TV Everywhere Experiences (Internal Beta)

In addition to these 15 scanned channels below being unmapped and getting no guide data, I filled out the feedback form because the channel scan didn't pick up 20 channels that I subscribe to with my providers TV tier.
What can I do to get these channels mapped correctly?
6040 TCMP

Huh? This is not possible as the NBCNEWS TVE station has no guide data and hence the DVR cannot record from it.

USA 6052 Guide Data is wrong it has the Eastern guide data but Pacific feed. XFINITY 97217 Portland Or.

It looks like some west-coast users are receiving incorrect guide data for E, USA, BRAVO, SYFY, OXYGEN and SPROUT. We are working on a fix.

There are also several stations with no guide data available, hence they are currently unmapped. We are looking into solutions.


@tmm1 regarding changing an account password, can you tell me what will happen? Will I need to re-authenticate? Does Channels support that? Want to confirm before doing it.

No idea. Depends on what the provider does when the password changes. I would imagine it invalidates all existing sessions and they have to login with the new password, but it probably depends per provider.

Even if it keeps working, you'll need to trash and re-add the source because the DVR needs to login again every few weeks to keep TVE access.

I disabled those channels also for the duplicate channels I chose the pacific feed for now.

Any plans for a more 'elegant' re-auth method? Having to trash source is not ideal.

you only trash the source if you change your password

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I understand that. I'm saying that having to trash the source and re-add just because of a password change is less than ideal. If there is no way around it, it is what it is, but if there IS a better way, I hope the devs will explore that. I change passwords regularly.

Would this work with Virgin TV in UK?

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The process of removing the account and readding it takes no additional time as a password change would. It saves all your favorites and the discovery process runs in the background, so unless you have some very specific setup, the process is pretty simple. I would rather see the Devs focus on working out any issues / adding all channels and providers before working on edge case scenarios

First, this new feature is a game changer. We absolutely love it!

I’m seeing some anomalous behavior in the guide with PSVue. I get two channels labeled 6060 and 6062. 6060 shows as both NatGeo and Oxygen but only NatGeo has guide data. 6062 shows as both Sprout and NatGeo Wild but only NatGeo Wild has guide data.

Attempting to block Oxygen and Sprout in the tuner blocks the NatGeo channels as well.

Here’s a screen shot from the client side:


Logs don’t show anything but:

2019/06/14 07:45:42 [TVE] Channel scan 42/152 BRAVOP failed: timezone not available
2019/06/14 07:45:43 [TVE] Channel scan 43/152 OXYGEN successful
2019/06/14 07:45:43 [TVE] Channel scan 44/152 OXYGENP failed: timezone not available
2019/06/14 07:45:45 [TVE] Channel scan 45/152 SPROUT successful
2019/06/14 07:45:45 [TVE] Channel scan 46/152 SPROUTP failed: timezone not available
2019/06/14 07:45:46 [TVE] Channel scan 47/152 NGC successful
2019/06/14 07:45:46 [TVE] Channel scan 48/152 NGCP successful
2019/06/14 07:45:47 [TVE] Channel scan 49/152 NGWILD successful
2019/06/14 07:45:48 [TVE] Channel scan 50/152 FNC successful

Suddenlink in Kingwood area works. DRM channels do not.

Cannot commercial skip.

I am having a guide problem with DirecTV Now. I noticed that channel 6777 is PBSKIDS, but it is mapped to PBS. I tried the editor but there was not a suitable channel to map it to. The correct OTA channel is 8.4 in my area.

That is a valid point of view. As is mine, which is wanting Channels to continue to be a consumer friendly and easy to use product. Can I not ask them to put this on their to do list?

I am also seeing some guide data problems with Oxygen and NatGeo channels. See screenshot.

I have played with hiding channels and such, but the problem seems to comeback everytime the server refreshes the guide data.


This is an absolute game changer. This is way better than the crappy HDHomeRun service that was integrated . The picture quality is really good. After the HDHomeRun service wasn't reliable, channels missing and eventually folding I switched to using Sonarr and Plex for all of our TV watching with channels dvr as a backup for local station recordings. Now that I have that setup and it works flawlessly this will still be a backup but a much more thorough option. Even the podunk very small cable company I use works!

Please email [email protected] with Logs instead of posting them here.

You're still using a manual method to sign into Philo. Someone will still have to click to confirm the sign in. Doesn't really make the process easier than someone having to put in a code that was texted to them or emailed to them.

Fitzy does it by having you manually sign in once. Perhaps that feature could be added to channels later, but I understand why they don't initially have Philo support.