Test speed to dvr server slow

This is pretty barebones, but it satisfies the requirements. The only devices shown are those on the local side, and every device that runs Channels and its path to the router.

+------+   +------------+   +------+
| UDMP +---+ USW-16-PoE +---+ US-8 |
+------+   +-----+------+   +--+---+
                 |             |
+-------+   +----+----+     +--+--+
| CCGTV +---+ U6-Lite |     | ATV |
+-------+   +---------+     +-----+


  • Unifi Dream Machine Pro
  • Firmware:


  • Unifi Switch 16 PoE
  • Firmware:


  • Unifi Switch 8
  • Firmware


  • Unifi Access Point WiFi6 Lite
  • Firmware:


  • Chromecast with Google TV
  • OS: Android TV 10
  • Build: QTS1.210311.008.7350836
  • Channels: beta 10.8.2210


  • Apple TV 4K (Gen2)
  • OS: tvOS 15.0
  • Build: 19J346
  • Channels: beta 10.19.436

Everything connected via gigabit ethernet, except for CCGTV, which is WiFi5 (802.11ac).

The speedtest is testing network only and would not be affected by your disk. Something is up with the network connection between your TV and DVR.

And there goes my wild ass guess on storage gremlins. Carry on. Got to go stick my nose in the corner

Yeah, something is up with the network, just can’t figure it out.

Maybe you could run a traceroute from some device (windows, mac or maybe a phone with a network app, other than the DVR device) to the DVR IP, sometimes this can shed a light on network issues.

Verify your mini is actually using Ethernet and not WiFi. Sometimes it gets switched to WiFi for an airdrop. Is Ethernet showing at the top in the network settings

Yes its connected to ethernet

Please describe the network path from the DVR mac to the TV.

What is each step/hop? What pieces of equipment are involved?

Server is on a M1 Mac mini running Mac Montery version 12.0 Beta (21A5552a) connected to a tplink archer AC2300 router with firmware 2.0.3 Build 20180611 Rel. 77668 via ethernet cable. The router is connected to 2019 shield pro P2897 8.2.3(32.6.518.0 and a ATV A1842 running TVOS15.1 19J55600. Both are connected by ethernet cable. I hope this helps

  1. Is your Mac wired? You still haven't stated that explicitly.
  2. You mention the Mac and router, but not your switch that alleviated issues; is the switch still in play?
  3. Everything seems to be beta software. You haven't indicated the Channels versions, but the OS versions all seem to be beta, which are unsupported.

Edit: also, your brief post does not meet the ideal of a proper topology. Either participate in your own support, or don't bother.

ATV is running channels beta 10.19.435
Shielding running channels beta 110.21.34

I eliminated the switch and they are all wired

so what are you suggesting, I should try to move to all stable versions?

No. But you still haven't broken out your topology. Unfortunately, since I've been relegated to WAGs, hopefully someone else can help you. But as it stands, there's nothing else I can offer, so I'm bowing out.

Can you try the Apple TV over WiFi instead and compare the speedtest results

Ok, no problem thanks for trying. I'm not experienced enough to really understand what your looking for. I will move on, perhaps I'll look at some other alternatives

Sounds like your router might be to blame.
My suggestion would be what @racameron mentioned.

Run an ethernet cable from your tplink archer AC2300 router to an unmanaged gigabit ethernet switch.
Run three ethernet cables from the unmanaged gigabit ethernet switch to each of the following;
switch to M1 Mac mini
switch to 2019 shield pro
switch to ATV

Don't know if anyone has pointed this out yet, but those are REALLY high latency and jitter numbers for a local network. Something, likely at the physical layer, is not healthy. I'd guess a bad ethernet cable or bad switch port somewhere.

I have this problem on Apple TV as well so I tested on my iPhone both in app and via web browser both give different download speeds

Yep, appears either the devs can't reproduce it or don't think it needs fixed.
See Native speed test for tvOS and iOS