Remapping channel numbers

I'm another Channels newbie taking the plunge with this remapping channels solution. I have the backend setup and added my service Hulu Live and want to go in and do the remapping. Now when I type in the URL for the backend Channels: http://192.168.x.xx:8090 it just takes me to the admin/settings page and I don't know how to get back to the channel mapper view to start mapping channels. Any suggestions?


the channel mapper itself should be on port 80 if you set it up the way it's described in the post

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@crackers8199 Can you put the guide back up or post into this thread? I was just looking at this days ago and now ready to try and I see the guide is gone.

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Never mind, I found the guide here. Channels DVR: Remapping Channel Numbers | deedni


thanks for this. i didn't realize the redirect was broken...i'll edit my original post.

Does anyone have this issue, I did the non docker method and downloaded my m3u files from my server. Channel Collection wrong channel number - #2 by mjitkop

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Just use channel collections and order them they way you want to regardless of the numeric channel number.

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Has anyone had the php (channels-mapper) app be inaccessible? I run the script at it essentially just sits there in perpetual restarting phase

43097684d6f5   channels-mapper              "docker-php-entrypoi…"   2 minutes ago   Restarting (2) 56 seconds ago                                               channels-mapper

Edit: spelling

Edit 2: Fixed it. Turns out I needed to specify the PHP version in the Mapper Compose file as previously recommended. Apparently I need to do more reading before asking questions. Tool is still fantastic, thanks @crackers8199

makes me sad that it’s been how many years now…. and letting a user define their own channel numbers natively still isn’t a thing.


Yep. Doesn't make sense to me. It's not deal breaking tho as I tend to use Channels Collections often instead

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i had been asking for it for at least two years before writing this post, you're talking about probably 5-6+ years since it was initially requested.


I just tried to install this and get it working (already having a working frontend server, followed the instructions from the linked site (including adding php:8.0.16-apache-buster to the DockerFile, however I get the following error when I browse to the mapper address:

I can browse to and get a page of data - @crackers8199 would you be able to help?

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I won't lie, this is probably a quicker solution, but having to do more than a simple load of a program into Docker kept me from trying this solution.

Instead, I just created a custom channel configuration and manually mapped each channel from the various sources I had into a single "master" source. I then hid the non-master sources in my clients to get the preferred channels I was wanting.

This gives me the added flexibility to modify the channel logos (see broadcast channels as well as ESPN/ESPN2 as examples).

I had originally planned to use a 2nd Channels Server in a Virtual NAS environment to be the original source of channels, export into xTeve, remap the channels and then import that into my main Channels Server, but that seeded like a lot of hand offs and potential failure points so I finally came up with the single Channels Server solution.

My only real gripe is that I use an Android environment and can't "automate" the suppression of the non-used sources in my clients through server side setting as that specific feature is only available in the Apple clients (along with downloads :angry:). But once I got everything setup the way I wanted, it was a once and done activity for 6 TVs, so I can live with that.

I'm sure there's a quicker, easier way to do this but for me this checks all the boxes I was looking for.

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Thank you @jator for the suggestion. I don’t think this would work for me as I use a HDHR as well as Sat>IP sources. Disabling a HDHR source in Channels has the downside of disabling the channel in HDHR itself :frowning: and the main reason I’m doing this is because I prefer the Sky channel guide (starting at 101) compared to OTA starting at 1.
I’m currently using xTeve (well, the new implementation called Threadfin) but would like to get away from using that

This "solution" has some holes in it. I probably would use this if I'm passing Channels over to JF via Threadfin (or Kodi using the export m3us) tho

I don't disable any of the sources in the server itself, just the clients. Since the server sources "feed" or maybe said better "backfeed" into my "Master" Source which is just my custom M3U file I posted above, enabling just the Master M3U source in my clients gives me access to all my channels (HDHR, Fubo TVE, Fubo Project, etc) without those sources specific channel numbers showing up in my clients.

As an example, my NBC off HDHR is 8.1, but with my Master M3U, I mapped it to Channel 1 and because I "hide" my HDHR in my clients, all the clients see is Channel 1 for my NBC which is sourced from my HDHR.

But I realize my solution is specific to my needs and may not fit others, so just sharing an option people can consider if they are hesitate like me to try and do a lot of tweaking to a docker environment.

@Jean0987654321 , curious what holes you are seeing? No offense to the comment, just curious (tinkering means I'm constantly looking to improve upon). TIA.

EDIT I actually can't pull in Pluto into my Master Source as I don't have a way to pull in the guide using the Master Source that directly linked each channel to it's guide source, thus I have a second source for just select Pluto Movie and TV shows and I map those channels within that source and point the guide to the XML file in my docker.

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Well...there's no native support (non-docker) solution for windows guys like me...and you need to run multiple instances of channels which can put a strain on your computer.

I see I'm not explaining things well. Here's what I am working with:

  • 1 Channels DVR sits on my NAS Server
  • 1 HDHR Tuner is on the Network
  • 1 FuboTV Subscription resulting in
    • 1 TVE Source
    • 1 Supplemental Source (FuboTV Project in Docker) for channels not found on TVE. This is Optional

The NAS Based Channels DVR uses (in the example above) 4 Sources. Those sources are configured in the typical configuration settings for their respective sources in the NAS Channel DVR. So for example, my NBC, CBS, ESPN are on channels 8.1, 2.1 & 6140 respectively.

However, I don't want my clients display those channels but I want to remap them to channels 1, 2 & 10 respectively (see screenshots I previously posted).

To do that, I create a new Custom Channel Source called "Master" and then I use the text entry to enter my sources so that they now use my preferred channel # (and in some cases, my preferred logos). Here's the code for the NBC, CBS & ESPN sources (along with some other channels I mapped):


#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="1" channel-number="1" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="25544" tvg-name="WGALDT" group-title="Favorites",NBC

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="2" channel-number="2"  tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="30783" tvg-name="WHPDT" group-title="Favorites",CBS

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="3"  channel-number="3" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="WHTMDT"  tvc-guide-stationid="11534" group-title="Favorites",ABC

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="4" channel-number="4" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="32629" tvg-name="WPMTDT" group-title="Favorites",FOX

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="5" channel-number="5" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="19610" tvg-name="WITFDT" group-title="HD",PBS

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="131" tvg-logo="" channel-number="131" tvc-guide-stationid="103004" tvg-name="WITFK" group-title="SD",PBSK

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="espn1" tvg-chno="10" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="32645" tvg-name="ESPNHD" group-title="HD",ESPN1

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="espn2" tvg-chno="11" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="45507" tvg-name="ESPN2HD" group-title="HD",ESPN2

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="espnu" tvg-chno="12" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="60696" tvg-name="ESPN2HD" group-title="HD",ESPNU

This Master Source has 78 channels currently mapped within it. Since the Master Source is basically just pulling either the feed from my HDHR ( or my TVE Source (, it's all self contained within the one Channels DVR itself.

I do have some channels that are pulling from the Pluto TV Project source ( that is contained within a Docker, but not everyone uses Dockers as a source. And even if you do like me, you are still pulling it into the single Channels DVR server, so no additional "PC" resources are really needed. I agree, Docker on Windows isn't as easy to work with and one of the reasons I use a NAS to host my Channels implementation.

And to ensure my clients don't show multiple entries of the same channels (ESPN on channel 10 & 6120), I disable the non-Master Sources in the clients and viola, I have my mapped channels.

The above solution works for all platforms including windows, Docker is only needed if you need to map things you can't otherwise get via HDHR or TVE (in my case, AXSTV, USA, SYFY, Bravo, etc).

Here's how I have my server sources setup and which ones are disabled in the clients. Basically the Master is a remap of HDHR, Fubo-TV, FProjSel (Fubo TV Project). The Virtual Channels, PlutoSel, and SumsungTV are specific channels that I have mapped to specific channel numbers to align with the channel assignment I have in the Master Source. And since I disable those ones in red, no duplicate listings.


Interesting so you export the channels streams and make another customs channels and hide the original sources all within one instance? Ahh...that's probably doable. I'll try that later

what are you referring to with your "solution" bit? the OP or one of the recent comments?