Provider - YouTube TV

Are you on the latest by chance? I was on a different version friday night and all was working fine then, but no FS1 FS2 or BTN today.

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Yes. I'm running the latest ChannelsDVR.

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So I updated to 2023.09.10.0741 and then rescanned and the channels still wouldnt work. I wound up having to delete my yttv account and add it back and now the channels are working again. Not sure what that is all about as all of my other channels were working fine.

Glad you got it working.

Having the same issue as others here, my Channels running on a Synology NAS started having YTTV issues. So moved my Channels to my Mac desktop and had same issues, updated it to 9.9.2305 and all of a sudden my sign-on to YTTV worked, channels scanned and all back to “normal”. So now wondering if I backed up my Channels running on my Mac, and moved it back over to my Synology NAS, wonder if it would work again? I tried updating my Synology NAS version to 9.9.2305 but the YTTV signon still failed.

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Does anyone have the gracenote ids for NFL Sunday Ticket for Youtube TV would love to get my EPG working correctly thanks.

Trying to setup TVE with YTTV running Channels DVR on a Synology and when I try to log in with a family user that's been added and doesnt have TFA, it appears to error showing a screenshot of a captcha. Does anyone know a way around this to at least get it connected to Channels?

Are you running the latest pre-release on Channels DVR? Also I have read that running a VPN on your Synology will cause captcha issues.

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Grabbed the latest pre-release after reading this thread before posting and running into the same problems, and not on a VPN. I'm able to log into the account via multiple computers on the same network without running into a captcha. I even tried removing the user from the family group and re-adding them. Able to watch with that user on YTTV and also validated that user to enable TVE by logging into a TVE service with that account. No dice.

Same exact problem - except with HULU TV. Logging in fine directly on websites. Channels says incorrect Password when trying to add as a source.....


Had a failure of my ShieldTV so I added CDVR Server to my Mac. Troubleshooting screen shows green across the board. Added HDHR with no issues. Went to add YTTV and got the “ Google Couldn't sign you in. This browser or app may not be secure.” Pop up with a failure. On the latest version 2023.09.15.0559 and can’t see any pre-releases. Driving me crazy.

Odd the latest version should have at least updated the Chrome version that it uses. I was originally getting that error, upon upgrading to a then prerelease version that I think was 9.11 of a 9.13 version I got a slightly different blocked by google captcha error. Still the same end result though.

I went to add Youtubetv as a source and it crashed my system.
Everyting was successfully validated but it broke a recording in progress and disrupted viewing of my current Baseball game.
Ichecked my channel lineup and all is good.

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Last worked in June 2023 but I cancelled yttv service. Just signed up today and could not add source "Blocked by Google: This browser or app may not be secure" using version 2023.09.15.0559

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Tried again on version 2023.09.15.0559 this morning and failed. Then it "dawned" on me just updating to latest version in channels>settings may not update everything in the docker image.

So, I stopped channels-dvr docker image, removed docker image, downloaded latest and recreated image and run. Now it's auth'd and scanning.

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I gave up this weekend and shut down the Mac in frustration. Got up this morning, started it up and it’s working. Arrrrgggh. But also YEAH!!”

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Yeah mine isn't in docker, but I realized today when I went to troubleshooting under settings it hadn't updated the Chrome it was using (which was the reason we need to run the pre-release, I thought that would happen when I updated...) did that and tried again and its working now. Back in business for TVE until it dies again haha.

Been using YTTV login for 2 years now.

I could not tune to Discovery, Food, TLC, HGTV networks just recently so I removed the source. Now I cannot add YTTV back it keeps saying Google blocked may not be secure. I updated everything I could think of and still no luck.

YTTV login

submitted diagnostics log:
Logs have been submitted as 148f211b-5f15-4108-a73a-be563697f899

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