PREVIEW: Library Collections and Virtual Channels (v2021.07.16.2141)

New build is out with updates to Library Collection editing:

  • Collection images are now utilized more.

Note: When adding a URL for your Collection's art, use a 16x9 aspect ratio.

I'd suggest there should be a way to specify a single / specific episode of a show. For example, the show "Mission Declassified", I only want " Escape From Alcatraz" Season 1, Episode 1 from the series for my virtual channel. As of now, it adds every episode to my collection.

How do I get beta access? I am a channels plus subscriber and I thought I read it was automatic. I don't see channels in test flight on my iPhone and on my ATV it is asking for a code?


Visit from your iPhone, and then click the link through to get it to open Test Flight and enroll you.

Got it. Thanks!

I have to admin I kind of thought this was dumb until I tried it. Now I just made a Seinfeld channel and I love this feature, I'm already making other ones too lol :slight_smile:

@maddox, did you take away the ability to add a channel number to virtual channels? two steps forward, one step backwards.


That never actually worked. Channel numbers are not editable.

Huh? It worked for me. Damn, that’s the only thing that worked. Everything else is still wonky. I can’t get episodes and movies in the order I want in the guide but they are in order when I add them.

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@tmm1 made them editable and didn't tell me! I'll get the field back in there.

Order of items have no reflection of their order in the guide. There's no control over that quite yet.

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Whatever you ultimately do a about order, please allow a random option as I actually want things to be random for the type of virtual channels I've created. Thx!

Virtual Channel number editing is back with the latest build.

You can also set the library visibility of collections. This will come in to play with the client app as you’ll be able to make collection for kids only.


ok - here is my silly/not vital feature request. To be able to provide "station logos" to our virtual channels. I have a station dedicated to would be cool to have add a custom station logo for the channel in the guide instead of it just being blank

Not silly! And it'll come soon.

New build is out with updates to Virtual Channel editing:

  • You can now set a Logo for your channel with a URL.

Note: When adding a URL for your Virtual Channel's logo, use a 4x3 aspect ratio.

One good place to find good art for your channels is


Will it be possible to create virtual channels based on content filters? For example, I'd love to be able to create a Family channel, and have it populate dynamically based on the classification of the movie. This would be much easier than manually adding movies.

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Confirmed, an item can only be in a Collection once and now can uncheck in search. Very nice!

Smart collections with a query system will come later.


Looks schweet with transparent background. Nice!

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Hell yeah! Nice!

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