Pluto TV Docker Help

How do I use the command to start the docker? I didn’t type any commands or anything. I just downloaded the container, that is all.

You most likely left the port to auto in the synology docker when you were installing it. Double click the container in your screenshot and look at the port that it shows. That’s what you use.

I'm not sure. I did it all via command line on RPi. I'm sure someone else has your answer, but I'm sure the issue is that the port isn't set correctly. Maybe look in the settings or details for that container?

Right click on container and select details.
Make sure that your ports are properly setup. Should be like this. Don't leave local port on auto.

Ok. We are getting somewhere. You are correct. It is not set to the correct port. How do I change this?

Open docker and click on button to turn off the container.

Then Right click on the container and select edit then click on Port Settings tab.

Change the Local Port to 8080 leaving the Container Port at 80 then click on the button to start the container again. Maker sure that enable restart is checked. This will auto start if NAS is rebooted or if the container fails for some reason.

Ok. Right click where? It is not bringing up any options when I right clicking the container.
And thanks for the help.

After you stop the container , right click on it to select edit.

You are awesome. Got it working. May have a question or 2 for you in a while but so far so good. Thanks for your patience and help.


Thanks everyone for the help. I have the Pluto Docker up and running. However, I can’t get the guide data to work. I am using the IP of the Nas on port 8080. Am I to do the same with the guide data?

Select edit settings next to the PlutoTV source

and then put in your Nas IP as the source, http://NAS IP:8080/playlist.m3u

This is for the playlist itself correct? What about the guide data?

Next, set the provider for your new source and choose custom URL.

Finally, enter your EPG xml url and set it to refresh every 6 hours.

Yes I’ve done this using http://nas:8080/Epg.xmu
And no luck.

If you have docker running you can copy and paste both links from docker (http://yourdockerip:8080/) into your channels source setup. Just right click on each link copy link and then paste that into the correct area in channels.
Is that what you are doing? or are you typing it manually?

Try EPG.xml

Got it. Thanks for all the help everyone. I’m super excited now!!

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sorry that's what I meant to say!

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