NFL Network Stream not found & unsupported encryption method

I don't believe the NFL Network is available on Channels DVR TVE any more, at least I haven't had it available for a while.

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Its available it just wont play. I rescan a few times add and took away the source and still no bueno.

It was working up until a couple of weeks ago.

  • to this. NFL Network and Redzone have not been working for the past several weeks. Can we get the guide to update/remove these channels if that is the case?

Logs have been submitted as c83acb6b-28f7-4e4e-941b-ed1a4708fbb3 .

Pretty sure the devs aren't being hasty this time.

If you look back in this thread it was removed and then re-added when it started working. If you don't want to see the channel, just disable/hide it. It could come back at any time, or not. Most users can't use Fox 6002, but it hasn't been disabled because a few users still have it working.

I would think it's safe to assume at this point that Channels DVR + NFL Network = no

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If they disable NFL Network, how will you know if it starts working again?
Or don't you care?

What's so hard about disabling the channel yourself if you don't want the DVR to try recording from it?

If it starts working, I'll know since I have a 5 second test recording scheduled every two hours for the next week.

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I appreciate what you're doing there, but NFL Network doesn't even exist in my Spectrum Lineup on the Channels DVR source, even though I subscribe.

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Getting the famous 'Connection Lost (-17)' error when I try watching the NFL Network or Red Zone. Submitted a diagnostic log from the player/client (Fire TV Cube), and from the Channels DVR server ( cbecfa06-9030-4a97-b08c-4362f9660ee9).

Running latest Channels DVR version (2023.10.21.0133), and already tried removing/readding my source (Vidgo) and still get the error. When I look at the source, both have a green checkmark.

Known issue. I moved your post to the current topic.

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Is support working on NFL Network and Red Zone problem, or is this going to be another TVE channel that will no longer work in Channels?

There is nothing they can do.
The streams are now incompatible with Channels DVR.
If you try to record, you can see it in the log
[DVR] Error running job 1698505260-ch6192 NFL Network 5 second recording: Stream unsupported due to encryption method: SAMPLE-AES

Final nail in the coffin

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Using my Vidgo credentials, I'm able to log into the NFL app (Fire TV) and watch the Channel, but if you're saying that the NFL is unviewable/recordable in Channels DVR because of encryption, how long will it take before other networks do the same thing? OTA channels around the country are adding encryption to their ATSC 3.0 signals so I'm sure streaming networks will be looking at doing the same thing to their TVE/Go sites so they only work with their own app.

My Channels DVR subscription just renewed so I have a year to find out how the Channels team is doing to deal with the problem. Personally I love how Channels can merge OTA and TVE sources into one guide and DVR, using one app, but if other networks do the same thing the NFL Network is doing and Channels can't handle the channels we watch, I may have to go back to the crummy guide and recording app for my streaming service.

Your concerns and observations have been discussed in abundance in these forums for years. And those points are very valid. This discussion happened when some cable providers started DRMing every channel except locals, and when PBS channels DRMed, and when the NBC family did, and when the ATSC 3.0 standard started embracing DRM right out of the gate. The truth is that the devs have somewhat addressed this issue with the core projects like Chrome Capture for Channels and HDMI for Channels which are now community developed and have lead to other projects like ADBTuner. So it may very well be that in the future we may need to rely on those projects paired with Custom Channels and similar to intergrade many channels in to ChannelsDVR.

I'm aware of what the Channels development team and members of the Channels community are doing to overcome these roadblocks source providers are placing on their content. I've read through a few of the treads relating to the topics you mentioned, but until a 'turn-key' solution is developed, you will start seeing the less technical Channels user drop Channels as more services move to encryption. Personally, I'm getting too old to start learning new technical coding skills, I'll leave that to the younger generation.

I have a year to see what happens to the industry and what the Channels team comes up with to overcome the changes.


Dang it NFL........

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