Pluto for Channels

Thanks. I got it working with added to the Set Provider Custom URL. For new users be much easier for a step by step guide. Wasnt hard once you get the pieces in place. Also I had no Docker experience prior to today.

Thanks again.

All of the instructions are in the README on the GitHub repo.

Is anyone else having issues with channels getting stuck after Pluto commercials? I've tried twice now, once on Blaze, and once on WeatherNation, and after certain Pluto commercials, it freezes on the last frame. If I go back out to the guide and go back in, it plays fine. But I'm going back to the guide and back in every few minutes just to get the stream to continue.

EDIT: It's not even just Pluto ads apparently - it froze right in the middle of WeatherNation content. This is the current log:

2021/03/12 15:42:11.405695 [M3U] stream timestamps: weather-nation: start_at=2021-03-12T15:42:06-07:00 current_at=2021-03-12T15:42:16-07:00 end_at=2021-03-12T15:42:26-07:00
2021/03/12 15:42:11.405733 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-Pluto for ch9069 WeatherNation
2021/03/12 15:43:22.074928 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-Pluto for ch9069 WeatherNation
2021/03/12 15:43:24.000409 [M3U] stream timestamps: weather-nation: start_at=2021-03-12T15:43:23-07:00 current_at=2021-03-12T15:43:28-07:00 end_at=2021-03-12T15:43:38-07:00
2021/03/12 15:43:24.000450 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-Pluto for ch9069 WeatherNation
2021/03/12 15:51:43.922253 [TNR] Sharing existing connection to M3U-Pluto for ch9069 WeatherNation (clients=2, len=0)
2021/03/12 15:53:10.325970 [TNR] Sharing existing connection to M3U-Pluto for ch9069 WeatherNation (clients=2, len=0)

I'm the only one using it, so it's sharing with itself. Each of those is when I have to go back to the guide and click it again. Additionally, it says the whole "are you sure you wanna go back to the guide since you're not live" when this happens, so it acknowledges it is off on the timeline.


This is happening to me as well.

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Would you mind helping with the proper setup on my Synology?

I've got Docker running and I'm running the container, but I can't get Channels to pull any channels.

The Docker container log shows it finding all the channel info and then says
07:07:50 [SUCCESS] Wrote the EPG to epg.xml! stdout
07:07:50 [SUCCESS] Wrote the M3U8 tuner to playlist.m3u!

I assume I don't have the port settings correct in the container (I'm using local port 8080, container port 8080, and TCP), and/or I'm not pointing Channels to the right file location when I set up the M3U playlist (I'm using the URL option, and


Check out this thread and see if it helps.
Pluto TV Docker Help - Playground / Custom Channels - Channels Community (

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Thanks! That worked.

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Been happening a lot in the middle of Pluto shows past few weeks for me.

Channels from Pluto are shaky when viewing. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Anyone experiencing Pluto TV docker no longer updating the guide. I have two NAS running the docker container and both are not updating. The URL streams are working so the connection is up;

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Works fine for me. Running Docker on a 2012 Mac Mini.

I watched a couple shows live earlier today and they looked great...

Pluto is unusable to me because of this..

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OK, changing my answer slightly: yesterday, the Pi4 updated with a new OS image. Once is was up and running again, I noticed there were no channels for Pluto and reloading the M3U did not change anything, neither did re-downloading the XMLTV. So I ssh'd into the Pi and ran a "docker ps" command to see what was going on, and that caused the docker processes to start up. So...did I just not wait long enough for things to start?

The command I used to start the container originally is as listed in @Maddox 's Git repo:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name pluto-for-channels -p 8080:80 jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels

Thanks in advance for your replies.

I confirmed that docker is running "johnmaddox/pluto-for-channels" on port 8080 on my Windows 10 pc. I entered the links provided for Pluto as well as the guide. Nothing is happening--I am seeing zero channels in Pluto. I am running the raspberry pi solution. (I see that the raspberry pi dvr server is on 8089. So, I changed your command to port 8089--still nothing.) Any tips you can give me?

What links did you put in exactly?

I put this in the terminal and docker says it is running
Then, I used these links:

Also, when I use this link in Channels:
Pluto comes up--but I don't think this is running in the docker app--can't record and looks like it always did

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localhost urls only work on the local host, ie your PC. You need to use an IP if the dvr is on the Pi

ok so, if it is on port 8089, then with IP address should look like this?