TVE - Some PBS Stations Showing a "We've updated the way we livestream" Message

PBS is not a public company. DRM introduction should make it clear.


This is another reason to add LocalBTV. Many of the locations have their local PBS stations as part of the package. And since LocalBTV gets permission from the stations before adding them, it seems likely that they will continue to be available that way.

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Access to my local PBS stream has returned this morning. My challenge, however, is that I am located within reception of two different PBS affiliates.

The streams likely have added geolocation as I can no longer receive the second PBS affiliate which I can receive using an OTA antenna but is technically outside of the local market DMA.

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Seems the same here. I am in the Boston DMA, but I'm closer to the Providence transmitter. My Providence PBS has disappeared.

Can anybody play the stream on PBS web site?

Yes. There are no problems playing the streams on the site. They are just DRM-encumbered, and therefore Channels does not decode them.

I don't know why no one reads the post. It was mentioned that PBS has now DRM'd their stream and that should end the conversation. but they keep asking why the stream works on the site but channels can't. Channels User better get prepared to loose all national networks via online streaming due to DRM.

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Yeah, because PBS broadcasts copyrighted material :wink:

My laptop with High Sierra is apparently too old to play PBS. Time to switch ...

Hi Neighbor!

Yeah, Providence and Nashua are gone, but Boston continues to work. I wouldn't care except Providence and Boston are on super low VHF on the main signal, so I can't pick them up with the current antenna. TVE was my savior here. Subchannels are on UHF and work great, though!

I don't understand my pbs work in Sterium, so why not Channel Plus

DRM not supported. It's reported that DRM schemes were changed begining on Dec 1, 2021

While my local PBS stations through YouTube TV TVE are broken now, my custom channel for it still works (for now at least). If you can find the stream url for your station, you may be able to workaround this. This is my custom M3U for Louisiana Public Broadcasting:

#EXTINF:-1,channel-id="LPBDT" channel-number="27" tvg-id="27" tvg-logo="", LPB

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How did you find the stream url?

Back before the DRM, I was able to use the browser developer tools to snoop out the m3u8 file. Unfortunately, it looks like it's hidden behind the DRM now. :frowning:

There is a pretty good list here where you can pull out links for the station you want if it’s there.

This is simply a mirror of what was posted in

The fresh PBS link is here

Last update - 2 months ago.

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Good point @sdust. And people that lost PBS through TVE, can add a "Custom Channels" source using that m3u url or copying out just the local ones that they want in as a text source with using local OTA guide data.

I was using
It doesn't seem to be importing the guide data now although all the channels I tested work.

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Just use the lineup editor to map to the right local channel instead of pulling some random xml data

This did the trick! Both of my local PBS stations are low VHF, so I cannot pick them up on my current antenna. I took a copy of the m3u from above, deleted everything but those two stations, created a custom source with that file, changed the provider to my OTA, mapped both stations, redownloaded guide data, and added the stations to my Channels collections. They seem to buffer a little when starting, but otherwise working perfectly!

EDIT: Actually, my server was having some issues this AM. After a reboot, no buffer issues at all. In other words, it is perfect!