Thanks for looking into adding Bally Sports! Appreciate all you are doing for this docker. The latest updates are awesome.
Hi there,
I was watching EsPN plus and was noticing that i get dumped about 3very 45 minutes
The ads are running much better. I'm looking forward to seeing the addition of Bally sports. They bring in the Podre games during baseball. Love all the work being done.
@m0ngr31 2.0.2 just upgraded it, now nothing is playing at all. just gets disconnected notice
It doesnt surprise me. Docker for Windows just plain sucks... It uses nested virtualization with Hyper-V as the backend. If you have another machine laying around and can load it up with Linux, it will preform MUCH better. My docker server is running on an 8 year old mediocre machine and it runs great with zero issues.
Hi there,
I'm running docker on my Synology system.
Works great.
Channels and docker just sit there and do what is needed.
It is if you do not limit how many resources Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) can take over, which it will use just about everything if you don't! Follow Microsoft's directions here:
Here is my .wslconfig that works perfectly:
# Settings apply across all Linux distros running on WSL 2
# Limits VM memory to use no more than 4 GB, this can be set as whole numbers using GB or MB
# Sets the VM to use two virtual processors
# Specify a custom Linux kernel to use with your installed distros. The default kernel used can be found at
# Sets additional kernel parameters, in this case enabling older Linux base images such as Centos 6
#kernelCommandLine = vsyscall=emulate
# Sets amount of swap storage space to 8GB, default is 25% of available RAM
# Sets swapfile path location, default is %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\swap.vhdx
# Disable page reporting so WSL retains all allocated memory claimed from Windows and releases none back when free
# Turn off default connection to bind WSL 2 localhost to Windows localhost
# Disables nested virtualization
# Turns on output console showing contents of dmesg when opening a WSL 2 distro for debugging
Here's what it now looks like for me:
The guy to really watch is this:
That is the entire WSL. Before I put these bumpers in place, it was 5x as large.
And feel free to ignore the Windows haters and how it deals with Linux. It certainly is a bit of pain to get right the first time, but once you do almost everything works fine (and hangups are usually because of poor programming or really old things that are no longer supported). I shut down my stand-alone other systems to deal with Docker and other Linux-only things and am now much happier with only one always-on machine.
Per the link above, the file does not exist by default; you have to create it yourself and place it in the C:\Users\<YOUR_USER_NAME_HERE>\
Don't touch that file you found, but you could just c&p my file into your new one, place it in the required directory, and reboot. Please follow along closely with the directions in the link above and some of the links within that article, specifically to confirm you are on WSL2. I think I assumed you were because you got Docker Desktop up and running, but it is worth a check to make sure.
(1) Please show us the command line you used to set up the Docker.
(2) After you ran the command, did you go into the logs and do all the Activation activities that you are required to do?
(3) Do the logs say at the end:
=== Starting Server ===
Server started on port 8000
(4) Is your Docker Desktop server the same as your Channels Server? Because you should be using the IP Address of the Docker Desktop either way.
Please don't flood the forum with useless logs.
I could be wrong but I don’t believe the server started. Usually there will be logs showing all of those events being scheduled to channels.
How do login in with Fox Sports and NBC Sports? I got the link to login in with ESPN but didn't for the other two?
Redeploy the container and check the logs for code to verify just like espn
Like remove and reinstall? I have already done that but I can retry again.
When you install, make sure you set the parameters for the stations you have. Something like below:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name espnplus-for-channels -p 8383:8000 -v /Users/xx/Docker:/app/config -e START_CHANNEL=8000 -e MAX_RESOLUTION=UHD/HDR -e ESPN=true -e ESPN2=true -e ESPN3=true -e ESPNU=true -e SEC=true -e SECPLUS=true -e ACCN=true -e ACCNX=true -e LONGHORN=true -e FOXSPORTS=true -e NBCSPORTS=true m0ngr31/eplustv
Gothca, I was just running the main command like I have done in the past for instance PlutoTV but I will use the one that you have above.
That ended up working, thank you!
Big shout out to babsonnexus!
I'm fairly new to Docker for Windows and was wondering why vmmem usage was consistently high (around 2.5 Gb), but I thought that must be normal. After seeing your reply and config, I created a wslconfig file and the usage dropped dramatically. Now it never gets above 680 Mb and sometimes down to 400 Mb. Thanks for your instructions!
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 8005:8000 -v config_dir:/app/config -e ESPN_USER='myusername' -e ESPN_PASS='mypassword' -e ESPN3=true m0ngr31/eplustv:latest
Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::8000
How do I get rid of this error.
This was working great, but now it quits with this error.
I have deleted the container and image and volume , pulled the latest and this error keeps popping up.
Docker Desktop for Windows wsl2 if that helps.
Have frndlyTV and Pluto containers running without incident.
Note: Port 8000 is in use in Windows, which is why I have the external port set to 8005
FIXED! this by removing the Windows app that was using port 8000.
Seems weird, but that did the trick.
Is there a simple to use guide for getting both to work for somebody using Docker on a Windows machine who isn't a coder? I ran this command: docker run -p 8000:8000 -v config_dir:/app/config m0ngr31/eplustv
I and others have made several posts above about how to do this in Windows. Just search for "Windows" in the thread. I can see right away that you are not following the directions for the config directory.