Provider - YouTube TV

Started to get auth_timed_out errors yesterday. Interestingly, exactly a month since I added the source. I was able to remove it and re-add it tonight, will see if breaks again next month.

I keep getting the same error. "encountered exception 'Uncaught' (70:59)

What does this mean? What is blocking the access? I am using chrome on windows 7.

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You need to email with the Log messages and the screenshot shown under that error.

Just wanted to confirm that the Shield as a DVR will still not allow YouTube TV as a TVE provider right?

Correct, that's what it says at the top of this thread.

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I understand that. I asked because of the posts by user herbertmiller in this thread:


"Problem is I have been getting all my YouTube TV channels on ChannelsDVR with TV Everywhere since they started TVEverywhere!"

and then he says:

"I tried the scan on Nvidia Shield TV."

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Will you be able to add support for app-specific passwords on google accounts that have 2 factor enabled?


We tested app-specific passwords and they are not supported by Google for YouTubeTV

You can try it yourself- make an app specific password then try to use it on

Thank you for your quick response and the detail you sent me in an email. That makes sense. Would it be possible to add an option to upload a picture of the QR code for my OTP for my google account, or enter the secret code into my channels dvr. Then when it goes through the sign in process for each site it could determine what the 6digit code is for 2 Factor and sign in since it asks for the 2 factor code during the sign in.

I know multiple devices can work off of one QR code/key, so you could still have an OTP app on a phone and share that code with Channels DVR.

I'm sure all of this adds an extra level of complexity that my not be worth it. Especially while this is in Beta.

Just thinking out loud as I think the TVE DVR is an excellent idea.

The issue here is Google doesn't allow programmatic login via Chromium (which is what the Docker container uses as internal browser). Your workaround is to install Channels on your Ubuntu OS and then log into YTTV. That was the workaround that I used on Fedora.

We wait for Apple for doing this maybe 10 September

After scan I have
Not know what is the difference between channels and Pchannels.
However verification is OK and yet e.g. Universal Kids and USA still get problems.
Another screenshot

From log:
2019/09/10 16:28:09 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-YouTubeTV for ch6063 SPROUTP
2019/09/10 16:28:12 [HLS] Probe failed for live stream after 3.129482244s
2019/09/10 16:28:12 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 6063 from ::1 (encoder=h264_videotoolbox, resolution=, deinterlacer=blend, bitrate=10000)
2019/09/10 16:28:18 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6063-dANY-ip--1 @ 0s
2019/09/10 16:28:18 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-YouTubeTV for ch6063 SPROUTP
2019/09/10 16:28:24 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-YouTubeTV for ch6053 USAP
2019/09/10 16:28:27 [HLS] Probe failed for live stream after 3.162862059s
2019/09/10 16:28:27 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 6053 from ::1 (encoder=h264_videotoolbox, resolution=, deinterlacer=blend, bitrate=10000)
2019/09/10 16:28:34 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6053-dANY-ip--1 @ 0s
2019/09/10 16:28:34 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-YouTubeTV for ch6053 USAP

Trying to settle things with guys from Getflix, so for further testing my question is:

  1. is there any way to get more information in the log e.g. full URL of the TVE stream for single channel for further debuging purpose. I really want to have things settled and to take off some work from your head :slight_smile:
  2. is it possible such feature that in case TVE stream access failed for some reason let DVR servers try to connect to URL of the stream taken from Hulu, DTVNow, YTTV,Sling?

There are eastern and pacific versions of many channels, and the one you can access depends on your location.


I'm trying to find out what TV channels will work with Channels DVR on YouTube TV before I pay for the service. Can someone list what TV channels from YouTube TV will not work with TV Everywhere inside Channels DVR?


See for a list of networks which support TVE

If you want to record TNT TBS TRUTV CNN anything Warner you should look into Playstation VUE. The Core will get you these and more.

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Thanks for the info Kenny. When using Channels DVR with TV Everywhere, are most Playstation VUE Core package channels recordable? Do you know of any channel that are not useable in Channels DVR?



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Visit this link or click on one of the screenshots and scroll.

As far as locals. Only NBC available through PS VUE. ABC and CBS and FOX not available in my area for TVE :frowning_face:. But I have OTA and get all of them anyway.

The only one I see with Vue is Nat Geo Wild. I contacted Vue and Nat Geo and both are blaming each other. As far as locals. I can add only NBC and Fox in my area

You're the best Kenny. Thanks so much for the screen shots. This is exactly what I wanted to see.