Pluto for Channels

This is the "Channels" Community forum, not "iptv app" Community forum.
Try m3u4u.
Or bring it up to him at his github GitHub - jgomez177/pluto-for-channels


I'm playing with adding an ALL option which would merge all the regions added (which btw is up to around 963 for US, CA, UK and FR when all are included).

I suppose you could have two dockers running - one for the US and CA and one for UK and FR to stay under the 750 limitation.

Regardless gonna let this bake a bit more to make sure the EPG is working properly before releasing

You're still going to have the individual country playlists so Channels users can continue using it the same way, right.

If someone wants to use it for more than one country now, they just create multiple custom m3u sources, one for each country playlist.

Or are you saying the only playlist we'll get is the combined 963 channel playlist. If so, that won't work with Channels 750 channel limit per playlist.

Oh yes, please, @joagomez, don't change this. :pray:


Correct, the ALL will just be an option in the main listing (pay no attention to the version and date will update that later)

I was saying that if you wanted to go down to only say two playlists then you could have a docker that had for example US_WEST, LOCAL, US_EAST, CA, and a second docker that had UK and FR
then by using the ALL option for each docker you would effectively have two playlists under the 750 limit instead of all 6 with duplicates in the US

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Got it. So ALL just combines the countries you selected for that container.



Unfortunately the “CNN Headlines” channel is no longer working via these dockers.

I'm trying to get American, Canadian and UK channels by running this command but I get an error:

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --network=host -e PLUTO_CODE=us_east,us_west,ca,uk PLUTO_PORT=8184 --name pluto-for-channels

The error I get is this:

docker: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase.
See 'docker run --help'.

When I remove PLUTO_CODE=us_east,us_west,ca,uk the error disappears and I get the lists.

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All environment variables need to be preceeded by -e and you're missing it for PLUTO_PORT
Try this

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --network=host -e PLUTO_CODE=us_east,us_west,ca,uk -e PLUTO_PORT=8184 --name pluto-for-channels
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Thank you. That fixed it. The only remaining thing is how to get ALL list? I tried adding 'all' at the end of PLUTO_CODE=us_east,us_west,ca,uk but then I get invalid country code in the list page.

ALL is just an option for the playlist and epg urls found here

You just use one of the ALL urls

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I don't have ALL url.
Mine is still running the previous version v1.14 :confused:
Even after stopping and removing the previous container.

See his post from two days ago

Looks like he released v1.15 yesterday
Pulled that and it works for me

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Got it to appear finally by removing the docker image with sudo docker rmi... and starting it again.

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Will look into this

Same source?

What’s playing there is different from what’s playing right now on the “CNN Headlines” channel directly in the Pluto TV app.

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Guess if you really wanted it in Channels DVR you could use this
I realize not all providers have the same EPG for the same FAST channel and the airings may be delayed or totally made up vs. the actual network FAST stream.

Code has been updated to work for CNN Headlines.
And sorry for the delay on this one. I didn't see the other thread so didn't know it was an issue (since I obviously never watch that channel)