If you aren't already running the beta app, install the beta app, click help, install dvr server
Yes we tweaked the wording earlier
I'm having the same issue also (in regards to com detect not working)
Not sure who posted but was having issues with the DVR app and Server app being disabled overnight when Shield was idling - turning off energy saving optimization in app settings seems to have fixed issue.
has the Nvidia shield update issue been fixed? I read through as many postings as I could fine but I don’t know if it’s actually been fixed. I have not updated to the new 9.0 so I don’t have any issues. Just wondering if it’s safe to update my Nvidia shield at this point. Thanks
I finally decided to just side load the APK. Thought the Nvidia fix would come sooner. APK is working great. All I did was install the APK and reboot the shield and everything loaded just fine. Didn't have to install a backup. Asked for permissions that I granted with no problem.
Well, I gave up on the Shield for now. I couldn't keep the server running properly during recordings. The dvr server configuration web page would not respond and the Shield itself would lockup if I went to Storage settings. Anyway I moved the server to a windows computer and restored the database. I had to make a few other changes to the configuration and everything seems to be working. I can't hardly believe how easy it is to move the dvr server. I plan to move the server back to the Shield someday, or I may investigate using a Raspberry PI.
Been using Channels for nearly a year running on a Shield Pro. When the Shield v9 update first crashed the Channels DVR server I came to this forum and read the bad news. I immediately moved the DVR server to my Media-PC (kudos to the developers for making the migration process practically effortless) where it runs very reliably. I prefer to run Channels DVR server on the Shield because manual commercial skipping is so much more responsive when server and client are on the same Shield; it lags badly when the DVR server is running remotely and the Shield is a network client (wired Ethernet).
Anyway, I ran the DVR server on the PC while the developers thrashed out the side-loading process and made that effortless as well. Three days ago I side-loaded the DVR server back to the Shield and updated to the latest pre-release (I update it daily). I was up and running in 10 min and everything initially worked fine. Soon after the DVR server started crashing 3-4 times a day and requires a Shield reboot to set it right. The crash happens randomly. We use this particular unit a lot (it's in the kitchen) so we notice the crashes immediately because they happen while viewing live-TV or a recording. The picture will simply freeze and the Channels App then behaves as if it has lost server connection. When a crash occurs I try to connect to the server through the web interface -- it fails and so I verify it is a DVR server crash and reboot the Shield.
Aside from being annoying, this situation makes the DVR server totally useless for recording when running on the Shield -- it's completely undependable and I've lost several recordings because it crashed while recording them. It seems this is not ready for prime-time so I've migrated the Channels DVR server back to my Media-PC where it will stay until all this is cleared up. I have been very impressed with both the service the developers have provided and the quality of the product. I hope this can all be resolved in the coming weeks and I can once again migrate Channels DVR server back to the Shield.
Running into the same problem. Server crashes either after a while or during a recording. Only a reboot fixes it for a while. I don't have a PC I can use as a server in the meantime so I am just hoping for a fix soon.
When things hang up, can you access http://x.x.x.x:8089/debug/stack do a file>save and then email to support@getchannels.com
Is anyone running the hotfix and still having these issues?
When it hangs I can't access the server. I have to restart the shield and then start the server (I am not on hot fix). Looks like it happened again during the night as I just restarted it in order to access the link you gave me. I just sent it with subject line "Channels DVR server hangs after a while and is not accessible... debug attached."
If these are the only issues with the hot fix, I'll give it a shot, having the same issue.
Does that mean TVE will break though?
No effect on TVE
So I understand correctly: the hot fix should prevent the pre-release dvr server to time out after a while or during recording?
Strange. I have had my servers running on a powerful Intel NUC, now 2 RPi4's, never had any lag or slowness with manual commercial skipping, even when client is behind multiple switches and long cable runs from the server. Sounds more like an issue with your network.
One glitch I forgot to mention: when playing a recording, playback starts with sound and a blank screen -- no picture. I had to back out of playback and restart from the beginning to get the picture. Have you noticed this?
I would hope it is not a network problem. My Media-PC is i3 based and I have no problems steaming full bitrate BD rips to my shields. The Shields are connected to the Media-PC using Powerline adapters. The Channels speed test to the DVR server shows 140Mbps download speed. That should be quite sufficient.
It happened to me once.