Provider - YouTube TV

Tried again on version 2023.09.15.0559 this morning and failed. Then it "dawned" on me just updating to latest version in channels>settings may not update everything in the docker image.

So, I stopped channels-dvr docker image, removed docker image, downloaded latest and recreated image and run. Now it's auth'd and scanning.

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I gave up this weekend and shut down the Mac in frustration. Got up this morning, started it up and it’s working. Arrrrgggh. But also YEAH!!”

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Yeah mine isn't in docker, but I realized today when I went to troubleshooting under settings it hadn't updated the Chrome it was using (which was the reason we need to run the pre-release, I thought that would happen when I updated...) did that and tried again and its working now. Back in business for TVE until it dies again haha.

Been using YTTV login for 2 years now.

I could not tune to Discovery, Food, TLC, HGTV networks just recently so I removed the source. Now I cannot add YTTV back it keeps saying Google blocked may not be secure. I updated everything I could think of and still no luck.

YTTV login

submitted diagnostics log:
Logs have been submitted as 148f211b-5f15-4108-a73a-be563697f899

Link was also posted 2 posts above yours

Just an update here... I did a restore and my YTTV source came back from that.

However, the Discovery, Food, HGTV, Travel channels still will not tune the channel. All the other channels in YTTV do work.

Just for these Discovery channels, the logs are showing:
[TVE] action=script_error err=Blocked by Google: This browser or app may not be secure

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Not sure what server you are running. But a lot of times when something is Blocked. It has to do with an outdated browser. Maybe chrome is really out of date?

I see google will start to require passkeys as the default login. Is this something we will be able to do in Channels?

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I'm having the same issue with not being able to login because it's getting blocked by Google. I did notice the version of headless Chrome installed was old - version 89. I was able to get it to upgrade to version 108 using the hold the login button down method, but it didn't resolve the issue. I'm running Channels on Raspberry Pi.

I have the same issue running Channels on Raspberry Pi. Doesn't sound really promising for a fix however I would like to know how the upgrade of Chrome works? I am looking for me detailed instructions if you can point me to them. Thanks!

Someone mentioned in another post, if you add a source and click and hold the sign in button, it will upgrade the version of Chrome that's present. If you check the logs, it will show that Chrome was upgraded. I had to reboot my Raspberry Pi to finish the process, but that was all that was needed.

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I tried to hold the sign-in button to force the update Chrome action, but on my Mac (and my iPad) it did not work. On the Mac, I tried using both Chrome and Safari. Does anyone know a workaround? I do not have a Windows computer at home.

Any suggestions?


Did you update to the pre-release and update Chrome on the system?
I scanned with my device and it seemed to get things done quickly. YTTV entries are working at present.

Thanks for the tip. I have updated to the pre-release. How do I update Chrome? When I hold the sign in button it does not work (I am on Mac and/or iOS).

In Channels, Click on support>troubleshooting.
Scroll down through the health checks and you will see that Chrome needs to be updated.
click the update button and the system will add the new Chrome to your software.
Channels should be able to access your TVE when done.

In the list under General Troubleshooting, there is no mention of Chrome. I have a DNS warning about using Google's DNS server and one in DNS Ad Blocking.

The update Chrome button appears only if your your Chrome is out of date and a new version is available.

@tmm1 I think this is an overlooked status line that the devs need to consider. There should be something with a green checkmark that says something like "Chrome Version Up-to-Date" when everything is a-okay. Otherwise people get confused when there is no mentioned what-so-ever of Chrome on the troubleshooting page.

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Thank you.

@rpaulmerrell Thanks for helping when I requested help.

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