Provider - Sling TV

Can you authenticate with your Sling TV credentials and watch it at Watch FS1 Live | Stream Games & Shows on FS1 | FOX Sports
Click SIGN IN (on the left) then TV Provider Sign In

I can login/authenticate with the browser to the site. Scanning with Channels gets me: not entitled: mvpd: Resource is not supported by MVPD

Did you try rescanning just that one channel in Channels DVR?

Manage lineup. Click scan. Click Rescan.
Message: not entitled: mvpd: Resource is not supported by MVPD

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Are you getting all green in Support > Troubleshooting

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All green.

If you're running the latest Pre-Release, I would submit diagnostics.
You can try these TVE Troubleshooting tips

Updated to latest pre-release (was only 1 version off) and no change.
Submitted diagnostics/ticket to support.

I just recently signed up with sling tv & after setting it up, i dont get abc even though i can log on the website live tv feed with my sling credentials. Does anyone else with sling have this issue?

Did you enable Local Networks via TV Everywhere ?

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