Problems with current prerelease

Is anyone else having problems with the current prerelease? When recordings end they still show up as recording in my activity window. When I watch a recording remotely it is transcoding even though I have original set under Internet Streaming. There are errors under the log when recordings occur.

2021/07/15 11:53:41.347680 [DVR] Starting job 1626364740-ch923 SportsCenter on ch=[923]
2021/07/15 11:53:41.347819 [DVR] Waiting 7h3m18.652192s until next job 1626393420-9 Big Brother
2021/07/15 11:53:42.091009 [TNR] Opened connection to 13279F09/0 for ch923 ESPNHD
2021/07/15 11:53:42.092515 [DVR] Recording for job 1626364740-ch923 from 13279F09 ch923 into "TV/SportsCenter/SportsCenter 2021-07-15-1153.mpg" for 9m18.652073s
2021/07/15 11:53:42.323314 [IDX] Generating video index for job 1626364740-ch923
2021/07/15 11:53:42.763740 [ERR] Recovered from panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference*StreamIndexer).Index.func1()

I believe this is because it's not really "transcoding", but rather remuxing. The recordings are saved as MPEG-TS (transport streams), but remote viewing uses HLS.

I have been remote streaming for a while and it usually remuxes but at the native bitrate and resolution. Last night it showed it was remuxing the NBA finals at 1 mbps even though I had original set. I lost DD 5.1 in the process and the video was extremely choppy and grainy.

Which version in particular are you having issues with? The current prerelease is 2021.07.15.0027, which means it was released last night.

(Perhaps you could update your OP with the version number, as well which clients (platform and version number) you are experiencing the problems with, too. Without details, everything is a guess.)

I am running the server on an M1 Mac Mini - version 2021.07.15.0027. Clients are Apple TV 4K Gen 2 and iPhone 12 with the latest releases.

I downgraded the server to the stable version - 2021.05.26.1807 and everything is now resolved. There might be a bug with the M1 Mac Mini and the newest prerelease.

Same issue on pi, so this isn't an M1-specific issue

eccd78dc-6d68-483a-8adf-30d06bd75932 submitted

Getting the same errors. Also, the web ui indicates recordings are happening that completed hours ago. Reverted back to 2021.07.14.1719.

Looks like a bug in the new prerelease. We're investigating.

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Only seems to be impacting TVE recordings, btw - Stuff from HDHR-based (at least cable) appears fine.

We've released a new prerelease build with a fix. Sorry about that.

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Recordings are still not ending or being cleared from the activity menu.

The log shows these errors:

2021/07/15 17:36:55.896395 [ERR] Recovered from panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference*StreamIndexer).Index.func1()

2021/07/15 17:38:00.961616 [WRN] Buffer for 13279F09 is more than 50% full (clients=1, len=33555368)

Very interesting. What kind of recording is this? TVE or HDHR?

HDHomeRun Prime

Recordings never leave the activity section. The recordings are also glitched too and only record one or two seconds. Remote streaming also doesn’t work properly. It remuxes or transcodes at random bitrates 200kbps - 6mbps even when I have original set as the internet streaming quality. I also have adaptive streaming turned off. The previous releases have all worked perfectly.

5 TVE recordings stuck today. HDHR recordings seem to be completing (one is in progress now).

Logs submitted — ac5861dc-7fab-4d5d-a6d4-8dc6bfc06f33.

I see an hour ago that you said there’s a new prerelease posted but when I check for updates I don’t see it?

DVR prerelease v2021.07.15.2328 has just been released.

It has:

  • The fix for the "Recovered from panic" error in the indexer
  • A fix for all future panics to prevent the buffer full issue that corrupted recordings

This should prevent these sorts of bugs from impacting recordings in the future.

Thank you all for the reports.


Just wanted to say Thanks for reporting the version#.

Many posters say they're running the "latest version", but don't say what version.
Most of the time it's not the latest pre-release which was what was meant by a post.
Add to that the confusion between DVR release and pre-release versions.

You hopefully saved my midnight and early morning recordings from disaster.

Will keep you informed :smiley:

5 posts were split to a new topic: Potential issue in latest prerelease with audio remuxing

My ATSC 3.0 channels remuxes this as well on iPadOS and FireTV on away from home. Not sure about Apple. When it remuxes, I lose audio. Watching the recording plays audio, but not live.

Got a newer/different kernel panic when the DVR tried to upgrade to the even-later prelease late last night:

2021/07/15 23:15:53.233404 [SYS] Shutting down for upgrade from v2021.07.15.2328 to v2021.07.16.0117
2021/07/15 23:15:53.235263 [SYS] Bonjour service stopped.
2021/07/15 23:15:53.241953 [DVR] Recording engine stopped.
2021/07/15 23:15:53.261904 [ERR] Recovered from panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

Hard rebooting the pi brought everything back. 57f48e5c-1fce-4204-a19a-d4766d4da36a submitted

I ma running 2021.07.16.0117 and I also have shows stuck in record, and commercial detection failing on those even though they are not actually recording.

2021/07/15 20:00:02.344517 [ERR] Recovered from panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference*StreamIndexer).Index.func1()