Frndly TV for Channels

Also make sure you supplied the container with your FrndlyTV USERNAME and PASSWORD per the setup instructions here Frndly TV for Channels

Results are:

Error: Failed to get response from url:

From the Channel Source 2 information shown in prior message, I added the Source witht eh following information, since I found no description regarding which data and 'Channel' information to use:
Custom Channels
Add streams from your IP Camera, SAT>IP, Tvheadend, or other software using M3U playlists.
Stream Format
Refresh URL daily

Ignore channel-number from M3U
Starting channel number (default: 9000)

Prefer channel logos from M3U

No stream limit
XMLTV Guide Data

Thank you, yes I've added the credentials with the double quotes, as described in the Docker command instructions.

Here are my two sources

If you look at the docker container log, it might give you a clue why it's not working for you.

I still get a failure at my first login .. then it reconnects ... OLIVETIN alert below.

2024/05/13 09:00:03.214826 [ERR] Could not start stream for ANY ch2031 Great American Faith & Living: M3U: Could not fetch playlist from GET: 504 Gateway Time-out
2024/05/13 09:00:03.214826 [ERR] Could not start stream for ANY ch2031 Great American Faith & Living: M3U: Could not fetch playlist from GET: 504 Gateway Time-out

6 posts were split to a new topic: Moving on

just wanted to say: Im sorry no-one cares your moving on (myself included).


About a week ago my frndlytv-for-channels docker install failed. I'm getting zero channels on the status page for this tuner. I ran the update steps and had the same result. Checking the logs gives me this:

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /service/api/v1/tvguide/channels?skip_tabs=0 (Caused by NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fa3ebcb5070>: Failed to resolve '' ([Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution)"))

I'm sure my DNS is working and I have tried it on different sites. Is there a workaround for this?


There are situations where DNS resolution from inside a container may not be working, when it seems fine elsewhere on your network.

To do a quick test, from a command prompt on your docker host:

docker exec -it frndlytv-for-channels apt -qq update && apt -qq install -y bind9-host && host

And you should see output something like this if DNS resolution is working properly from inside your container:

root@channels:~# docker exec -it frndlytv-for-channels apt -qq update && apt -qq install -y bind9-host && host
2 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
bind9-host is already the newest version (1:9.18.24-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. is an alias for has address has address has IPv6 address 2600:1f18:6257:3201:b2a3:d151:c455:8df5 has IPv6 address 2600:1f18:6257:3202:9dc3:5e7d:8574:1723
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Thanks for that. I reran the container with the --dns option and it has been resolved.

1 Like

Anyone else having issues with Hallmark Drama and Hallmark Mystery? All other channels seem to be working but these two fail every time.

2024/05/30 12:09:22.421416 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9005: M3U: Could not fetch playlist from GET: 500 Internal Server Error
2024/05/30 12:09:22.421502 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch9005-dANY-ip10.10.10.206: M3U: Could not fetch playlist from GET: 500 Internal Server Error
2024/05/30 12:09:22.421558 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch9005-dANY-ip10.10.10.206 (out=0s finished=false first_seq=0 last_seq=-1)
2024/05/30 12:09:28.353463 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9017: M3U: Could not fetch playlist from GET: 500 Internal Server Error
2024/05/30 12:09:28.464769 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch9017-dANY-ip10.10.10.206: M3U: Could not fetch playlist from GET: 500 Internal Server Error
2024/05/30 12:09:28.464966 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch9017-dANY-ip10.10.10.206 (out=0s finished=false first_seq=0 last_seq=-1)

Yep Friendly is down XFINITY TVE is working

Is the dual source method required for FriendlyTV for Channels? I have been using it for a while now with one source and it works as expected. I hadn't visited the forum in a while and saw a few posts about the dual source setup so not sure if is required or since my current setup is working, just to leave it as-is. Just curious.

If you want to get all the available Frndly channels and their guide data then yes you need dual source method. One source (Channels Source 1) only loads channels with Gracenote IDs. The other source (Channels Source 2) only loads channels without Gracenote IDs (and some limited EPG data for those channels). Neither source loads all the channels. You could in theory create a source link without the gracenote include/exclude and you would get all the channels available but the channels without Gracenote IDs would have no guide data.

For anybody looking at these last couple of posts, Project One-Click which is part of OliveTin-for-Channels will automagically install the FrndlyTV-for-Channels docker container for you -- along with setting-up the dual source CDVR Custom Channels.

Fill-in a few fields, wait a few moments, and you'll see the guide data start to download in the CDVR WebUI. And, not only does it work for FrndlyTV, it has Action buttons for every other known Docker-based Channels-related extension:


I have been having Hallmark problems using Matt's Docker script for the last 3 days. All other channels are working perfectly. Updated Docker.

Text from a screen shot I took on FireStick if it helps any.

Connection Lost

Streaming to the tuner failed. Press play to try again.

M3U: Could not fetch playlist from GET:

/hallmark_movies_mysteries.m3u8: 500 Internal Server Error


Connection Lost

Streaming to the tuner failed. Press play to try again.

M3U: Could not fetch playlist from GET:

/hallmark_drama.m3u8: 500 Internal Server Error

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I only use a subset of the Frndly channels and all must use Gracenote IDs as all populate the guide data as expected.

Looks like there is a problem.. I can tune regular Hallmark channel but the other Hallmark doesn't work for me. It failed over to my LinkPi YTTV source

2024/05/30 20:50:07.491969 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-FrndlyTV for ch5504 Hallmark Channel
2024/05/30 20:50:28.023111 [SNR] Rewriter statistics for (iPad) for ch5504 Hallmark Channel: discontinuity_detected=0 transport_errors=0 saw_pcr=true saw_pmt=true highest_pts=29.100000
2024/05/30 20:50:28.023152 [SNR] Buffer statistics for (iPad) for ch5504 Hallmark Channel: buf=0% drop=0%
2024/05/30 20:50:28.023180 [SNR] Streaming statistics for (iPad) for ch5504 Hallmark Channel: timeouts=0 segment_timeouts=0 playlist_timeouts=0
2024/05/30 20:50:28.025600 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-FrndlyTV for ch5504 Hallmark Channel
2024/05/30 20:52:30.976680 [ERR] Could not start stream for M3U-FrndlyTV ch5517 Hallmark Family: M3U: Could not fetch playlist from GET: 500 Internal Server Error
2024/05/30 20:52:34.416077 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-LinkPi for ch5817 Hallmark Family

Same here. Hallmark Mystery Channel is a no-go on FRNDLY, plays fine on YTTV.

I'm using the FRNDLY project and it seems to be working here.
Hopefully the problem will be found and fixed.