Provider - Xfinity

It’s not about blame. But if I am using a dedicated sub account for Channels, and this sub account is the only one having the password reset issue out of all my sub accounts, it’s not hard to conclude that xfinity is not liking something that Channels is doing.

I don't mean to argue but correlation does not imply causation. You are right that one thing that could be triggering Xfinity's algorithm is some random thing Channels does with one user but not another or one user (me) who was plagued with this for a few days and then it stopped and never happened again. It is also possible, and more likely IMHO, that the algorithm is more complex than that and is triggered by usage patterns that we can't begin to predict. Either way, Xtinity is not about to tell us -- assuming they even could. The good news is that with Channels, it is a simple matter to switch to another provider if Xfinity continues to be a pain in this regard.

You’re right in that Xfinity has some security algorithm that is being ‘tripped’ and we’ll never know the details of it. And Channels users use TVE differently, which could be why some are affected more than others. But none of that changes the fact that Channels is ‘part’ of this issue. Now, it could be there is nothing the devs can do. Or, perhaps, there is, and so it’s valuable to surface this issue.

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In the latest prerelease I've made a change to reuse the same chrome profile and cookies for all Xfinity access. One theory could be that a fresh chrome instance every time was appearing as multiple different computers all using the same login.


I like this theory.

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I have missed 2 recordings today using Xfinity TVE. Logs have been submitted as 4faef3e3-132a-420d-a456-39ed9f5bd254. Please fix the issue as soon as possible. These are sports recordings and won't be re-aired, so I'm not thrilled with this issue.

I removed the TVE-Xfinity source, stopped and started the DVR service and tried to re-add the TVE-Xfinity but it has be sitting at the "Verifying login on Xfinity" page for over 5 minutes. I have verified that the TVE-Xfinity log on works on the real site, so I don't know why this is not working for me.

I have tried rebooting the PC and adding Xfinity-TVE as a source and the same issue. I can't understand why this is happening when it worked fine last night. Just today's recordings are like this. I did update to the 2021.03.06.0114 version this morning and never tried to view TVE-Xfinity channels. My Prime channels work fine.
Is this being looked at yet? @maddox @tmm1

Appreciate your attempts to resolve this. I assume it was part of 2021.03.06.0114? I'll keep this thread updated.

I have not updated Chrome since i think I was asked to install it as part of troubleshooting that issue of paswword reset deauth thing months ago.

I have not seen it listed in the Update Manager for Linux Mint.
The only other browser i have installed is Opera, and that does get updates.
Does it auto update in the background?

I thought that a single user could have 2 simultaneous instances, so it must be the chrome thing. Being chrome.

I don't think that applies...cause u do not register a device when u log into a tve site, far as i have seen. And then each browser u use would then also count as a device?

U do register a device when you authenticate to use one of the Xfinity wifi hotspots, i noticed as even if you forget the network on the phone, even wipe and reset the phone, it will still auto connect, cause their system must log the mac address of the phone i surmise. (as well as with the Xfinty Stream app)

Further more, i thought i read that the Channels DVR, thanks to tuner sharing, on the backend connection, only appears as one device no matter how many streams u have going. cause it is only opening one connection and the sever shares that with clients.

I also have not seen any page in the Comcast account portal to Manage Partner devices. I only have seen the page that show the core comcast devices in the home, cable box, dta box, modem, etc.

And, i know for a fact, that the xfinity de-auth, security review, force password reset is NOT related to using to many streams or activity. Cause, it happened to me 2x in a row, few weeks apart, when I was not even using the Channels DVR but to record maybe 2 show per week, and was not even watching live was very little to no usage. Then, just one day, just as the sever started to record a show, after being idel for a day or two, it failed to auth and then i got the email seconds later.

Same issue with Xfinity today. I'd created a new password per request and now I can't log back into TVE. Cable provider authentication failed

Logging in via desktop is fine. Currently on 2021.03.19.0236

Yup...same thing here.
It has been fine for me for months, i just 2 days ago moved to a Pi4 for my server, and just started to really use it today, and Xfinity did this....thought it was related to my migration, they detect some new device or to many new auths...but i see at least a few other users now reporting this happening to them today, so maybe is it is not related to anything i did or the new pi server.

Lots of issues here, too. I’m really hoping the Channels DVR team could work on a new authentication workflow for Xfinity. I only need the local sports channels, and not every channel. So if I could just auth TVE Xfinity with only the channels I need, instead of every channel, maybe I could stay under Xfinity’s radar without setting off whatever alarm is triggering a password reset. I suggest it and share my error logs here.

Still not working. Yea, @speedingcheetah. It likely isn't related to your new server at all. @resjus30: I, more or less, just switch between 4 channels of cable television myself. My experience has now been relegated to content such as The View and reruns of Matlock.

It had been awhile since I'd been asked to create a new password, but I'd normally be back up and running pretty quickly. This time I'd had some channels go missing and multiple rescans couldn't find them. I finally removed the source to re-add it when this issue occured.

Only two weeks and once again Xfinity is failing the authentication. Sigh.

Mine is failing also. On version 2021.03.19.0236 DVR. I had not logged into my xfinity account on any device. The server just randomly showed the authentication error when I was trying to watch a channel.

Every time this has happened since the beginning I've had to wait I minimum the 48 hours otherwise it would not work.

If it still doesn't work after that time frame has expired then there's some other new issue apparently.

no idea if something in the newer pre-release versions of the DVR server suddenly triggered this or if it was unrelated to the server version and just xfinity's trigger somehow many people's accounts

I've had an issue where I had to delete the source and readd it by long pressing the signin because of a chrome error or something. And frequently I have to rescan individual channels. Or sometimes rescan all channels, then rescan each one that doesn't work but should. Had the password thing once. I've just been dealing with it.

I don't know why I had any of the issues. We have 2 clients and they are never in use at the same time. Got a shield in the living room and a chromecast in the bedroom. I'm never in both places at once using both, so I have no idea why I would have any issues.