Samsung TV Plus for Channels

Not sure how often his xml files update, or what timezone @matthuisman is in (NZDT, UTC+13 ?), but the timestamps here Index of /SamsungTVPlus/ have been stuck at 11-Feb-2023 15:16

Looks like the xml file updates hourly
Appears the timezone is NZDT, UTC+13
File date/time just updated to 11-Feb-2023 17:20
But the program schedule inside the file didn't update
So there is no current schedule in the file

The us.xml files with time/date stamps of
11-Feb-2023 15:16
11-Feb-2023 16:16
11-Feb-2023 17:20
11-Feb-2023 18:20
11-Feb-2023 19:25
All contained the same program schedules
The guide data has run out (nothing current)

Don't know if this helps, but the latest start time in the us.xml schedule is
start="20230211030958 +0000"

Yup. Mine stopped updating due to this. Pluto TV has stopped as well.

Samsung’s guide isn’t working for me this morning, using the direct URL (non-Docker) method as always.

However, Pluto TV’s guide is still working for me. I am using the non-Docker method.

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Pluto working fine, rarely have issues. Refreshes every hour.
SamsungTV+ a different story. Set to refresh every 3 hours.

Perhaps they've caught on and block people connecting every 1, 3, or 6 hours? I realize we are getting this data basically by proxy, but that's the limit of my knowledge. How often are the files we connect to "normally" updated? Perhaps the end provider for that data is tired of us "freeloading"?

I have never gotten samsung guide data to work so gave up on it for now. Interesting that the issue seems to be spreading.

Both are again not working for me. Three days in a row now. They stop for most of the day and then return for one cycle at night. My refresh is at six hours. I can manually download the xml without issue.

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I use docker for both Pluto and Samsung. No EPG has been loading for several days on either for me. Stirr IS working.

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I got guide data for a few hours and then nothing again. I think it just isn't reliable enough unfortuanley.

Going to have to wait for Matt to figure out what's choking his script

Appears what ever the issue is, it's also affecting the gb.xml program schedule.
ca.xml looks good, didn't check any others.

and.... its back

2023/02/11 17:39:19.979111 [DVR] Reindexed 1717 airings into XMLTV-SamsungTVPlus (241 channels over 13h0m20s) + 289 skipped [0s index]
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Yup. Both Pluto TV an Samsung TV have returned about the same time they did yesterday.

Strange, I can't recall the last time I lost Pluto listings. Using non-docker method.

Guys we don't need a play by play here. When matt takes a look and implements a fix he will let you know. Until then we know it's not working reliably.


And issues with Pluto belong in one of these topics
Issues with Stirr in the first one.

Is it working now? Anyone else have problems with nocords?

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I've never had issues with Pluto nocords. Running it since day one.

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Pluto is fine, but this Samsung guide is not working:

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Come on, guys. Use the subscribe feature at the bottom of the thread and wait for Matt to fix it. When he responds you’ll get a notification. No need to keep spamming everyone saying it’s also not working for you.