Specify IMDB or other ID for imported shows


I've just imported Narcos Narcos (TV Series 2015–2017) - IMDb and twice ChannelsDVR has incorrectly indexed the show.

First time the folder was named 'Narcos' and it imported it as 'Dublin Narcos' -- which is airing this year

So I renamed the folder to 'Narcos (2015)' and then Channels imported it as a different Narcos, I can't remember exactly what It imported as it was in Spanish, but the log says Refreshing metadata for Narcos (24111955)

Anyway, both of those are wrong. Is there a way for me to specify the correct IMDb ID?


I've just renamed the folder to 'Narcos (2015-2017)' based on that IMDb title and now it is importing without metadata, I believe it didn't find a match. There's no thumbnail etc

I have tried searching for the correct show as instructed here: Channels Support - Import Your Own Movies and TV Shows

But the show doesn't show up, which is strange because it is a well known show and is on IMDb

This indeed would be nice but there would need to be an ingester for IMDb's API and then the fees paid since the API isn't free.

What databases is channels using at the moment? I am surprise Narcos isn't on them as it was produced by Netflix and was pretty common.

Could the Google API be used? https://developers.google.com/knowledge-graph/

The search on zap2it links to the following URL. The tmsId is a good thing to know.


Now you can enter that in the search box instead of 'Narcos' and get the correct match.

(Just an example, TAR Canada is the first import in my TV section that I could try to fix incorrect match.)

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I think Channels can't find the match because the gracenote title language is Spanish.
"tmsId": "SH022378880000"
"rootId": "11993086"
"seriesId": "11993086"
"entityType": "Show"
"subType": "Series"
"title": "Narcos"
"titleLang": "es"
"totalSeasons": 3
"totalEpisodes": 30
"releaseYear": 2015

Channels DVR appears to be querying for or filtering to English en*

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This worked thanks!

(Oddly it took 3 or 4 attempts because every time I pasted SH022378880000 into the box, the popup would dismiss)

The developers mentioned they're working on getting TMDB for use with importing TV Shows, but not sure where that is on the roadmap timeline.

TMDB Added