Provider - YouTube TV

While that would allow for viewing in each network's respective app, it won't affect Channels' ability to record the stream. Channels can only make use of live streams on the networks' websites. While most networks make their live streams available both in-app and on their website, there is no guarantee that one implies the other.

In an effort to provide a positive response to you comment, perhaps we could petition them to join TVEverywhere.

A+E Networks do participate in the TV Everywhere single sign-on ecosystem. The difference is that they do not offer live streams of their linear programming; A+E Networks only offers on-demand content of previously aired content. The reason it cannot be integrated with Channels is because there is no linear live stream on the websites of A+E Networks' channels.

You can email and tell them you want their website and apps to let you watch live like other networks.

Fox News is reporting a change with the login procedure will occur on 4/23


I think this only applies to folks that were watching without a provider login. Once the country went into lock down, Fox News opened their site and apps to everyone and no login was needed. That ends this week, now you will need a provider to access.

Same here! has anyone found a work around or fix to get all the youtube tv channels?

What do you mean by all? You won’t get Warner( TNT,TBS,CNN) until YTTV makes a deal with to have TVE access. Locals are dependent on if the have a live stream

This post should be moved. YTTV doesn’t carry A@E

I just signed up, and honestly, I am very impressed.

My question is: I would like to use YouTube TV for the TVE feature. How stable is it? In nother words, is it likely to stop working at some point unitl an upgrade comes out, or is it pretty much working 100% of the time with no real issues?

I currently have a solution where I am paying $0 for cable TV, and use Emby to record, and Kodi to playback, however, the solution relys on my employment, and while I don't plan on leaving or being fired, you just never know! I am thinking that YouTube TV + Channels DVR is a decent solution for the cost. I also have a few OTA HDHomeRun Duals, so all local channels are covered as well.

Can't answer your question directly, but moved your post to the YouTube TV thread for Channels TVE so others using YTTV as an auth Provider can answer.

No matter who your auth provider is, all TVE streams for Channels come from the networks live web stream.

So YouTube TV, DirecTV, Fios, Xfinity, Sling, etc. subscriptions are just used to authorize you viewing/recording a particular network stream like A&E, NFL, MSNBC, NatGeo, Discovery, etc.

Thanks. I have it working well right now (had a problem with BTN and FS1 & 2, but loggen into the site manually, and re-tried, and all worked fine after that). Just hoping it stays working. I gave myself a minimum of a month to try it out running while my previous system is also running. So I guess we shall see!

Overall it’s very stable in my experience. For a while there I occasionally had an issue where I would lose authorization and have to re-add the source but I think they have fixed that issue as I haven’t had to do that for months now.

Are you using an HDHR-Prime w/cablecard for recording your current cable channels, or something else, with Emby? I did a similar thing, several months ago, where I tried out Channels DVR for about a month, before committing. I have cable, and was using HDHR-Prime w NextPVR to record and Kodi for playback. I have a better deal (currently) with cable, but wanted to check things out if I went solely with a streaming service (at the time, I was trying PS-View), using TVE with Channels DVR. What I found was, since all TVE services come from the same source(s), I can use cable now (utilizing either my Prime or TVE access) or switch to a streaming service when they have a better deal, and still maintain the same interface my family is used to and virtually the same guide (the differences being the channel differences between packages). In other words, I can swap providers around and my wife and sons hardly notice a difference (again, other than channels in a given package). Like you, I also have Duals for locals, just in case some aren't offered on streaming packages. It has worked really well, for us.

Yes, I use 2 Primes to record in Emby, and it has been very stable. IF I switch to channels, it will probably only be for the recording engine. I will continue to use Emby as my Media Center, and Kodi as the front end. I need a complete media center (movies, TV, and recorded TV), and to be honest, the UI for Channels is not great (to my taste), but the recording engine is VERY nice!

Oh, I understand. I really like Kodi as a front end, and the Channels team has worked on a plugin for Kodi, and it works okay, but needs to get more stable. My wife finds Channels DVR to be a good substitute for the cable box. Since I have put her through so many flavors of Emby, Plex, Kodi, NextPVR, etc...this is the only one I found that I can truly and easily change providers (either cable or streaming) and not make a change to the front end UI. As long as mama is happy... If it was only me, I would probably be making some cron jobs in Linux and watching on whatever application I chose.

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Having trouble logging into YTTV since yesterday.

log says "action=auth_timed_out", error screenshots asks me to select an account.

going to send email with screenshot and full log in a minute, just wanted to chime in here, in case someone else is having the same problem

PS: Been working for a month without issues; after the auth_timed_out popped up in the log while trying to access a TVE-YoutubeTV channel, I removed YTTV as source and try to readd - still same issue

Please click Help > Submit Diagnostics

done. does it include the screenshot or do I still need to send this via email?

Thanks, got everything and will have a look. In the mean time: can you try chrome incognito, go to, and sign in and watch. Then try the DVR again.

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