BETA: Custom Channels via M3U Playlists

iphone and apple tv, all beta clients. if i add the m3u sources, the TVE sources dissapear from the client. if i remove the m3u sources from the server, the tve sources reappear in the client.
i submitted diagnostics on one clinet and here is the server: 8f7083e1-8412-4fd6-b6c2-4c57c63ff48e

i just removed the IPT source, and the tve client and pluto client just appeared!

just submitted diagnostics on client and server again


Seems like its not loading from the DVR anymore, and only sees the HDHRs locally. There may be too many channels, or perhaps some of them are using strange characters in their channel names which are causing the app to reject the list. Strangely I don't see any errors in your diagnostics.

2500 is a lot, do you know if there is a limit? I have to play around with that provider, I just signed up to test and get some sports channels. Thanks.

Mind sharing how you got Pluto TV
to work? I'm a bit of a noob.

How to add PlutoTV

Add Source: select M3U Playlist
Give it a nickname: e.g. PlutoTV
Leave HLS as default stream
Leave Source as URL
Enter this URL:

Once the source is added, click on trash icon.
You should see an option "Pick Guide Provider", click on this button.
Under the dropdown where it shows USA, select Custom URL. Enter this URL:
Click on save.

The PluoTV channels should now show up in the guide.



Im new to this software. I have just installed it to a Centos VM in Vmware. Its all working, but how do I update to this latest beta. It just says up to date when clicking check for updates.


Click and hold the button for one second.

Amazing ! Thanks

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there is no way to change the channel numbers in gui correct? thats through the xml guide data?

Perfect. Thanks! Would be nice to be able to record at some point but given its only a real time guide, I guess it would record forever.


I think I killed mine - tried loading a 10,000+ channel m3u. I it is still scanning after an hour. How do I stop it?

Yep. That's way too many channels.

You're going to need to filter your m3u before adding it.

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@tmm1 would you mind checking my diagnostics and looking at the m3u errors? they sometimes timeout awaiting response headers and sometimes they work when i try again.

they work pretty good in vlc, i want to know if this is a channels issue or the provider.



You should be able to pick shows from the same day for recording. I just picked a show in the future from the guide and it's queued to record.

Hmmm. I’m not seeing that with Pluto. There is no record option in iOS or FireTV or browser.

I'm able to get it to work through the browser. Just click on a show and select the drop down gear icon.

Added my security cameras with rtsp streams in the m3u and it worked great. Thanks so much for this addition.


I've set this up as you described and the channels play but stop after about 5 minutes. Are you experiencing the same?

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