TVE - "Blocked by Xfinity"

I'm getting numerous errors reading,

Blocked by Xfinity: Reset your Xfinity password. Please update your password and try again.

I've done an Update Password at least 5 times in the last 12 hours and am not able to get to many channels I'm used to using.

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If you try to authorize channels too fast, or too often, they will block you.
One you hit that block, you must wait 48hrs before you try again.
Everytime you try again, it will reset the clock.

This was my experience when Xfinity gave me issue.

Besure you have updated server to latest pre-release and run the Troubleshooting page to see if there are any other issue you need to address.

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I'm hoping a way can be created to interact with the Chome on device as we log in to different services.

Just doing an Update Password in Channels DVR isn't going to help.
Since Xfinity was hacked, they're forcing users to reset/change their passwords.
You need to change your password at the Xfinity site, then Update Password in Channels DVR to match the new password.

If that's what you did, your post doesn't make that clear.

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Thanks for the suggestion - I hadn't tried actually changing the password for fear that it might make things even worse on Channels. If it shouldn't I'll go ahead and give that a try.

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I just login to Xfinity using my Primary account user and change passwords on my secondary viewer role users there. Then Update Password in Channels DVR to match the new password and you're good to go.

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I've seen people mention the secondary account. I'm guessing that means you could use 2FA on the primary account and not require it on the secondary account, which could then be used by Channels. However, I didn't see where to create that secondary account on the Xfinity site.

Type of User Role

Yes, I found it and created a viewer account for our dog, lol. Do I have to now create a new source for Channels or can I edit the account information for my existing one?

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You can update the username Channels DVR uses, using a curl command, see Xfinity auth failures on some channels - #13 by tmm1
Otherwise just remove and re add the Xfinity source (easier for you).

In 40 minutes I have a gap in TVE recordings for about an hour so I'll just remove the Xfinity source and add it back in with the secondary credentials. I'm hopeful this won't affect any of the passes that specify TVE channels, because I have quite a few of them to keep my HDHomeRun Prime tuners freed up.

Can I turn 2-step verification back on for our primary Xfinity account and have Channels still use the secondary account without it being required?

Yes, that's what I do. You can enable/disable Two-step verification for each user.
I have it enabled for my Primary user and disabled for my secondary viewer role users.

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I forgot how long it takes to set up TV Everywhere for Xfinity. It's verifying access to 181 channels and after just over 10 minutes is only at 32 of 181. Hopefully it will speed up or my recordings that start at 6 pm PST will fail.

I mentioned that they should warn users.
"Chose Provider Xfinity and entered credentials.
Should place a note on that modal for adding a TVE provider that the verification scan may take an hour."
"Verification scan ran for 57 minutes"

When it's done, check your rescan channels to see if you have to individually rescan any channels that failed to authenticate.

I did that. Surprisingly, all the Discovery channels also authenticated, which really surprised me. Perhaps it's a glitch of some kind.

Hope not.
Glad to hear you have it working.

Knock on wood. My Xfinity TVE servers (Synology and Docker) have been mostly trouble free lately.

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