Provider - Hulu Live TV

Hulu App doesn't work reliably on Apple TV either. DVR part constantly crashes app. Made me appreciate Channels DVR even more.

Does anyone know how to compensate for this when working to add Hulu Live to Channels? It's asking for the validation code that I get over email, but this just seems to be an image, not a form I can fill in and submit inside of Channels.

Not exactly the same issue, but it might work for you. I've been having issues tuning into / recording Discovery owned channels. The logs were saying authentication failed.

Here is how I resolved the issue:

  • I removed Hulu Live from Channels
  • Went into a new web browser tab and signed into Hulu, signed out, clicked on the Sign in button, but then clicked the "Send password reset link" button
  • Went into my email account and clicked the reset password link
  • Updated my password to the same password I've been using
  • Signed into Hulu in the browser tab the reset password redirected me to
  • I went into Channels and added TV Everywhere using Hulu Live with my email and "new" password

Channels then verified all the channels that Hulu gives me access to and now I'm able to tune to Discovery channels.


Nice, so that worked for me. It looks like maybe Hulu disables the "pin code validation" for a period of time after a password reset, so it doesn't require Channels to have to navigate that. One slight difference for me, I was not able to use my old password again, it gave me an error that the new password had to be different than the old one, but following your steps and just changing the password to something new, worked perfectly. Thank you @Jeff_Trusty!

I use Philo for most of my TVE stuff except for Spports, TBS,TNT and Freeform etc.
If you don't need the Disney stuff the Philo Log-in stuff does well.
I would look into some of the other projects going on around the forum and see if something works for you.
I agree about the Hulu APP. Very Bulky.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Channel collection not displaying some channels to select

Any feedback on this update for Hulu 2fa on the pre-release server, from a few days ago. I'm thinking about trying Hulu again at the end of the month. Just wondering if anyone has used this 2fa within Channels?

When i last did a scan, it took a while to add channels.
I had to go in 1 by 1 and scan each TVE entry manually.
TBS and so on seemed to be easier to add
I got several emails with validation codes from Hulu.
All is good now with the rescan.

@rpaulmerrell, did you actually have to use the 2fa built into the Channels pre-release, and enter the validation codes sent from Hulu. I'm assuming the Hulu 2fa system in Channels would require some user interaction, if it is needed?

I didn't have to use the 2FA with channels, i only had to manaully rescan using the latest prerelease.

Thanks, I gave up on Hulu back in April, due to the 2fa issues. Was just wondering how it is now, because Hulu would be a cheaper option for me. Guess I'll give it a go after at the end of the month.

My billing date for my current account ends on the 21st so want to wait until around October 3 or 4th to get Hulu with my other unusued account.
Great Holiday gift.
it might be more later but I will at least round out the year with less expensive tv.

still not working for me, 2023.09.15.0559

When doing the channel verification, does it just brings down?
I've been using TVE on Hulu live and it seems to work ok.

I lost FS1, FS2, BTN???????

I have it here at present but when it rescans it might not be there.

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I performed a rescan just now and it's back working!

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Successfully works with only one set up I tried:

Channels Server on Windows 10, Latest Channels pre-release, and NOT signing into Hulu via browser on that machine. If you already signed into Hulu on that computer, you must delete device in Hulu. You will be prompted for Hulu username/password when adding source in Channels Server.

Failed with Channels Server on NAS.
Failed with Channels Server on Mac.

Tried the Mac/NAS setups for 2 days with multiple variations, including recommendations given here previously, with no success, before giving up and finally trying Windows via VM on one of my Mac minis. Worked right away!

Maybe this can help with a future Channels upgrade, as I would prefer using Hulu with Channels Server on my NAS.

NAS is working great with other sources.

Hope this is helpful.

Update: The newest pre-release, v2023.09.19.2020, appears to have fixed this issue!

I can successfully add Hulu as a source in Channels DVR server installed on a Nas.

You are still prompted for a 2fa code, but when you enter the code from your email, it starts scanning channels and adds Hulu as a source.

Thanks for the fast and excellent support of this great program!


So, just to confirm, Channels DVR now allows the user to enter the 2FA code that they receive in the email, and negotiates the correction?