Is there a section that will list items you've started watching but not finished? Say a "resume watching" section. I find sometimes I'll dig deep in my recordings and start watching something I recorded long ago. If I don't finish it, it's easy to forget about it with hundreds of recordings. The Up Next was totally useless to me, but something like this would be incredibly helpful.
This is literally what Up Next is for. I’d love to figure out why it’s not working for you. I concede that we need to put a little more work into it, but what you described is what it’s for.
If you start a show, it show always show the next episode so you can get to it fast.
I'll give it a try. That section has always been highly confusing. I want something dedicated to things actively in progress. Up Next seems like it lists the next show of everything I've watched. That's not convenient as there's then too much in there to be useful.
Yes, it provides you with the next episode to watch as you progress through a series. These suggestions are then sorted by what you last watched.
That just doesn't work for me. It's not hard to click into a show entry and figure what's next there, why do I need a section to tell me that?
What I do need is a section to show me every single episode/movie I started watching and never finished which won't be that many things as I generally watch programs from start to finish.
Im having a hard time following what you’re actually asking for because it sounds like you keep describing what already exists. Especially when your description of what exists matches your description of what you want.
I think the missing piece here is: you just want a list of episodes that have been started but not completed. Is that the case?
If that’s the case, Up Next does this. If you started an episode and haven’t completed, it will be right at the top of the list.
That's not true though, if I watched it a week or two ago there are now a ton of other programs in there too. I'm not at home now but here's how it looks on my phone:
There's 'next episodes' of everything else watched in the interim I guess but the Super Bowl Program is what I started watching. I now have to wade through everything else to find it. Not nice.
Yes because they’re ordered by date watched. You watched those most recently. The idea is that it prioritizes based on when you watched them so the most recent stuff is up front easy to get to.
Hmm if you’ve watched some, it should be the first item in the list. I can do some checking on this. Maybe for some reason because there’s just one espisode is the super bowl it’s reacting different. But the second you watch some of an episode, it should be item 1 in the list specifically for you to find it easier, as you’re wishing.
If it worked that way, it would be useful although I dont see the need to maintain a list of next episodes of things I've watched fully.
To be clear, these are the Android clients on the Shield and my phone.
Heres the main screen on my phone:
For CBS Saturday morning from today, it is working. But older partially watched shows have scrolled off.
And here's a pic of what the Shield is showing. If all the in progress programs were sorted to be first, that would be better.
It’s sorted by when you watched. If you watch a show after you started some other one, the older one will get shifted to the back. It’s always going to work like that.
The whole point is to present to you the show to watch next based on what you last watched.
And honestly, having multiple half watched shows isn’t really a normal viewing pattern. The system sees that you’ve watched other things since, and shifts those older ones to the back.
I'm not sure what you mean. Things only show up in "Up Next" that are episodes you haven't watched yet. Are you trying to say that you've actually watched that Shark Tank and Last Man Standing that are listed under Up Next?
Why do I need a dedicated section to queue up what shows it thinks I want to watch next? I have hundreds of recordings. This is useful on a service like Netflix where there are thousands of shows I'm never going to watch, and they have the entire series on there so it keeps track of it for you. A DVR is different. I would think most people are watching most of their shows within a week or so them airing. Sure there are exceptions, but that's probably not the norm for many. In that type of usage, it makes little sense to queue up the next show.
I don't need something telling me what I want to watch, it's my DVR, I've told it what to record. It only has the recordings I want. When I want to watch a particular show, I go into the recordings section, I select the show I want to watch and then I see all of them sorted in the order they were recorded and I can even see what I've watched and haven't by the green bar (if I haven't deleted it yet). I pick what I want to watch and watch it.
That's a really myopic attitude to have. Many people can't sit and always watch an entire episode. Lots of times my wife doesn't want to watch certain shows, so I watch what I can when I have the TV to myself and then have to resume later.
It seems I'm not the only one who fails to appreciate the "up next" feature. It's trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist. Or it's trying to make the interface Netflix like when it doesn't need to be. It needs to be a DVR.
A feature that groups the shows I've partially watched so I can finish them later would be valuable to me, but if you guys can't see it, I can only shrug.
No that's not what I meant. What I mean is, why do I need a section queing up Shark Tank after I've watched and finish an entirely different episode?
If I want to watch another Shark Tank, I'll go into the recordings section and select Shark Tank and pick what I want to watch.
This feature is useless for me and I suspect many others.
What I meant was half watched episodes. You described a scenario in which you always wanted half watched episodes sorted to the front no matter when they were watched. That’s the scenario I opined as not really common. Most people do in fact watch an episode to its length. They don’t jump to different episodes after only watching half of them.
People watch a lot of shows at the same time. Browsing deep into the library to watch an episode isn’t very fun. Not everyone watches tv every night either. Sometimes they even forget what they’re currently watching. Up Next’s job is to bring these episodes to you.
It’s entire job is to save you the time of doing that deep browsing into the hierarchy. Why dig through multiple screens when the system knows what you’ve been watching and can just hand you the next episode to watch in your shows. That’s the problem it’s trying to solve.
Our household uses Up Next almost exclusively to watch our recordings, and it works great for us.
I'd like to see a poll on the Up Next feature... I suspect a small percentage of people are using it. At least it sounds like you're making it optional ongoing and I'll immediately turn it off when possible because it's not the way I use or want to use a DVR.
But to give me a listing of episodes I may have watched and not finished seems like too much of an ask? Odd.
In the way it's being described 'Up Next' is similar to 'On Deck' in Plex. What RockandRoller70 seems to be describing is what Plex lists as 'Continue Watching'. It only displays the shows that are in progress of being watched.
Personally, I use up next 'Up Next' more than any other method for selecting and watching, but could see a benefit to a 'Continue Watching' section.