Pluto for Channels

The logs you show seem to indicate a failure in getting the EPG data. Are you able to "see" good data via the pi if you manually call (curl, etc) the EPG url in the logs, maybe check the last one, like:

For me, calling this url in a browser, loads a good JSON... see if you can load via the PI , or if you get any errors?

Just a thought, may need a DEV to look closer.

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That's a great idea! I just tried that and can confirm that I get a good response from manually calling the URL from the pi. I tried exploring the docker image itself and seeing if I could see anything in the js files, but I'm not as familiar with what's going on in the code and couldn't really tell much unfortunately.

Hi, I just signed up for channels today & ran into some difficulty setting up docker. I have a win 10 pro machine & after installing docker, it tells me a linux something is installing. When i click on the link it brings me to a pg on docker telling me I have to setup my machine as a virtual one. I am not a coder, but was just trying to get pluto tv setup on channels. If someone could help I would appreciate it. Thank you. My machine does stay on 24/7 as its used as a media server.

So I had something interesting happen over the last 24 hours, the m3u and the epg files showed up. There seems to have been a delay or maybe there is a persistent error that disappeared for some period of time. I'm not 100% sure. However, there still seems to be a problem because I am still seeing 0 channels in the m3u source that I set up. i tried completely deleting what I had done before, and adding it again and I can see that it spends a few seconds loading the m3u file, but after it's done, it just shows 0 channels.

So, I tried something different. I saw another post where someone mentioned just doing this directly on the Channels DVR pi using the custom build from Channels since docker is standard on it. That was super easy to do, however, I'm seeing the same thing there. No m3u file generated, no epg file generated and the same "undefined" error in the docker logs I noted above. So I'm going to wait a day and see if those files populate as well, which would be interesting to note. It would be great if the Channels team that built these could provide some feedback though.

There is some sort of http error happening, and the code is not setup to log the error. Instead it tries to parse the expected json response, which is undefined in this case.

Thanks @tmm1, is there something you can think of which I might be able to do to try and troubleshoot it? I am able to run a shell inside the docker and execute some commands directly, using something like

"docker exec -it c0113c0ad502 /bin/sh"

if that's helpful. I'm just not super familiar with javascript code. I'm open to any suggestions and I appreciate the help.

I think Pluto has been having intermittent problems with its json url the past few days. I've had a couple of empty pulls myself.
Might be worthwhile to see about setting a return code and scheduling another run in a few minutes instead of 3 hours should the pull fail.

I'm not sure if anyone has shared this site but it seems like a suitable replacement for the techzyon links:

The pluto guide looks good, has extended info. Loaded quick for me. Stirr guide works, but no extended info. Idk how to use the providers that don't provide a .m3u8.


This worked great for me in the interim until there's more detail to help me troubleshoot what's happening in the Channels docker image or there's an update which can help overcome the challenge.

I used the m3u8 file as the m3u input and the xml file as the guide data, for US and got 262 channels listed in the source almost immediately and it looks like it worked seamlessly. Nicely done and a really nice add for the m3u service!


The nz folder looks promising. I loaded the kodi m3u8 and xml and ended up with some good stuff (I haven't encountered anything illegal on this site).

The PBS folder was like treasure trove, 135 PBS stations.

It would be cool to play around with the ones that only have a .json but I'm guessing I need docker to run those?

Could you post the steps to get the PBS stations? Thanks in advance.

Use the playlist and epg from this folder:


Just want to say that I set this up on my Synology using Docker and wow. Amazing! Thank you so much for this work. Cannot believe how much value I get from a single program. Channels is the best.


Is anyone having issues with stirr? I have pluto up & running with no issues at all. Stirr was working but then stopped.

I gave up on Stirr as it is not fully supported by Channels Developers.

No sources like this are supported by us, just the feature that enables it :smile:


There is "supported", and then there is "supported". I think we all know that this M3U stuff like the Pluto channel isn't officially "supported", but the fact that someone on the team built a Docker app for Pluto that works really well, and has been helping folks and updating it... that's more "supported" than Stirr. I gave up on Stirr too. For one thing its essentially the same programming as Pluto, and the other being that it was pretty crappy in comparison to how well Pluto works via Docker.

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Anyone know how to get Dust Channel without the Stirr m3u playlist. Thats the only channel I would like to add. Stirr m3u is so unreliable that all I would like is this one channel. Anyone know
how to obtain a m3u playlist and xmlv for IMDB.

Are yall trying the site I mentioned above?
Try these Stirr links, they are working fine for me:

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Question: My 2009 iMac is too old for Docker. How can I add Pluto to my Channels DVR? Is it possible?