We usually record TV shows that we want to watch later. We watch them, then we delete them most of the time. But sometimes there is one we want to keep for a longer time. Its not the TV Shows missing from my recording list that bothers me, it is the Movies. We don't get around to watching the movies as fast as we do the TV Shows, so I want to see the Movies on the list to remind me that I need to watch them. Otherwise they just become part of our movie library. I always tended to check the recording list for something to watch instead viewing the library.
We record several shows everyday, like Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, The Five and several other shows that are in reruns. But like I said, we delete them after we watch them. But sometimes we are busy and don't watch for a couple days. At this point right now we have watched all the TV Shows and have deleted them. Except the All-Star Game that is recording right now, since I have to be elsewhere tonight and can't watch it live. But like I said, I want to see the Movies on the list too!
This all started a couple weeks ago, but I was really busy at that time and couldn't logon to check this forum for what caused it. I was hopping it sort out with the updates, but so far that hasn't happened.