Add Clock to Guide Screen

When im surfing the guide it's hard to know if I'm at the start of the hour or at the end of an hour with no clock. Can you add a clock to the menu guide so I can tell if i can catch a show or if it's almost over?

Or at least bring the tick mark that the tvOS version has to other clients ...

Please vote in those threads.

I did just a forum search for "clock." The requests for this single feature go back well over 3 years. Wow.

I just noticed there is one now.

No there’s not one now….

The current Apple TV betas via TestFlight have a clock in the guide.

(Edit: Apparently my thoughts and words and texts did not originally match. Hopefully this comment makes more grammatical sense.)

and a guide in the guide? :wink:


My bad is it there now just have to update the client. “About time”.