(Xfinity) TVE not working - Cable Provider auth failed / password reset

But the whole purpose and intent of them even having and offering out of home streaming, their own Xfinity stream site and TVE access IS to view OUT OF HOME...ie, not at the same service address.
Why woudl they purposeful sabotage their own service and encourge thier paying customers to drop their service.
Cable tv is a dying thing, they should be over the top careful to not piss of thier current customers. but alas, they Comcast don't give any f**cks about their customers.

I could setup the channels server at my folks home, so that it stays on thier local comcast home address. and access remotely, however, f*ing Comcastic internet service they have has shit upload speeds, max is "up to 5megs" and most often, in test, is under 2megs, so yea. Comcast also screws you over but not giving customers any sort of usable upload bandwidth ability to do anything with, like setup a remote DVR or things.

I just got an Alert on my phone that there is problem with xfinity.... Had to rest password. Glad I setup an adhoc alert process.

Back to having this issue again. Frustrating.

at the risk of jinxing it: one thing i've done to try to keep the BS xfinity password reset nonsense from happening over and over again is set up two recordings on known xfinity channels each day...one at midnight (or close to it) and one at noon.

i've had this running for a few weeks now, and so far, so good.

That should be a good canary in a coal mine, if you're doing that with all channels you watch and record.
Are you rotating through all the Xfinity TVE channels you use everytime?

I thought it had to auth with each channel individually (about every 30 days for Xfinity).

I'm not sure if that's based on an expiration time of an auth token/cookie stored when you last authenticated with the channel. If so, they would expire after 30 days.

i.e. If the last time you watched/recorded say Discovery was one day ago, but your auth token expires today, you would have to re-auth that channel the next time you watch/record it. I think of it as every channel has a password and you're forced to change the passwords every 30 days. Only way to do it sooner is remove/readd the TVE source.

That's my understanding based on everything I've seen discussed here about TVE auth.

as of now, no...just been using a single channel that i know i only get via xfinity and not via my other TVE logins (TBS). so far, it has worked and i haven't had to reauth for any channels (knock on wood).

I'd like to know if my understanding of how it works is correct.
I've been avoiding scheduling recordings on TVE channels, except for my local PBS and a couple of the free channels which never result in a password reset request.

i'll let you know if i see any issues, but so far so good. i've had this running for at least a week or two now with no issues, prior i was getting them all the time.

is there a way to see when exactly i added a pass so i can see exactly when i set this up?

Not that I know of.
There is a last modified date-time stamp "UpdatedAt" for each pass(rule).

You can paste that Unix epoch time in here https://www.epochconverter.com/ to display a human readable Date and Time

You can also grep your DVR log to see what was recorded by the pass.
Example here 'job 1607569200-21' is for rule 21
2020/12/09 19:00:00.010217 [DVR] Starting job 1607569200-21 Viewfinder on ch=[706]
2020/12/09 19:00:00.535042 [DVR] Recording for job 1607569200-21 from 1323AADB ch706 ...
2020/12/09 19:00:00.623205 [IDX] Generating video index for job 1607569200-21
2020/12/09 19:30:00.593603 [DVR] Finished job 1607569200-21 Viewfinder

I dont think useage has anything to do with it.
It has happned to me when my DVR sees heavy use, or little to none for weeks, months on end.

all i know is that before i set this up i was seeing the auth issues like every few days...since setting it up, i haven't seen it once. i'm sure i'm jinxing it now, but that has been my experience so far...

Is that an exaggeration?

I think the shortest amount of time this Xfinity thing has happens to me is little over a month.

With the possible exception of the first time or second time, where i was in a panic and multiple times was removing, and re-adding, re-scanning Xfinity TVE and it kept triggering the lockout and password reset.

Also if memory serves, i think this issue has happend to me shortly after the couple time I used to load each channel, one after the other, to "test" each one. That many and continues auths maybe triggers Xfinity security??

not an exaggeration at all. it was literally every few days.

I too fight the two week TVE xfinity re-authentication battle. Right now, I can't even get it work. Support ticket is open.

After installing the lastest pre-release, we got it working. Looks like Comcast now has some type of location based authentication.

I have just started experiencing this issue. My server is at my home address.

Soo....little over 3 months, since i have had this issue. (hope i am not jynxing it.,.lol)

I wonder though...if it has anything to do with me switching to using my own DNS server, that is Adguard Home. It is like, but better, imo, to PiHole.

The default block list, as well as the others i have added, like oisd, i see in the Query reports, many comcast/xfinity domains and things.

I also noticed, that in the Channels Server logs, i see frequent, Connection refused "errors" then a re try that works, when ever it is trying to auth a comcast TVE station that has not been used in a while. It does make the channel take a bit longer to load, but, seems to have no effect on its overall function and streams fine.

Some of the domains i see it block:
comcast.demdex. net
comcastcom.d1.sc.omtrdc. net
xfinitydigital.demdex. net
dpm.demdex. net

This issue was fixed in prerelease and had to do with the version of Chrome installed.

I don't fully agree with that....since there have been many others who have and still have this issue of loosing Comcast TVE and having to do a forced password reset(via email notice from Comcast) after a while. I still see recent posts of it elsewhere alojg wiht several other threads by others.

The title of this thread is just what is displayed when the root issue if this Comcast de-authes you happens. Far as i see, the issue is still on going for some.....unless your saying they are running older versions and they just need to update to fix it?

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This is not fixed. Have you tested on an M1 Mac with the latest prerelease? I got it working on a Raspberry Pi server, but not on an M1 Mac server. There is nothing wrong with my username and password or my Xfinity account. It works great when I sign in directly into CNN or NBC websites in Chrome on my M1 Mac, but not on Channels!