Storage Path can't see volume 2

I did assign the internal user permissions. No volume other than Volume1 will show on the list. I have 4 volumes...

Are you trying to change the primary storage path, or add an additional storage path?

It appears the code that does the directory picker is different for choosing a local content path and choosing an additional storage path. The screen that lets you pick a local content path has the root directory as a folder at the upper left you can click and the one that picks an additional storage path does not.

Perhaps they could change the API call done
from http://x:8089/filesystem?path=/volume1
to http://x:8089/filesystem?path=/

I tried both, no luck.
Can anybody just look at this bug and let us select other volume on a Synology with DSM 7?
I'm very surprised this can't get a fix...

I thought I fixed this already? Did you upgrade to prerelease by clicking the down arrow next to Check for Update?

If it doesn't work with the latest prerelease, please click Support > Troubleshooting > Submit Diagnostics on the dvr web UI

I'm surprised you can't duplicate it on your Synology.

When trying to add an additional storage path, there's no way to get to the root directory.

When adding a local import path, you can click on the root folder at the upper left.

Yes but /volume2 should appear on the left regardless. As well as /satashare and /volumeUSB

I don't have a volume2 on my synology to test with.

I don't either, but I have a /volumeUSB1 that doesn't appear.
Had to zoom out to fit it in the screenshot.

and here's the results of http://x:8089/filesystem?path=/

disks from http://x:8089/system
"disk": [
"device": "/dev/sdq1",
"mountpoint": "/volumeUSB1/usbshare",
"fstype": "vfat",
"opts": "rw,relatime"

and the usb drive picked from local content import picker

Does it appear in /system/disk and if so what's the fstype and opts

just added to my post above
It's only a 16GB thumb drive.
Maybe if I attach a 1TB or larger spinning hard drive it will show up?

Same results with a 160GB WD Black in a USB docking station.
"disk": [
"device": "/dev/sdq1",
"mountpoint": "/volumeUSB1/usbshare",
"fstype": "fuseblk.ntfs",
"opts": "rw,relatime"

Synology>Control Panel>External Devices

Could you submit diagnostics.


Guess I was misled by your earlier post on 2021.09.23.1922 stating to update pre-release.
I'm running 2021.09.29.0042 which was released almost 6 days after your post.
I didn't see anything in the DVR Pre-Release Notes
I just updated to 2021.10.11.2008 and now see /usbshare in the additional storage path picker!

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Cant select local content import path on Nvidia Shield

Did v2021.10.11.2008 fix it for you too?

I'm running 2021.10.25.1801 and it's still not displaying anything but Volume1 (I have 4)

See this post above

To get the latest pre-release
Channels Pre-Release

Just luck :frowning: