Apologies for the delay. Threadfin has now been added to Project One-Click:
What if your Portainer port is not 9443? How do you alter that in the stack? Container?
I believe my thinking at the time must have been "Anyone that wants to use an alternate port for Portainer can go pound sand". Kidding aside -- apologies for that -- I'll add an environment variable to handle an alternative to 9443.
I've added an environment variable to support a custom https port for Portainer. This requires the version of OliveTin published today, along with this latest Docker Compose:
version: '3.9'
olivetin: # This docker-compose requires little or no editing. Set the Environment variables section of Portainer.
# 2025.01.22
# GitHub home for this project: https://github.com/bnhf/OliveTin.
# Docker container home for this project with setup instructions: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/bnhf/olivetin.
image: bnhf/olivetin:${TAG} # Add the tag like latest or test to the environment variables below.
container_name: olivetin
hostname: olivetin
dns_search: ${DOMAIN} # For Tailscale users using Magic DNS, add your Tailnet (tailxxxxx.ts.net) to use hostnames for remote nodes, otherwise use your local domain name.
- ${HOST_PORT}:1337
- CHANNELS_DVR=${CHANNELS_DVR_HOST}:${CHANNELS_DVR_PORT} # Add your Channels DVR server in the form CHANNELS_DVR_HOST=<hostname or ip> and CHANNELS_DVR_PORT=<port>.
#- CHANNELS_DVR_ALTERNATES=${CHANNELS_DVR2_HOST}:${CHANNELS_DVR2_PORT} # Space separated list of alternate Channels DVR servers to choose from in the form hostname:port or ip:port.
- CHANNELS_CLIENTS=${CHANNELS_CLIENTS} # Space separated list of Channels DVR clients you'd like notifications sent to in the form hostname or IP.
- ALERT_SMTP_SERVER=${ALERT_SMTP_SERVER} # SMTP server to use for sending alert e-mails. smtp.gmail.com:587 for example.
- ALERT_EMAIL_FROM=${ALERT_EMAIL_FROM} # Sender address for alert e-mails.
- ALERT_EMAIL_PASS=${ALERT_EMAIL_PASS} # SMTP "app" password established through GMail or Yahoo Mail. Do not use your everyday e-mail address.
- ALERT_EMAIL_TO=${ALERT_EMAIL_TO} # Recipient address for alert e-mails.
- UPDATE_YAMLS=${UPDATE_YAMLS} # Set this to true to update config.yaml.
- UPDATE_SCRIPTS=${UPDATE_SCRIPTS} # Set this to true to update all included scripts.
- TZ=${TZ} # Add your local timezone in standard linux format. E.G. US/Eastern, US/Central, US/Mountain, US/Pacific, etc.
- PORTAINER_TOKEN=${PORTAINER_TOKEN} # Generate via <username> dropdown (upper right of WebUI), "My account", API tokens.
- PORTAINER_HOST=${PORTAINER_HOST} # Hostname or IP of the Docker host you're running Portainer on.
- PORTAINER_PORT=${PORTAINER_PORT} # https port you're running Portainer on. 9443 is the default.
- ${HOST_DIR}/olivetin:/config # Add the parent directory on your Docker you'd like to use.
- ${DVR_SHARE}:/mnt/${CHANNELS_DVR_HOST}-${CHANNELS_DVR_PORT} # This can either be a Docker volume or a host directory that's connected via Samba or NFS to your Channels DVR network share.
- ${LOGS_SHARE}:/mnt/${CHANNELS_DVR_HOST}-${CHANNELS_DVR_PORT}_logs # This can either be a Docker volume or a host directory that's connected via Samba or NFS to your Channels DVR logs network share.
- ${TUBEARCHIVIST_SHARE}:/mnt/${CHANNELS_DVR_HOST}-${CHANNELS_DVR_PORT}_ta # This can either be a Docker volume or a host directory that's connected via Samba or NFS to your TubeArchivist videos network share.
#- ${DVR2_SHARE}:/mnt/${CHANNELS_DVR2_HOST}-${CHANNELS_DVR2_PORT} # Note that these volume mounts should always be to /mnt/hostname-port or /mnt/ip-port (dash rather than a colon between).
#- ${LOGS2_SHARE}:/mnt/${CHANNELS_DVR2_HOST}-${CHANNELS_DVR2_PORT}_logs # This can either be a Docker volume or a host directory that's connected via Samba or NFS to your Channels DVR logs network share.
#- ${TUBEARCHIVIST2_SHARE}:/mnt/${CHANNELS_DVR2_HOST}-${CHANNELS_DVR2_PORT}_ta # This can either be a Docker volume or a host directory that's connected via Samba or NFS to your TubeArchivist videos network share.
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
restart: unless-stopped
image: halverneus/static-file-server:latest
container_name: static-file-server
dns_search: ${DOMAIN}
- ${HOST_SFS_PORT}:8080
- ${HOST_DIR}/olivetin/data:${FOLDER}
restart: unless-stopped
#volumes: # use this section if you've setup a docker volume named channels-dvr, with CIFS or NFS, to bind to /mnt/dvr inside the container. Set ${HOST_DIR} to channels-dvr (HOST_DIR=channels_dvr) in that example.
#external: true
#external: true
#external: true
And here's a set of example env vars:
CHANNELS_CLIENTS=appletv4k-den firestick-bedroom
If you could confirm back here once you've tested it with your setup, I'll update the compose in the various locations it can be found on this forum and on Docker Hub.
It works great! Thanks so much.
New OliveTin-for-Channels pushed this morning as bnhf/olivetin:latest (aka bnhf/olivetin:2025.01.27) with updates to several Project One-Click Actions.
The SamsungTVPlus-for-Channels now uses vertical bars in place of commas as a delimiter when selecting multiple regions for guide data:
And, the most important update, in preparation for the Super Bowl -- the Tubi-for-Channels Project One-Click Action now supports fields for your Tubi username and password (required for viewing the SB via Tubi):
If you simply want to update an existing Portainer-Stack for either of these projects, you can use the Docker Compose Examples available in Project One-Click:
This will always give the latest recommended Docker Compose, including a version date. These composes are designed to be used without editing, as anything unique to your installation is contained in the env vars. Sample variables are shown under Standard Error
If you're updating, stop the stack, paste in the latest compose and check if you need to supply any new env vars based on the samples. Brief descriptions of the values required are shown in the compose's comments. Click the Update the stack
button, and be sure to use the Re-pull and redeploy
slider to be sure you have the latest version of the container from Docker Hub or GitHub.
I was wondering, does the Project One Click Tubi installation routine set up two sources in Channels DVR? (gracenote include w/epg and exclude wo/epg)?
Looking at his shell script, it only creates the gracenote include source, not both.
It's not hard to create the exclude w/o epg source yourself.
Not currently, but it could. I have a framework for doing it that way I use for FrndlyTV. Does the container publish unique M3Us for channels with and without Gracenote data?
@jsfullam As @chDVRuser said, I was creating the Custom Channels Source with the Gracenote M3U only. But, I've rectified that now -- both will be created. I'll push a new container with that fix shortly.
New OliveTin-for-Channels Project One-Click bnhf/olivetin:latest (aka bnhf/olivetin:2025.01.30) pushed this morning with improved support for Tubi-for-Channels.
Two Custom Channel Sources are now created along with the Portainer-Stack when using the One-Click Action.
The first source is called Tubi TV
and includes all channels that have Gracenote guide data. When specifying a CDVR starting channel number in the Action, that number will be used in the custom sources.
The second source is called Tubi TV-NoEPG
and will include those channels without Gracenote data, and will use the XML file in the container for guide data. When specifying a CDVR starting channel number, the channel numbers for this second source will begin at +300 from your specified number, to allow room for the Gracenote channels.
Here's what the auto created Custom Channels Sources will look like:
Thanks. That's what I had done a while back. I was just thinking about streamlining the installation for others.
HI, I just attempted to use Project One-Click to set up Plex on my back-up server. (Synology NAS) Unfortunately, I received the following error:
JSON response from
{"error":"invalid source url: Get \"\": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"}
It looks like there's an extra backslash at the end of the playlist address:
Get ""
Trying to set this up and get error
failed to deploy a stack: Network olivetin_default Creating Network olivetin_default Created Container olivetin Creating Container static-file-server Creating Container static-file-server Created Container olivetin Created Container static-file-server Starting Container olivetin Starting Error response from daemon: Mounts denied: The path /users/olivetin is not shared from the host and is not known to Docker. You can configure shared paths from Docker -> Preferences... -> Resources -> File Sharing. See Change settings | Docker Docs for more info.
I'm using a M@ Mac Mini
CHANNELS_CLIENTS=Living Room Dixon Living Room Master Bedroom
DVR_SHARE=/Volumes/External Drive/Channels DVR
LOGS_SHARE=/Volumes/External Drive/Channels DVR
TUBEARCHIVIST_SHARE=/Volumes/External Drive/Channels DVR
PORTAINER_HOST= (I pulled this from IP address listed on the portainer docker)
This needs to be the actual, resolvable hostname of your CDVR server, or its IP address.
Leave these two blank if you don't actually have any additional CDVR servers running
These should either be the actual, resolvable hostnames of your client devices, or their IP addresses. Space separated.
This is explained here, but I believe most use /Users/<your Mac username>
(note the capital U):
This is the path to your CDVR executables on your Mac, if you don't know it it's easy enough to figure out once you get OliveTin going. Use the Generate Filtered Log Action and serch the last 100000 lines for [SYS] Start
, and then use the path shown without the last /data
Since your CDVR server and Docker host are one in the same, use the same resolvable hostname or IP address as you used for your CHANNELS_DVR_HOST
Those backslashes are just escape characters for the double quotes. I'll check out what's going on tomorrow, but maybe the URL format changed for the M3U?
EDIT: The plex-for-channels stack portion deployed successfully, so you should be able to go to
and see if there's a change in the list of M3U options.
EDIT2: Also, check the Portainer log for this container, as I just noticed this, which could have prevented it from fully spinning-up:
Plex container seems to have deployed successfully and is running.
Plex Playlist v1.22
Last Updated: Jan. 22, 2025
PLEX LOCAL MJH Compatible:
PLEX LOCAL Gracenote Playlist:
PLEX LOCAL EPG Only Playlist:
Plex container log:
[INFO] Device ID Generated
[INFO] Device ID: 479b159a-4283-4bfe-8a43-8393374e1732
⇨ http server started on [::]:7777
[INFO] Starting thread for code local
[INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
[INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-11 01:11.35 +0000
[INFO] Updating Channel List for local
[INFO] Updating Channel List for local
[INFO] Channel Listing for local Complete
[INFO] Day One Initialization of EPG data
[INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-11 through 2025-02-11
[INFO] Channel Listing for local Complete
[INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 31.76 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
[INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 72.12 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
[INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 104.12 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
[INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 142.94 seconds. 600 Channels parsed. Please wait
[INFO] Retrieving local EPG data complete. Elapsed time: 144.44 seconds. 615 Channels parsed.
[INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local
[INFO] Returning Cached Channel List for local
[INFO] Returning Cached Channel List for local
[INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
[INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-12 through 2025-02-12
[INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 32.20 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
[INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 71.94 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
[INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 104.06 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
[INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 143.97 seconds. 600 Channels parsed. Please wait
[INFO] Retrieving local EPG data complete. Elapsed time: 145.59 seconds. 615 Channels parsed.
[INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local
[INFO] Returning Cached Channel List for local
Manually adding the Plex custom channel source using the addresses from the container (as below) is successful.
It seems that it only failed when running the One-Click action.
Very helpful info, thanks. I'll take a look
Thank you, that worked. However, now when I go to OliveTin this is what I get when I try to setup Tubi for example:
Standard output:JSON response from https://local:8089:9443/api/stacks?type=2&method=string&endpointId=2:
Standard error:exit status 1
+ dvr=local:8089:8089
++ basename /config/tubi-for-channels.sh
+ extension=tubi-for-channels.sh
+ extension=tubi-for-channels
+ cp /config/tubi-for-channels.env /tmp
+ envFile=/tmp/tubi-for-channels.env
+ [[ -n local:8089 ]]
+ extensionURL=local:8089:7778
+ [[ none == \n\o\n\e ]]
+ tubiUser=
+ [[ none == \n\o\n\e ]]
+ tubiPass=
+ [[ # == \# ]]
+ cdvrStartingChannel=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ cdvrIgnoreM3UNumbers=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ curl -s -o /dev/null http://local:8089:7778
+ envVars=("TAG=$2" "HOST_PORT=$3" "TUBI_PORT=$4" "TUBI_USER=$tubiUser" "TUBI_PASS=$tubiPass" "CDVR_STARTING_CHANNEL=$7")
+ sed -i /=#/d /tmp/tubi-for-channels.env
+ /config/portainerstack.sh tubi-for-channels
+ stackName=tubi-for-channels
+ portainerHost=local:8089
+ [[ -n 9443 ]]
+ portainerPort=9443
+ curl -s -o /dev/null http://local:8089:9000
+ portainerURL='https://local:8089:9443/api/stacks?type=2&method=string&endpointId=2'
+ portainerToken=ptr_TP3q1aaHghJfhw94AMoa6ulP04EI93wfbogZlsKSb3c=
+ cp /config/tubi-for-channels.yaml /tmp
+ stackFile=/tmp/tubi-for-channels.yaml
+ envFile=/tmp/tubi-for-channels.env
++ grep DVR_SHARE= /tmp/tubi-for-channels.env
++ grep -v /
++ awk -F= '{print $2}'
+ dockerVolume=
++ grep VOL_EXTERNAL= /tmp/tubi-for-channels.env
++ grep -v '#'
++ awk -F= '{print $2}'
+ volumeExternal=
++ grep VOL_NAME= /tmp/tubi-for-channels.env
++ grep -v '#'
++ awk -F= '{print $2}'
+ volumeName=
++ grep NETWORK_MODE= /tmp/tubi-for-channels.env
++ grep -v '#'
++ awk -F= '{print $2}'
+ networkMode=
++ grep DEVICES= /tmp/tubi-for-channels.env
++ grep -v '#'
++ awk -F= '{print $2}'
+ transcoderDevice=
++ grep CDVR_CONTAINER= /tmp/tubi-for-channels.env
++ grep -v '#'
++ awk -F= '{print $2}'
+ stackNumber=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
++ sed 's/\\/\\\\/g' /tmp/tubi-for-channels.yaml
++ sed 's/"/\\"/g'
++ awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}'
+ stackContent='version: '\''3.9'\''\nservices:\n tubi-for-channels:\n # 2025.01.27\n # GitHub home for this project with setup instructions: https://github.com/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels\n # Docker container home for this project: https://ghcr.io/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels\n image: ghcr.io/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels:${TAG}\n container_name: tubi-for-channels\n ports:\n - ${HOST_PORT}:${TUBI_PORT} # Use the recommended port number, or optionally change it if the port is already in use on your host.\n environment:\n - TUBI_PORT=${TUBI_PORT} # Change the port this container uses internally.\n - TUBI_USER=${TUBI_USER} # Optional variable to sign into Tubi Account.\n - TUBI_PASS=${TUBI_PASS} # Optional variable to sign into Tubi Account.\n restart: unless-stopped\n\n # Default Environment variables can be found below under stderr -- copy and paste into Portainer-Stacks Environment variables section in Advanced mode\n'
+ stackEnvVars='['
+ IFS==
+ read -r key value
+ stackEnvVars='[{"name": "TAG", "value": "latest"},'
+ IFS==
+ read -r key value
+ stackEnvVars='[{"name": "TAG", "value": "latest"},{"name": "HOST_PORT", "value": "7778"},'
+ IFS==
+ read -r key value
+ stackEnvVars='[{"name": "TAG", "value": "latest"},{"name": "HOST_PORT", "value": "7778"},{"name": "TUBI_PORT", "value": "7777"},'
+ IFS==
+ read -r key value
+ stackEnvVars='[{"name": "TAG", "value": "latest"},{"name": "HOST_PORT", "value": "7778"},{"name": "TUBI_PORT", "value": "7777"},{"name": "TUBI_USER", "value": ""},'
+ IFS==
+ read -r key value
+ stackEnvVars='[{"name": "TAG", "value": "latest"},{"name": "HOST_PORT", "value": "7778"},{"name": "TUBI_PORT", "value": "7777"},{"name": "TUBI_USER", "value": ""},{"name": "TUBI_PASS", "value": ""},'
+ IFS==
+ read -r key value
+ stackEnvVars='[{"name": "TAG", "value": "latest"},{"name": "HOST_PORT", "value": "7778"},{"name": "TUBI_PORT", "value": "7777"},{"name": "TUBI_USER", "value": ""},{"name": "TUBI_PASS", "value": ""}]'
++ cat
+ stackJSON='{
"Name": "tubi-for-channels",
"SwarmID": "",
"StackFileContent": "version: '\''3.9'\''\nservices:\n tubi-for-channels:\n # 2025.01.27\n # GitHub home for this project with setup instructions: https://github.com/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels\n # Docker container home for this project: https://ghcr.io/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels\n image: ghcr.io/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels:${TAG}\n container_name: tubi-for-channels\n ports:\n - ${HOST_PORT}:${TUBI_PORT} # Use the recommended port number, or optionally change it if the port is already in use on your host.\n environment:\n - TUBI_PORT=${TUBI_PORT} # Change the port this container uses internally.\n - TUBI_USER=${TUBI_USER} # Optional variable to sign into Tubi Account.\n - TUBI_PASS=${TUBI_PASS} # Optional variable to sign into Tubi Account.\n restart: unless-stopped\n\n # Default Environment variables can be found below under stderr -- copy and paste into Portainer-Stacks Environment variables section in Advanced mode\n",
"Env": [{"name": "TAG", "value": "latest"},{"name": "HOST_PORT", "value": "7778"},{"name": "TUBI_PORT", "value": "7777"},{"name": "TUBI_USER", "value": ""},{"name": "TUBI_PASS", "value": ""}]
+ echo 'JSON response from https://local:8089:9443/api/stacks?type=2&method=string&endpointId=2:'
++ curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-API-Key: ptr_TP3q1aaHghJfhw94AMoa6ulP04EI93wfbogZlsKSb3c=' -d '{
"Name": "tubi-for-channels",
"SwarmID": "",
"StackFileContent": "version: '\''3.9'\''\nservices:\n tubi-for-channels:\n # 2025.01.27\n # GitHub home for this project with setup instructions: https://github.com/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels\n # Docker container home for this project: https://ghcr.io/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels\n image: ghcr.io/jgomez177/tubi-for-channels:${TAG}\n container_name: tubi-for-channels\n ports:\n - ${HOST_PORT}:${TUBI_PORT} # Use the recommended port number, or optionally change it if the port is already in use on your host.\n environment:\n - TUBI_PORT=${TUBI_PORT} # Change the port this container uses internally.\n - TUBI_USER=${TUBI_USER} # Optional variable to sign into Tubi Account.\n - TUBI_PASS=${TUBI_PASS} # Optional variable to sign into Tubi Account.\n restart: unless-stopped\n\n # Default Environment variables can be found below under stderr -- copy and paste into Portainer-Stacks Environment variables section in Advanced mode\n",
"Env": [{"name": "TAG", "value": "latest"},{"name": "HOST_PORT", "value": "7778"},{"name": "TUBI_PORT", "value": "7777"},{"name": "TUBI_USER", "value": ""},{"name": "TUBI_PASS", "value": ""}]
}' 'https://local:8089:9443/api/stacks?type=2&method=string&endpointId=2'
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
+ portainerResponse=
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ exit 1
+ [[ 1 == 1 ]]
+ exit 1
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? It does not show up as a source in Channels and I have no idea how to find the link and epg to add as a source.
Looks like you used local:8089
for the PORTAINER_HOST value. This should be just the resolvable hostname, or the IP address (which is what most people use) for your Mac Mini -- do not include any port number in this value.
You'll need to stop the OliveTin Stack, make this change in the env vars section, and then click the Update button.