Pluto for Channels

ok... looking for some help here please... I have the docker container running on port 2929... I even got the one running in port 8080 so I had to adjust the port for pluto! When I go to add the stream/guide information in channels it is giving me 0 channels... can anyone help me?

Anything else? Not sure if client matters but on a Shield TV that didn't do anything for me..

Edit: Looks like you have to go into the app on the device and choose settings, then source, then choose "sync favorites/hidden"

You use Docker Desktop for Windows to install MLB TV? Kinda sounds like the opposite of my issue...

Yup... docker desktop on windows...

Can you share via pm the commands you ran what you used for text editor , and channel url and guide links with screeenshots if possible?

Why pm? We're all here to learn.

I'm completely fine with that. Just didn't know if he'd want to do that or not

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ok... I'm a moron... i ran the commmand and didn't realize that the port number after the colon is 80 no matter what... so I used port 2929:80 and I got it working perfectly with stirr as well...

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Anybody else missing guide programming on programs, shows etc?

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Working fine here.

Is there a way to do the same functions without Docker? I like Docker itself, but I am running on a 2011 Mac mini Server and it is now constantly telling me to upgrade my OS, but I am maxed out on High Sierra. This so far is the only thing that requires a newer OS. Channels itself is running quite nicely.

Yeah I don't know what happened but its back without me doing anything last time I checked.

@cptben94 You are my HERO!! Worked like a charm!!

Thank you very much.

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I'm a newbie with Channels DVR. I read that I can add Pluto TV as a custom channel source for my new Raspberry Pi 4 Channels DVR. I'm a techie and not afraid to deal with installing files on computers but I'm not a programmer and just don't know the language I've encountered.

Does anyone know of a step-by-step method to do this on a Raspberry Pi (or any other server for that matter)? I see references to installing a "Docker image" on my server, etc., but just don't know how to do this. @maddox has a GitHub page on Pluto for Channels, but under SET UP he says "Running the container is easy. Fire up the container as usual. You can set which port it runs on."

I'm lost already!

A quick search of the internet using "install docker raspberry pi" will give you lots of hits.

Apparently, I need to turn on SSH on my Pi (it's off by default) in order to gain access without a monitor and keyboard installed (headless access). I need to install a file named SSH in the root directory of the OS (which in my case is the custom one published by Channels DVR on the HDD).

How do I do this without SSH access? Or do I need to buy a micro HDMI monitor adapter to accomplish this?


And apparently docker is installed already on the pi image

You may also want to do what I did when I thought Docker was a brand of pants.
Find an overview of what docker is and a tutorial on how to use it.

@magrun - I installed Docker on my Raspberry PI 3 this past weekend with no problems.
Go to any browser on your PI and follow instructions at this address:
How to Install Docker on Raspberry Pi
The script provided does everything for you.



To automatically start Docker each time you reboot, just add the Docker command to the .profile of the user that boots up automatically on your RPi. In my case the system boots up to the user "pi" so I edited the .profile in the home directory of that user.


I was replying to @magrun who wants to install the Pluto docker container on his Custom Channels RPi image. I posted the link on how to enable SSH access and referenced a post that shows the Custom Channels pi image already has docker installed on it, so he doesn't need to install docker, just pull and run the Pluto docker image.