XMLTV from Channels?

Would it be possible to add the <previously-shown> tag to the XMLTV feed for episodes that are repeats?

As some background, I'm using Channels as a tuner for NextPVR, and since I have to pay you all annually to do that, I thought I'd use your guide data instead of Schedules Direct (to save me $25 a year). I'm able to import everything into NextPVR using the M3U and XMLTV urls, but old episodes of series are showing as new episodes (and thus being scheduled to record) because the XMLTV feed lacks the information to tell NextPVR whether the episode is new. It's not a huge deal, as eventually everything will be marked as recorded or canceled, but it does mean scheduled recordings I have for only new episodes are just any episode.

The tag can be empty (i.e. <previously-shown />) or include the original air date (<previously-shown start="20101010" />), but it should only be present if the show is actually a repeat.



We use <new /> on all new airings. Is that not supported by NextPVR?

This appears to be a problem with NEXTPVR as Emby does not have that problem. Maybe ask Sub to look at this.

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Thanks for that information. The examples I had (and posted in the NextPVR forum) didn't have <new /> (because they weren't new), so we didn't think to check that. NPVR does support the new tag from Schedules Direct feeds, so I think I know what I need to ask him in terms of an XMLTV feed.

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Just to get some closure on this, I posted something on the NextPVR forum, and sub said that NextPVR does support the <new> tag, but because of the variations in XMLTV feeds, it was set to only support it for feeds with certain header types. He's added the Channels header to the group that supports the <new> tag for the next version. Thanks again for the info and help on this.

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Would including the original air date for a program be possible?

Is the original air date provided by the eps provider or is the use of the <new /> flag an effort to reduce the XML file size or improve system efficiency?

Isn't that what the <date> element is for?

On a separate note, I just looked at an XMLTV file from Channels, and the <new> element uses a closing tag, rather than just an empty element (<new />). Is this intentional, an error, or just a fluke? (I thought the DTD specified new as an empty tag, not a paired tag.)

Jellyfin also sees all the episodes as new and it came from emby. Still trying to figure out how to fix that for either Plex or jelly fin


Emby sees them correctly the problem is Jellyfin. Jellyfin is probably way behind Emby updates.
For Plex what I did was use the Plex guides as they allow for multiple lineups now.

I can get it to work in Jellyfin but not Emby. The sites register but do not pull in the guide or tune stations in Emby. I have a premiere license setup. Has anyone seen this behavior ?

This works for me in EMBY ...



It was typo in the guide URL Thanks

This thread is gold for me. Glad to find it.

Add on to what's provided above. Searched but didn't find the answer to this yet:

As I'm using a 'Favorites' group filter in my import of the Channels channels into Emby with the URLs shared above, I'm hoping to limit the xmltv XML file size by only including those channels I have marked as 'Favorites'. Is there a parameter I can use in addition to duration to only include the channels I have marked as a favorite?

Are all Path and QueryString parameters documented on a page either in the community or getchannels site? If you have it bookmarked please help this Channels neophyte out with the URL. I haven't stumbled across it yet to answer the question above myself. Thnx

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Forgive me if I'm mistaken as it's been a while (*). What I recall is it's up to the user's discretion; an either/or preference and both are valid.

(*) I think it was the late 1990s or early 2000s when I did an extremely deep dive on XML and DTD specs for a major sub-system integration I was working on. And as the xml version is "1.0" I surmise that still holds with the "channels-dvr" file.

did you try &filter=favorites?

That seems to work to get the channels.m3u file. This returned only channels with group-title="Favorites":

But this resulted in an empty guide data object:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">
<tv source-info-name="channels-dvr"></tv>

I'm using Postman and issuing a simple 'GET' with no header variables. Could something additionally be required on the request? (I do get a 76,252,269 byte XML file without the filter param, just to say it is working fine without the 'filter')

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Seems like there's a bug with the filter then. You're stuck using the full xmltv file.

Got it. Thanks for the time.

p.s. are the end-points and parameters documented anywhere that I can refer to?

No, because they are not officially supported.

But this thread does a good job:

Ah ...under forum section [Playground] > [Hacks]. :smile: Thanx!