Cannot authenticate Xfinity anymore

Did you ever get yours to work?

Hey, yes -- it started working right around the time yours did. Completely back to normal. Thanks for the insight!

Good to hear, just wanted to confirm since you're the OP on this topic thread.

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I’ve been getting this error for about a week now, but everyone has said it self resolved and is fine for them now.

“Auth failed for Comcast_SSO: authn: 401 : Data not found“

Any ideas what else this can be?

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@chDVRuser u may want to update that tve post u made the chrome versions u list are now old.

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Was that directed at me?

The link to the tve troubleshooting post yes. Try those and see if it resolves your issues

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Yes it did, thanks!!! I went through the entire list and did them all and then went to Chrome browser on my iPhone and did the scan and it finally worked! I’m not sure which one did it, maybe a combination of all of them, but something rectified the situation, so thanks again!

If you're talking about the "included" version, they haven't been updated.

Channels DVR v2023.08.09.2030
TVE in a Synology Package install is still running v97
[TVE] action=version product=Chrome/97.0.4692.56 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@04da6c66398ca50e603cc236a07dc7dfd3bbc750

Channels DVR v2023.08.09.2030
TVE Docker Container install is still running v109
[TVE] action=version product=Chrome/109.0.5414.74 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@e7c5703604daa9cc128ccf5a5d3e993513758913

That's why I migrated my TVE servers from Synology Package to Docker Container

Then maybe indicate those versions are old and need to be updated. It is confusing at first read...
I have only used the Pi image, and they have updated that a few times.

The only way to get it updated is to have the devs update it. It's included in the package/container and we can't update it ourselves. Not like Windows and some other installs that use your existing Chrome.

What is the current headless chrome version on the Pi image?

Don't know. I moved to a Windows machine few months ago.
But i could update it via holding down the button on add tve screen. something like that.
I guess that is not a thing on Syn or Docker?

Yes, that can be done on both the syno pkg and docker, but it doesn't update any further than v97 (syno) and v109 (docker).

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i'm getting this now for all channels too, multiple providers (dtvs, xfinity, and philo). nothing works, everything is 401.

is there a way to make this work? without TVE channels is useless to me and i have no reason to renew my subscription in september, so i'd like to figure this out one way or another before then.

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