Pluto for Channels

You can use @joagomez container to combine channels. Set each country with a comma in the middle (eg. PLUTO_CODE=local,ca)

Hello, I've been using this for one of my pluto tv sources (also use docker), and noticed a couple of weeks ago some of the channels stopped working. Did something change with this?

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Yes, the service is no longer available. Use:

Read above. We've been talking about this recently.

Can you share what channel discrepancies you discovered, specifically? I’m curious.

Yes, I did that, but that doesn't combine regions/channels - it just creates separate M3U URLs for each region:

Yeah, I actually mapped it out using Excel. For the ones labeled "duplicate", there were two versions of the channel on that list so they may just be the same channel duplicated. FYI I am on the east coast.

JMaddox extras (missing in Local/East/West):
Anime All Day (duplicate?)
Love & Hip Hop 2
Movies for Gamers
Nosey 2
Pluto TV Cars (duplicate?)
Star Trek 2
Unsolved Mysteries 2

Local/East/West extras (missing in JMaddox):
Heartland (duplicate?)
Ink Master
Oxygen True Crime Archives
The Wild West

Local/East extras (missing in West):
CBS News Philadelphia (duplicate?)
WFTV Orlando
WSB Atlanta
WSOC Charlotte

West extras (missing in JMaddox/Local/East):
Fox 11 Los Angles
KIRO Seattle
NBC Los Angles News
Telemundo Noticias California

Funny now that I look at this more closely it seems that all of the JMaddox extras are "2" channels and some duplicates. The only exception is for Movies for Gamers. JoaGomex on the other hand seems to have three extra channels (Ink Master, Oxygen True Crime Archives, The Wild West). The only discrepancies between the east and west lists are news channels, as expected. Also as expected is that Local matches East since I am on the east coast.

thanks, that's too bad - I liked getting the extra channels from the Canada version

Canada is available in the joagomez docker

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What would it take to add France? Not possible?

France has been included in the latest update - along with optimizations offered up by another contributor stewartcampbell

Wow! Merci ! (Thank you!) :smiley:

How many channels are you seeing with the jgomez docker? I'm only seeing 428, so wondering if I'm doing something wrong? If it has all of the other countries, shouldn't there be more?

I'm using the container from here

Pluto TV Local: 414 channels
Pluto TV France: 130 channels
Pluto TV UK: 177 channels
Pluto TV Canada: 222 channels

They each have their own playlists + EPG and you need to create separate sources for them.

Thanks, is it a seperate container in docker for each country, or just a separate source in channels dvr for each country. Sorry for all of the questions, I’m not an expert on this, and surprised I even got docker running in the first place!

This :point_up:

Ok, and how do I get the links for the individual countries to set up the sources?

I installed docker from GitHub, and used the link to retrieve the playlist and EPG. Below are the links that gave me the 434 US channels

For Canada Channels, I tried editing to

and then installing a source and I'm getting this error. invalid source url: failed to retrieve m3u: GET: 404 Not Found

What am I doing wrong?


Try visiting the link page in a browser.
You should use something like 192.168.x.xx:(your-PORT)
for instance for my docker i'm using
Visit the page and right click on the link for the country you wish to view.

I don't use his version, but if I did I would use the instructions here GitHub - jgomez177/pluto-for-channels
and then use the urls the container gives you as pictured here Pluto for Channels - #746 by Rojma

You probably didn't set the ENV VAR PLUTO_CODE= correctly
And it looks like he just added France Pluto for Channels - #751 by joagomez

I may have figured out my potential issue - I've been running the maddox version of pluto, am I able to have the jgomez version running at the same time? When I go to the link in a browser to try and find the playlists, it takes me to maddox. I also got this error when trying to reinstall

Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/pluto-for-channels" is already in use by container "67b6dce9c8268323864e3c57458f599f9913df24abdfa6e1973dcb09f481f04c". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.

I'm hesitant to delete it so I don't lose my favorites.

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