But the whole purpose and intent of them even having and offering out of home streaming, their own Xfinity stream site and TVE access IS to view OUT OF HOME...ie, not at the same service address.
Why woudl they purposeful sabotage their own service and encourge thier paying customers to drop their service.
Cable tv is a dying thing, they should be over the top careful to not piss of thier current customers. but alas, they Comcast don't give any f**cks about their customers.
I could setup the channels server at my folks home, so that it stays on thier local comcast home address. and access remotely, however, f*ing Comcastic internet service they have has shit upload speeds, max is "up to 5megs" and most often, in test, is under 2megs, so yea. Comcast also screws you over but not giving customers any sort of usable upload bandwidth ability to do anything with, like setup a remote DVR or things.