I just started using Channels, and I am trying to port over all my season passes from my Tivo. For shows in the current program guide, this is no problem. For shows not currently "in season". I am trying to set up advanced passes using the SeriesID. I am using zap2it to find those values, but I am very concerned that I may be doing it wrong. A few questions:
- What is the format of series id that Channels expects? Is it SH+8 digits, SH +12 digits, or just the series ID with "SH" & leading 0's stripped off? I see all these as examples in other posts.
- Speaking of other posts, I am concerned zap2it is not giving me the results everyone else has. For example, in this thread the metadata for "Ragnorok (2020)" is SH033742570000. However, when I plug that into the url for zap2it, I don't get a result.
- On the flip, when I look at my season pass made through the program guide for "Jeopardy!", under "advanced", I see a value for seriesId of "184056", but when I search zap2it, I see 2 values for jeopardy! in the search results (excluding spanish language):
- Jeopardy! (2023) - SH000023480000
Jeopardy! (2020) - SH028143190000
Only the first one has up upcoming episodes, and none of those look like the value Channels is using.
- I have several passes I am trying to make this way, but a great example is Doctor Who, which (at this moment) isn't in the program guide. Zap2it has (of course) multiple listings for it:
- Doctor Who (2022) - SH010085170000
- Doctor Who (2011) - SH025674980000
Doctor Who (2009) - SH010085170000
Is there any valid number from the above that I could pop into the "seriesId" field of an advanced pass with hope that it will work? If so, is there a way I can tell them apart, so I don't need to post about every single show I want to bring over?
I have A LOT of season passes to enter, so I really want to get this right. Any help would be very appreciated!