• FIXED: Panic that could happen when DVR is disabled
• FIXED: Running resource intensive troubleshooting checks multiple times would cause incorrect speed test results
• IMPROVED: Better error message when trying to upgrade the DVR and the latest symlink cannot be removed
• IMPROVED: Accuracy of Disk IO read statistic by reducing repeated reads to try to limit the impact of OS caches
FIXED: EDL export option was causing commercials to be overwritten when refreshing metadata
• UPDATED: Troubleshooting now warns when a DNS ad blocker is being used that could impact TV Everywhere streaming
• IMPROVED: Error messages when TVE streams are blocked by DNS ad blockers
• IMPROVED: Troubleshooting will alert if the router external IP is in the CGNAT IP space that would prevent port forwarding
• IMPROVED: Diagnostic log message when a scheduled job is unscheduled due to it being removed from the guide data
• FIXED: Sometimes the Welcome screen would never go away without refreshing
• UPDATED: Internal TVE updates
• IMPROVED: Check if a file contains binary or not before important it as Local Content
• FIXED: Placeholder guide data could be added to the guide during network outages that displaced actual guide data. This will prevent future occurrences of the issue, but to resolve issues where it is currently being displayed, selecting Re-Download Entire Guide is required.