Windows DVR BUG: Glitches during recording

Easy way to check Flow Control settings via PowerShell:

PS C:\Users\tmm1> Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -RegistryKeyword *FlowControl

Name                      DisplayName                    DisplayValue                   RegistryKeyword RegistryValue
----                      -----------                    ------------                   --------------- -------------
Ethernet                  Flow Control                   Disabled                       *FlowControl    {0}

So what’s the verdict here… fixed?

Did disabling Flow Control help anyone with a CONNECT or EXTEND?

I have no issues. Working perfectly now with the Prime.

No issues with my prime now. Thanks for the hard work!

Agreed, problems have been removed but the only glitches I see are at the very end of a recording, really no issue but just wanted to share as an FYI.

Catching up on shows from this past week using most recent beta versions of app and server and glitching terribly. Anyone else?

I have been having frame drops using channels through the ATV on live and recorded shows, but I may have fixed it. I will know in a day or two if its truly fixed. But strange as it may be I made some changes to the DNS settings on the ATV and I have seen less problems.

Any errors or warnings in the logs from when those recordings were happening?

No. And it’s not just recordings. It is live tv as well. But for the last several days I have not seen the problem. The changes in the DNS either fixed it or was a coincidence. I don’t know why DNS settings would have anything to do with it, but so far picture has been better. I have yet to try a recording I have kept to check and make sure its good. Now on the same recording if I streamed from Plex there were no frame drops but through channels there was. Again it is a lot better now than it was. I’ll post here again if it is an issue.

I also have these glitches and sound dropouts on both live tv and recordings they seem to be recorded into the program I have had these problems before when it was only the channels app before the dvr was available.
I did not have these glitches on other apps like MrMc or DVB Link.
This system would be perfect if these glitches could be sorted out.

2017/05/11 14:09:08 [SYS] Removing old update 2017.05.09.1717
2017/05/11 14:09:09 [SYS] Created database snapshot: backup-20170511.140909
2017/05/11 14:09:09 [SYS] Removing old backup backup-20170419.224819
2017/05/11 14:09:22 [IDX] Pruned 81 expired airings from USA-CT58914-DEFAULT in 3.4043839s.
2017/05/11 14:11:19 [NAT] Failed to discover upnp: write udp4> i/o timeout
2017/05/11 14:11:19 [NAT] Failed to discover router using natpmp and upnp.
2017/05/11 19:59:00 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-22 Grey's Anatomy on ch=[8.1 7.1]
2017/05/11 19:59:00 [TNR] Opened connection to 13102AF6 for ch8.1
2017/05/11 19:59:00 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 19:59:00 [DVR] Waiting 1h0m59.5388234s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 19:59:00 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 3.1 via 13102AF6: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 19:59:00 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 2.1 via 13102AF6: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 19:59:00 [DVR] Error running job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory: could not start stream on channels=[3.1 2.1]: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 19:59:00 [DVR] Recording for job 1494547140-22 from 13102AF6 ch8.1 into "TV\Grey's Anatomy\2017-05-11-1959 Grey's Anatomy 2017-05-11 S13E23 True Colors.mpg" for 1h1m59.9971311s
2017/05/11 19:59:30 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 19:59:30 [DVR] Waiting 1h0m29.5335955s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 19:59:30 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 3.1 via 13102AF6: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 19:59:30 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 2.1 via 13102AF6: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 19:59:30 [DVR] Error running job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory: could not start stream on channels=[3.1 2.1]: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 20:00:00 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 20:00:00 [DVR] Waiting 59m59.5288328s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 20:00:00 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 3.1 via 13102AF6: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 20:00:00 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 2.1 via 13102AF6: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 20:00:00 [DVR] Error running job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory: could not start stream on channels=[3.1 2.1]: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 20:00:30 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 20:00:30 [DVR] Waiting 59m29.5241603s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 20:00:30 [TNR] Opened connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:00:30 [DVR] Recording for job 1494547140-3 from 13102AF6 ch3.1 into "TV\The Big Bang Theory\2017-05-11-2000 The Big Bang Theory 2017-05-11 S10E24 The Long Distance Dissonance.mpg" for 31m29.5241603s
2017/05/11 20:06:02 [DVR] Cancelling stream 13102AF6 ch3.1 after 3s read timeout
2017/05/11 20:06:02 [TNR] Closed connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:06:02 [DVR] Job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory ended prematurely: 25m57.1873726s
2017/05/11 20:06:02 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 20:06:02 [DVR] Waiting 53m57.1843715s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 20:06:06 [TNR] Opened connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:06:06 [DVR] Recording for job 1494547140-3 from 13102AF6 ch3.1 into "TV\The Big Bang Theory\2017-05-11-2000 The Big Bang Theory 2017-05-11 S10E24 The Long Distance Dissonance.mpg" for 25m57.1843715s
2017/05/11 20:06:19 [DVR] Cancelling stream 13102AF6 ch3.1 after 3s read timeout
2017/05/11 20:06:19 [TNR] Closed connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:06:19 [DVR] Job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory ended prematurely: 25m40.4833001s
2017/05/11 20:06:19 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 20:06:19 [DVR] Waiting 53m40.4802987s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 20:06:21 [TNR] Opened connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:06:21 [DVR] Recording for job 1494547140-3 from 13102AF6 ch3.1 into "TV\The Big Bang Theory\2017-05-11-2000 The Big Bang Theory 2017-05-11 S10E24 The Long Distance Dissonance.mpg" for 25m40.4802987s
2017/05/11 20:06:25 [DVR] Cancelling stream 13102AF6 ch3.1 after 3s read timeout
2017/05/11 20:06:25 [TNR] Closed connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:06:25 [DVR] Job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory ended prematurely: 25m34.6533053s
2017/05/11 20:06:25 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 20:06:25 [DVR] Waiting 53m34.6503042s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 20:06:30 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 3.1 via 13102AF6: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 20:06:30 [DVR] Error running job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory: could not start stream on channels=[3.1]: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 20:07:00 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 20:07:00 [DVR] Waiting 52m59.6405507s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 20:07:00 [TNR] Opened connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:07:00 [DVR] Recording for job 1494547140-3 from 13102AF6 ch3.1 into "TV\The Big Bang Theory\2017-05-11-2000 The Big Bang Theory 2017-05-11 S10E24 The Long Distance Dissonance.mpg" for 24m59.6405507s
2017/05/11 20:08:45 [DVR] Cancelling stream 13102AF6 ch3.1 after 3s read timeout
2017/05/11 20:08:45 [TNR] Closed connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:08:45 [DVR] Job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory ended prematurely: 23m14.2833193s
2017/05/11 20:08:45 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 20:08:45 [DVR] Waiting 51m14.2803176s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 20:08:50 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 3.1 via 13102AF6: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 20:08:50 [DVR] Error running job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory: could not start stream on channels=[3.1]: got http response code 503
2017/05/11 20:09:20 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 20:09:20 [DVR] Waiting 50m39.2693731s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 20:09:21 [TNR] Opened connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:09:21 [DVR] Recording for job 1494547140-3 from 13102AF6 ch3.1 into "TV\The Big Bang Theory\2017-05-11-2000 The Big Bang Theory 2017-05-11 S10E24 The Long Distance Dissonance.mpg" for 22m39.2693731s
2017/05/11 20:16:55 [DVR] Cancelling stream 13102AF6 ch3.1 after 3s read timeout
2017/05/11 20:16:55 [TNR] Closed connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:16:55 [DVR] Job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory ended prematurely: 15m4.0914124s
2017/05/11 20:16:55 [DVR] Starting job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 20:16:55 [DVR] Waiting 43m4.0884113s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 20:16:57 [TNR] Opened connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:16:57 [DVR] Recording for job 1494547140-3 from 13102AF6 ch3.1 into "TV\The Big Bang Theory\2017-05-11-2000 The Big Bang Theory 2017-05-11 S10E24 The Long Distance Dissonance.mpg" for 15m4.0884113s
2017/05/11 20:32:01 [TNR] Closed connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 20:32:02 [DVR] Finished job 1494547140-3 The Big Bang Theory
2017/05/11 20:32:02 [DVR] Waiting 27m57.9293175s until next job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 20:32:02 [DVR] Processing file-193: TV\The Big Bang Theory\2017-05-11-2000 The Big Bang Theory 2017-05-11 S10E24 The Long Distance Dissonance.mpg
2017/05/11 20:32:04 [DVR] Running commercial detection on file 193 (TV\The Big Bang Theory\2017-05-11-2000 The Big Bang Theory 2017-05-11 S10E24 The Long Distance Dissonance.mpg)
2017/05/11 20:35:59 [DVR] Commercial detection finished with 12 markers.
2017/05/11 21:00:00 [DVR] Starting job 1494550800-20 Mom on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 21:00:00 [DVR] Waiting 58m59.9590719s until next job 1494554340-17-EP004468530214 The Amazing Race
2017/05/11 21:00:00 [TNR] Opened connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 21:00:00 [DVR] Recording for job 1494550800-20 from 13102AF6 ch3.1 into "TV\Mom\2017-05-11-2100 Mom 2017-05-11 S04E22 Lockjaw and a Liquid Diet.mpg" for 31m59.9590719s
2017/05/11 21:01:00 [TNR] Closed connection to 13102AF6 for ch8.1
2017/05/11 21:01:00 [DVR] Finished job 1494547140-22 Grey's Anatomy
2017/05/11 21:01:00 [DVR] Waiting 57m59.4183539s until next job 1494554340-17-EP004468530214 The Amazing Race
2017/05/11 21:01:00 [DVR] Processing file-192: TV\Grey's Anatomy\2017-05-11-1959 Grey's Anatomy 2017-05-11 S13E23 True Colors.mpg
2017/05/11 21:01:02 [DVR] Running commercial detection on file 192 (TV\Grey's Anatomy\2017-05-11-1959 Grey's Anatomy 2017-05-11 S13E23 True Colors.mpg)
2017/05/11 21:08:12 [DVR] Commercial detection finished with 16 markers.
2017/05/11 21:32:00 [TNR] Closed connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 21:32:00 [DVR] Finished job 1494550800-20 Mom
2017/05/11 21:32:00 [DVR] Waiting 26m59.3706503s until next job 1494554340-17-EP004468530214 The Amazing Race
2017/05/11 21:32:00 [DVR] Processing file-194: TV\Mom\2017-05-11-2100 Mom 2017-05-11 S04E22 Lockjaw and a Liquid Diet.mpg
2017/05/11 21:32:01 [DVR] Running commercial detection on file 194 (TV\Mom\2017-05-11-2100 Mom 2017-05-11 S04E22 Lockjaw and a Liquid Diet.mpg)
2017/05/11 21:35:53 [DVR] Commercial detection finished with 14 markers.
2017/05/11 21:59:00 [DVR] Starting job 1494554340-17-EP004468530214 The Amazing Race on ch=[3.1 2.1]
2017/05/11 21:59:00 [DVR] Waiting 59m59.8430669s until next job 1494557940-2 Seinfeld
2017/05/11 21:59:00 [TNR] Opened connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 21:59:00 [DVR] Recording for job 1494554340-17-EP004468530214 from 13102AF6 ch3.1 into "TV\The Amazing Race\2017-05-11-2159 The Amazing Race 2017-05-11 S29E08 Good Job Donkey.mpg" for 1h1m59.8430669s
2017/05/11 22:59:00 [DVR] Starting job 1494557940-2 Seinfeld on ch=[20.1 11.1]
2017/05/11 22:59:00 [DVR] Waiting 29m59.9976397s until next job 1494559740-2 Seinfeld
2017/05/11 22:59:00 [TNR] Opened connection to 13102AF6 for ch20.1
2017/05/11 22:59:00 [DVR] Recording for job 1494557940-2 from 13102AF6 ch20.1 into "TV\Seinfeld\2017-05-11-2259 Seinfeld 1996-05-02 S07E22 The Bottle Deposit.mpg" for 31m59.9976397s
2017/05/11 23:01:00 [TNR] Closed connection to 13102AF6 for ch3.1
2017/05/11 23:01:00 [DVR] Finished job 1494554340-17-EP004468530214 The Amazing Race
2017/05/11 23:01:00 [DVR] Waiting 27m59.4000968s until next job 1494559740-2 Seinfeld
2017/05/11 23:01:00 [DVR] Processing file-195: TV\The Amazing Race\2017-05-11-2159 The Amazing Race 2017-05-11 S29E08 Good Job Donkey.mpg
2017/05/11 23:01:03 [DVR] Running commercial detection on file 195 (TV\The Amazing Race\2017-05-11-2159 The Amazing Race 2017-05-11 S29E08 Good Job Donkey.mpg)
2017/05/11 23:09:01 [DVR] Commercial detection finished with 12 markers.
2017/05/11 23:09:09 [DVR] Pruning old recording 2017-04-30-2259 Seinfeld 1995-12-14 S07E10 The Gum.mpg
2017/05/11 23:09:09 [DVR] Deleting C:\Channels DVR\TV\Seinfeld\2017-04-30-2259 Seinfeld 1995-12-14 S07E10 The Gum.mpg
2017/05/11 23:29:00 [DVR] Starting job 1494559740-2 Seinfeld on ch=[20.1 11.1]
2017/05/11 23:29:00 [DVR] Waiting 21h29m59.9636442s until next job 1494637140-18 Hawaii Five-0
2017/05/11 23:29:00 [TNR] Sharing existing connection to 13102AF6 for ch20.1 (clients=2, len=0)
2017/05/11 23:29:00 [DVR] Recording for job 1494559740-2 from 13102AF6 ch20.1 into "TV\Seinfeld\2017-05-11-2329 Seinfeld 1992-02-12 S03E17 The Boyfriend.mpg" for 31m59.9636442s
2017/05/11 23:31:00 [DVR] Finished job 1494557940-2 Seinfeld
2017/05/11 23:31:00 [DVR] Waiting 21h27m59.3350307s until next job 1494637140-18 Hawaii Five-0
2017/05/11 23:31:00 [DVR] Processing file-196: TV\Seinfeld\2017-05-11-2259 Seinfeld 1996-05-02 S07E22 The Bottle Deposit.mpg
2017/05/11 23:31:02 [DVR] Running commercial detection on file 196 (TV\Seinfeld\2017-05-11-2259 Seinfeld 1996-05-02 S07E22 The Bottle Deposit.mpg)
2017/05/11 23:34:52 [DVR] Commercial detection finished with 10 markers.
2017/05/12 00:01:00 [TNR] Closed connection to 13102AF6 for ch20.1
2017/05/12 00:01:00 [DVR] Finished job 1494559740-2 Seinfeld
2017/05/12 00:01:00 [DVR] Waiting 20h57m59.840943s until next job 1494637140-18 Hawaii Five-0
2017/05/12 00:01:00 [DVR] Processing file-197: TV\Seinfeld\2017-05-11-2329 Seinfeld 1992-02-12 S03E17 The Boyfriend.mpg
2017/05/12 00:01:00 [DVR] Running commercial detection on file 197 (TV\Seinfeld\2017-05-11-2329 Seinfeld 1992-02-12 S03E17 The Boyfriend.mpg)
2017/05/12 00:05:01 [DVR] Commercial detection finished with 10 markers.
2017/05/12 00:09:11

i posted log covering last night, I havent checked anything last night as I gave up once Big Bang started to glitch out to the point of being totally unwatchable, I hate to say it, but almost worse than it was a few weeks ago.

Looks like there were all sorts of errors while trying to record Big Bang Theory. The DVR was not able to keep a stable connection to your tuner, and kept having to disconnect/reconnect. That’s why large chunks of the recording are missing, and it glitches as it jumps ahead.

So for instance the recording started at 8:00:30, and then at 8:06:02 there was a disconnect because no video was received for 3 seconds:

2017/05/11 20:00:30 [DVR] Recording for job 1494547140-3 from 13102AF6 ch3.1 into "TV\The Big Bang Theory\2017-05-11-2000 The Big Bang Theory 2017-05-11 S10E24 The Long Distance Dissonance.mpg" for 31m29.5241603s
2017/05/11 20:06:02 [DVR] Cancelling stream 13102AF6 ch3.1 after 3s read timeout

This could either be a network issue or an antenna signal issue. What’s strange is that later it recorded The Amazing Race from the same channel and there were no issues that time. Also looks like the Gray’s Anatomy recording that was happening at the same time as Big Bang was just fine.

I haven’t watched Grey’s or amazing race so will try from here first to see if they errored out in any way. I have cable for my source, not OTA and for whatever it is worth, no changes to network at all.

Also can’t really make the signal coming from cable a likely suspect as big Bang recorded fine on my TiVo. The TiVo and hdprime or both connected off of same splitter where coax is split coming into house.

Ah, I assumed the x.x channel numbers meant OTA. Are you using a PRIME or CONNECT? It does seem unlikely that it was a signal issue then. Hard to blame the network too when the other recordings weren’t affected…

Definitely curious to hear if the Grey’s or Amazing Race were fine or not.

Prime, no cable card installed, just basic “antenna” type service from cable company.

Hate to resurrect this thread, but I’m having these glitches. SWMBO is getting annoyed. I’ve disabled flow control and still getting them.

Not getting them on every recording, and never on live TV. Not seeing anything on the logs, but frequently we don’t notice the glitch until a couple of days later.

Using a HDHomeRun Connect, wired into a switch then to my router. PC is on the same switch. Running Win7 with an external hard drive for the recordings.The ATV4 is wired as well.

I love this product, but the glitches are annoying.


Can you try updating your HDHR firmware to the latest available on the SiliconDust forums?

Also make sure the cables you’re using are cat6