I've tried them all and the only method that includes those channels is via mjh.nz. I read a post that said Pluto isn't included these channels in their usual API for some reason, and that Matt manually added them to the m3u and xml he shares:
Thanks. Have this set up now and am able to record WOF!
I dont manually add any pluto channels so not sure why mine has them
He got that idea from one of my posts
I made that comment because the Pluto API doesn't list those channels (and I just assumed you were using that API).
Yeah, I'm confused then why the mjh.nz m3u includes these two standout channels automatically, but the nocords.xyz m3u that @HankLloydRight shares, does not.
Are they not getting their data from the same source?
Both nocordz.xyz and the docker container use this Pluto API https://api.pluto.tv/v2/channels
You can open it in a web browser and see for yourself.
i dont use that endpoint.
I use https://service-channels.clusters.pluto.tv/v2/guide/channels
Pretty sure i switched to this to get those missing channels
Ah, that would give most people a 401-Unauthorized error.
Does anyone know what the difference is for the pluto channels using these links? I'm seeing a lot more channels that aren't on the regular pluto tv ap. For example, they have a Facts of Life and Who's the Boss channel. Is this maybe pulling from Canada? Not complaining, just wondering how we're getting all of these extra channels.
Is anyone else using these links for Pluto? They had been working fine for me but are not working today.
I just tested and can confirm that mjh.nz Pluto source m3u8 is not working for me either today.
The alternative set up by @HankLloydRight is working fine though:
(albeit without the Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy channels)
So is his link gone forever (tldr). His link was great since it included WOF and jeopardy.
Hope this doesn’t forecast a problem with the docker link for Pluto.
It's a sad day.
So far no issues on my end with that.
Are there any alternatives to be able to receive the Pluto tv WOF and Jeopardy channesl?
You can actually add any Pluto station yourself using a Custom Channel.
Make sure you set the Stream Format to "HLS" and the Source to "Text". If you already have one setup like this as I do, you can just add these stations to the list.
Now, any Pluto station can be created using a template like this:
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="{ID YOU LIKE}" channel-number="{STATION NUMBER YOU LIKE OR EXCLUDE}" tvg-logo="https://images.pluto.tv/channels/{PLUTO STATION ID}/colorLogoPNG.png" tvc-guide-art="https://images.pluto.tv/channels/{PLUTO STATION ID}/featuredImage.jpg?fill=blur&fit=fill&fm=jpg&h=562&q=75&w=1000" tvc-guide-title="{STATION TITLE}" tvc-guide-description="{STATION DESCRIPTION}" group-title="{STATION CATEGORY}", tvc-guide-placeholders="1800", {STATION TITLE}
https://cfd-v4-service-channel-stitcher-use1-1.prd.pluto.tv/stitch/hls/channel/{PLUTO STATION ID}/master.m3u8?advertisingId=&appName=web&appVersion=unknown&appStoreUrl=&architecture=&buildVersion=&clientTime=0&deviceDNT=0&deviceId={YOUR UNIQUE DEVICE ID}&deviceMake=Chrome&deviceModel=web&deviceType=web&deviceVersion=unknown&includeExtendedEvents=false&sid={YOUR UNIQUE SID}&userId=&serverSideAds=true
You get the {PLUTO STATION ID} directly from Pluto on their website, clicking on a station and copying this string:
As for {YOUR UNIQUE DEVICE ID} and {YOUR UNIQUE SID}, you can get those from downloading and opening the Pluto m3u you are using in a text editor. I'm using my own Docker, so mine came from that. nocords.xyz and freechannels.me are exactly the same, as well. Just know that they may "expire" after some time and you'll have to replace them with whatever is current. Sadly, it would take a different setup to automate this, but it is possible if someone is feeling a little froggy and wants to give it a whirl.
Thus, for Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, it would be this (minus my unique Device ID and SID):
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="pluto-jeopardy" channel-number="89000" tvg-logo="https://images.pluto.tv/channels/625f04253e5f6c000708f3b7/colorLogoPNG.png" tvc-guide-art="https://images.pluto.tv/channels/625f04253e5f6c000708f3b7/featuredImage.jpg?fill=blur&fit=fill&fm=jpg&h=562&q=75&w=1000" tvc-guide-title="Jeopardy! hosted by Alex Trebek" tvc-guide-description="Jeopardy! hosted by Alex Trebek" group-title="Gameshows", tvc-guide-placeholders="1800", Jeopardy! hosted by Alex Trebek
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="pluto-wheel-of-fortune" channel-number="89001" tvg-logo="https://images.pluto.tv/channels/625f054c5dfea70007244612/colorLogoPNG.png" tvc-guide-art="https://images.pluto.tv/channels/625f054c5dfea70007244612/featuredImage.jpg?fill=blur&fit=fill&fm=jpg&h=562&q=75&w=1000" tvc-guide-title="Wheel of Fortune" tvc-guide-description="Wheel of Fortune" group-title="Gameshows", tvc-guide-placeholders="1800", Wheel of Fortune
Notice that I put tvc-guide-placeholders="1800"
in the code. This puts a 30 minute block (30 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 1800 seconds) in the guide. Unfortunately, getting the XML guide data from Pluto is a different issue entirely. While you can map stations and there seems to be an available one for both Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, I found they were both fairly useless with no season/episode number information or anything like that.
However, if you'd still like to use them instead of the default placeholders, you are more than free to do so.
How to Map Stations
Either way, you'll end up with something like this:
It will work perfectly like normal and you won't be able to tell any differences compared to the prior method: