Porting Season Passes from Tivo

I just started using Channels, and I am trying to port over all my season passes from my Tivo. For shows in the current program guide, this is no problem. For shows not currently "in season". I am trying to set up advanced passes using the SeriesID. I am using zap2it to find those values, but I am very concerned that I may be doing it wrong. A few questions:

  1. What is the format of series id that Channels expects? Is it SH+8 digits, SH +12 digits, or just the series ID with "SH" & leading 0's stripped off? I see all these as examples in other posts.
  2. Speaking of other posts, I am concerned zap2it is not giving me the results everyone else has. For example, in this thread the metadata for "Ragnorok (2020)" is SH033742570000. However, when I plug that into the url for zap2it, I don't get a result.
  3. On the flip, when I look at my season pass made through the program guide for "Jeopardy!", under "advanced", I see a value for seriesId of "184056", but when I search zap2it, I see 2 values for jeopardy! in the search results (excluding spanish language):
  1. I have several passes I am trying to make this way, but a great example is Doctor Who, which (at this moment) isn't in the program guide. Zap2it has (of course) multiple listings for it:

I have A LOT of season passes to enter, so I really want to get this right. Any help would be very appreciated!

The SH* are not the same as the series ids used by our season passes.

Let me see what's possible here..

For shows with current airings in the guide data you can search for the show name in the DVR web admin UI (search box upper right) and click the Guide result for the show to set a series pass.

For shows with no airings in the guide data I use a search lifted from find match for imports.!
Just replace with the IP address and port of your Channels DVR Server
Results are returned as json data and include the seriesId


Thank you so much. This is exactly what I needed!

Impressed with how quick folks responded as well. Makes me wish I hadn't spent hours trying to puzzle it out before asking :slight_smile:

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