Pluto TV Docker Help

That’s a different issue and has to be fixed in the client.

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Understood, thanks for the reply.

As I've been doing some storage maintenance, I've turned the DVR off and on a couple of times this afternoon. I noticed that every time I turned it back on, it shows in activity "Watching ch9189 Pluto TV Cars from x.x.x.x". This TV has been turned off and has a Tivo 4K Stream that was on that channel a couple days ago. So I turned the TV on and sure enough that was the channel that was active. So I switched it to an OTA channel and then turned the TV off. Its still showing the same in Activity. Is it normal that Pluto would be showing an active channel all the time, even if I'm not watching anything? I'm using Docker. While its not hurting anything for me because I have uncapped bandwidth, I would imagine its going to just run up data usage for anyone that is not.

Normally the TV notifies Android TV OS that it has shut off, and then we turn off the player. Sounds like that's not happening. Either something specific to your TV, or a bug in the TS4K. Can you submit diagnostics after turning the TV back on?

A couple of us are having a problem where channels recorded via Pluto will not persist changing the visibility to Kids. You set it to Kids. It appears to work. And then shortly after its back in Library and not in Kids. See other thread on this... Kids setting not sticking

I was able to get Docker to work and generated the M3U and EPG. However, some of the channels are play the UK version of the channel but the guide is showing the US data. I specifically noticed this on "Pluto TV Action". The guide data is showing what is playing on the Pluto App here in the US but, the m3u has the UK. Any suggestions? I would prefer the US feed if possible.

Is there someone willing to help me set this up on a Synology ds220+. I can’t seem to figure it out. I’m half way there. I have downloaded Docker from the package center and have the container up and running. Can’t figure out what to do from there. The instructions aren’t helping much as I am new to Docker and it is like a foreign language to me. Can someone help with the next steps??
Here is where I am so far.

The directions are on Maddox's docker site: GitHub - maddox/pluto-for-channels: M3U generator optimized for Channels' custom channels.

Add Source to Channels

Once you have your Pluto M3U and EPG XML available, you can use it to custom channels channels in the Channels app.

Add a new source in Channels DVR Server and choose M3U Playlist . Fill out the form using your new playlist URL.

Next, set the provider for your new source and choose custom URL.

Finally, enter your EPG xml url and set it to refresh every 6 hours.

Thank for attempting to help. I am not understanding the directions. How do I make the playlist available to me? All I have done so far is search for the Jonmaddox Pluto-for-channels in the registry and download. Now it appears as running in the container section and it also appears in the image section. What do I do next?
Don’t mean to be a burden just a step by step instruction.

Once the docker is up and running, which it is from your screenshot, you just need to add a new source in Channels DVR Settings. There is nothing else to do in Docker.


Then, using the IP address of the docker computer, follow those steps. (alternatively, if Docker and Channels DVR are on the same computer, you can use as the IP)

I’ve tried that. Using the IP address of the NAS itself port :8080 correct? As well as using the address as well. Both are returning 0 channels. I think I am missing a step.

If you used this command to start the docker:

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name pluto-for-channels -p 8080:80 jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels

then 8080 should work. What happens if you use IP of the NAS:8080 in a web browser. Should look like this:

Then you can click on the Playlist and EPG to see that they return data. If not, then I don't know. I'm running DVR and Docker on a Raspberry Pi4, so I don't know about Synology.

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How do I use the command to start the docker? I didn’t type any commands or anything. I just downloaded the container, that is all.

You most likely left the port to auto in the synology docker when you were installing it. Double click the container in your screenshot and look at the port that it shows. That’s what you use.

I'm not sure. I did it all via command line on RPi. I'm sure someone else has your answer, but I'm sure the issue is that the port isn't set correctly. Maybe look in the settings or details for that container?

Right click on container and select details.
Make sure that your ports are properly setup. Should be like this. Don't leave local port on auto.

Ok. We are getting somewhere. You are correct. It is not set to the correct port. How do I change this?

Open docker and click on button to turn off the container.

Then Right click on the container and select edit then click on Port Settings tab.

Change the Local Port to 8080 leaving the Container Port at 80 then click on the button to start the container again. Maker sure that enable restart is checked. This will auto start if NAS is rebooted or if the container fails for some reason.