcement-ptv1)
[Pluto TV] BET Pluto TV 3 (bet-pluto-tv-3)
[Pluto TV] CSI 2 (csi-2)
[Pluto TV] Forensic Files 2 (forensic-files-2)
[Pluto TV] Logo Pluto TV 2 (logo-pluto-tv-ptv1)
[Pluto TV] Love & Hip Hop 2 (love-and-hip-hop-2)
[Pluto TV] Nosey 2 (nosey-2)
[Pluto TV] Star Trek 2 (star-trek-2)
[Pluto TV] TV Land Sitcoms 2 (tv-land-sitcoms-2)
[Pluto TV] Unsolved Mysteries 2 (unsolved-mysteries-2)
[Pluto TV] VH1 Hip Hop Family 2 (vh1-hip-hop-family-2)
[Reality] Acapulco Shore (acapulco-shore-ptv1)
[Reality] All Reality by WE tv (all-reality-by-we-tv)
[Reality] Bar Rescue (bar-rescue)
[Reality] Black Ink Crew (black-ink-crew)
[Reality] COPS (cops)
[Reality] Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders)
[Reality] Dog the Bounty Hunter (dog-the-bounty-hunter)
[Reality] Fear Factor (fear-factor)
[Reality] Ghost Hunters (ghost-hunters)
[Reality] Ink Master (ink-master)
[Reality] Jersey Shore (jersey-shore)
[Reality] Love & Hip Hop (love-and-hip-hop)
[Reality] MTV Dating (mtv-dating)
[Reality] Pluto TV Backcountry (pluto-tv-backcountry)
[Reality] Pluto TV Cars (cars)
[Reality] Pluto TV Celebrity (pluto-tv-celebrity)
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@chDVRuser thats great but the original question for was for their to be a category selector function added to the docker to hwlp with the unwanted programs.

I'm just another paying Channels DVR user, like you. One of the developers would have to do it.
The only mods I've made to my Pluto-4-Channels docker container are for logging and having it loop every hour to fetch the EPG.

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Has anyone been noticing issues with the Pluto channels? None of them seem to be working for me anymore.The guide data seems fine but I get unable to fetch playlist when trying to play a channel. I did just add ESPN+ about a week ago but that is the only thing on my end that has changed.

Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch0-dANY-ip127.0.0.1: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: Get "": dial tcp: lookup no such host

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Your DVR server is having DNS problems.
What happens when you

Check your DVR web UI Support > Troubleshooting to see if any errors there

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Thank you that fixed it. It would have taken me forever to figure that out! Was having issues last week getting my local FOX station to work via TVE so I was trying to mess with that. Changed the DNS back to the default and now all is good.

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Any ideas why Pluto for Channels is getting an ssl handshake error during EPG fetching?

Happened last Saturday and this morning, both at 16:00 UTC.
I have it fetch EPG every hour, and these are the only two so far.

2023-11-11T16:00:00.796689575Z Woke at:  Sat Nov 11 08:00:00 PST 2023
2023-11-11T16:00:01.962421512Z [INFO] Grabbing EPG...
2023-11-11T16:00:02.603293323Z (node:5525) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: write EPROTO 139727984512328:error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure:ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1543:SSL alert number 40
2023-11-11T16:00:02.603742529Z     at WriteWrap.onWriteComplete [as oncomplete] (internal/stream_base_commons.js:87:16)
2023-11-11T16:00:02.603996248Z (node:5525) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
2023-11-11T16:00:02.604569748Z (node:5525) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
2023-11-11T16:00:04.175606488Z mv: can't rename '*playlist.m3u': No such file or directory
2023-11-11T16:00:04.177293673Z mv: can't rename '*epg.xml': No such file or directory
2023-11-18T16:00:01.013572049Z Woke at:  Sat Nov 18 08:00:01 PST 2023
2023-11-18T16:00:02.337916948Z [INFO] Grabbing EPG...
2023-11-18T16:00:02.968809054Z (node:10397) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: write EPROTO 140100715208008:error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure:ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1543:SSL alert number 40
2023-11-18T16:00:02.969310673Z     at WriteWrap.onWriteComplete [as oncomplete] (internal/stream_base_commons.js:87:16)
2023-11-18T16:00:02.969595432Z (node:10397) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
2023-11-18T16:00:02.969904947Z (node:10397) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
2023-11-18T16:00:04.567136281Z mv: can't rename '*playlist.m3u': No such file or directory
2023-11-18T16:00:04.568480339Z mv: can't rename '*epg.xml': No such file or directory

I'm hoping to add pluto-for-channels to Channels. I understand the gist of it is going to be like when I added, but this doesn't seem to be quite as simple. I went to

and I've gotta admit it wasn't clear to me exactly how to follow the steps provided. They seem to be fairly general in nature.

I downloaded the "Code" and extracted it, but I don't see what I expected would be an "image". Is it the "package.json" file? Is there somewhere I'm supposed to put it so Docker can find it?

I opened Windows PowerShell and ran

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name pluto-for-channels -p 8080:80 johnmaddox/pluto-for-channels

Not surprisingly, it wasn't going to be that simple. I got the response

Unable to find image 'johnmaddox/pluto-for-channels:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for johnmaddox/pluto-for-channels, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See 'docker run --help'.

I don't remember having to log in to Docker to install, so I'm figuring the "image" has to be somewhere locally where Docker can find it. Right?

Try that?

Or try this -- much easier:

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I thought that's what I did.

I've been using Docker for Frndlytv for over a year. The biggest issue I had in setting that up was getting USERNAME and PASSWORD syntax correct, lol.

I don't know what is meant by "Copy the link on the right side (docker pull jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels)", and I'm certain that is where I got lost. From the drop-down when clicking on Code, there is a URL with a copy button next to it, but it just links to that page on GitHub.

Is there another link you're referring to?

YOu can also do the non docker version that Hank mentioned. It's easier. I moved from the Maddox one to that.
Andyes, I was referring to that post and the pull.Copy the whole docker pull command and then the docker run command

Follow this. Run from a windows CMD prompt (may need an admin CMD prompt), not powershell.

Before I saw HankLloydRight's reply, I changed the port to the one I use for frndlytv and the pulls were successful.

However, it doesn't seem to have completed properly as at the end of the feedback was

...docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint pluto-for-channels (69595319a2f0969974c347e5d3d3bb98f89bfd1a72c6ced28661c3f46c588254): Bind for failed: port is already allocated.

Does this mean I need to insert the IP address of the host PC?

You can't use the same port that your Frndly docker is using.

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