Pluto Movies show up as TV Shows

It already has that ...


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="2.1" tvg-chno="2.1" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="20292" tvg-name="KATUDT" group-title="Favorites",ABC

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="2.2" tvg-chno="2.2" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="62792" tvg-name="KATUDT2" group-title="Favorites",METVN

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="2.3" tvg-chno="2.3" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="89527" tvg-name="KATUDT3" group-title="Favorites",COMET

Then I recommend splitting up your sources into 2 separate ones: one for your TVE sources, and another for the others. That way when you apply the XMLTV, it will only do so for the content that does not have native Gracenote mappings.

By trying to simplify your complicated setup (using a single import from one DVR to feed another), you have introduced additional complications (incomplete data because of XMLTV deficiencies). Split your sources up, and you'll probably find that it works better.

(EDIT: grammar)

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OK Did that looking good .... Only Getting XMLTV for Comcast from main DVR. Pluto from Docker.

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This has been fixed for pluto search results.


Just upgraded to 2021.08.12.1616. My Pluto movies still show as "TV Shows". However, the New Series Pass option is now correctly hidden.

I run a custom Pluto EPG process so maybe something on my side. (Movies are set <catagory>Movie</category> which I thought was the correct XMLTV indicator.) Or does this require the category changes present in the latest maddox container? (Have not analyzed those yet.)

where exactly?

Did you update to the latest Docker ?

Pluto for Channels - Playground / Custom Channels - Channels Community (

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In the first screen of the Web UI results (see below). Click through and it looks good (no mention of TV or Movie at that point.) You see its channel 9000 (Pluto 70s) in the second shot.

@Edwin_Perez -- I run custom Pluto EPG code, not the container so could be on my side.

And for completeness, here is the XML from Channels (after processing my Pluto EPG data):

<programme start="20210812221500 +0000" stop="20210813000000 +0000" channel="9000">
<title>Bugsy Malone (1975)</title>
Set in 1929 New York City, Bugsy Malone captures a flashy world of would-be hoodlums, showgirls, and dreamers - all played by child actors!
<category>Classic Movie Musicals</category>
<icon src=""/>
<episode-num system="xmltv:perl">
Bugsy Malone/f0ea7145a4cc29f0077d373d2dc63b712d0a17477d05592d68a685c0d457b57e

Have you recreated your guide database since updating? It could be stale data.

Good point-- I reloaded the XML since Channels makes the movie-or-not decision during XML processing, but did not try a full guide recreate. That "New Series Pass" is now missing indicates it is detecting some state differently than before (or at least realizes it is not a series). Nonetheless, will do a guide DB rebuilt later. Thanks for the reminder.

This is a display bug in search results, specific to xmltv sources, which is caused because of how the movies are indexed into the guide database. It is a known bug and will require some deeper changes to fix.


Good by me. Removing the bogus "New Series Pass" was the important part. The incorrect labeling is a trivial-issue (but appreciate knowing the cause). Thanks for the quick turnaround.

I just ran into this, as well. After the movie records and parses the commercial skipping check, can I just copy the file from the TV directory to the Movie directory?

Not sure what you're referring to. The bug above was fixed, and only affected search results and not recordings.

This listing should be a Movie but it is coming up as a TV Show:

And it is definitely recording as a TV Show:

And I can even prove it is a Movie by the metadata:


Can you pull up the json for that recording using its ID (x.x.x.x:8089/dvr/files/XXXX). It should contain the original xmltv where it should say if its marked as a movie or not.

Are you using a random Pluto m3u url? If so, then yeah, it’ll show up as a show because the EPG in those don’t have what Channels needs.

You’ll need to use this:

Don't worry @maddox, I have the nice Docker running on my own, even updated to 1.2.6! However, I did just notice that this is a Stirr Channel (also a Docker), so... my miss!

@tmm1, here's the JSON:

Looks like it says <category>Other</category> only. Its possible that stirr isn't tagging them either, in which case not much stirr-for-channels could do about it.

Moving the mpg is probably your best bet for now.

Probably we should add a way to recategorize recordings as movies too.